The level of composite vidoe signal that seperates the spectra containing video information from the spectra containing synchronizing information.
The level of a video signal that separates the picture information from the sync information. The level of the front and back porches is Zero IEEE units. To blank the video signal, the video level is brought down to the blanking level such that nothing is visibly displayed, while the electron beam returns (retraces) to the start of the next line.
It is the level of a video signal which separates the range that contains the picture information from the range that contains the sync information. The level of the front and back porches or zero IEEE units.
The beginning of the video signal information in the signals waveform. It resides at a reference point taken as 0 V, which is 300 mV above the lowest part of the sync pulses. Also known as pedestal, the level of a video signal that separates the range that contains the picture information from the range that contains the synchronizing information.
The signal level at the beginning and end of the horizontal and vertical blanking intervals, typically representing zero output (0 IRE). See also video waveform and IRE units.
That level of a composite video signal that separates the range containing picture information from the range containing synchronizing information
The level of the front and back porches of the composite video signal.
Also known as the pedestal, it is the voltage level produced at the end of each horizontal picture line which separates the portion of the video signal containing the picture information from the portion containing the synchronizing information. This voltage makes the electron beam "invisible" as it moves to draw the next visible line.
Used to describe a voltage level (blanking level). The blanking level is the nominal voltage of a video waveform during the horizontal and vertical periods, excluding the more negative voltage sync tips.