An electronic device with memory and clocking circuits to correct video signal timing errors which affect image stability and color when editing from multiple video tape sources.
Time Base Corrector. Electronic device that corrects timing inconsistencies in a videotape recorder's playback, stabilizing the image for optimum quality. Also synchronizes video sources, allowing image mixing. (See Sync).
Time-base corrector. An electronic device that improves video signal stability by correcting time-base errors inherent in mechanical videotape recorders.
Device performing a Time Base Correction function often with many other features, e. g. Transcoding function as well as noise reduction.
Multiplexers and quad splitters rely on a TBC circuit to align unsynchronized video signal before the signal processing begins.
System that generates new sync pulses to replace weak ones. Typically it straightens out the wobbly vertical lines that can appear on old recordings. TBCs are built into a select few camcorders and VCRs, but are also available as stand-alone units for professional use. Time base skewing is used to "copy protect" commercial video and a TBC unit can correct for this. So although TBC units are legally sold in the UK and elsewhere they are viewed with suspicion by commercial organisations
A device used to rectify any problems with a video signal’s sync pulses by generating a new clean time base, then synchronizing any other incoming video to this reference.
A device used to rectify any problems a with video signal's synch pulses by generating a new time base and synchronizing any other incoming video to this reference.
Time Base Correcto - A device used to stabilize a VTR's unstable image. Includes controls for adjusting the brightness, black level, color hue, and color saturation of the video playback.
Time base correction. Synchronization of various signals inside a device such as a multiplexer or a time base corrector.
Device to correct timing errors which can cause unstable edits. These errors are caused by the slight mechanical defects inherent in the playback of video tape machines.
Abbreviation of Time Base Corrector. Electronic circuits to electrically stabilise the playback signals by removing colour variation and roll in the playback picture caused by irregularity in drum rotation and tape movement. Time base correction reduces deterioration of picture quality when transmitting or copying playback signals.
(pronounced "T-B-C") Acronym for Time Base Corrector.
TIME BASE CORRECTOR. An electronic device with memory and clocking circuits used to correct video signal instability during the playback of video tape material.
Time Base Corrector; a synchronizer used to remove time base. Errors that result from the mechanical process of recording and playing back on tape.
Time Base Corrector - An image processor that stabilises synchronous timing errors and enhances multiple generation videotape or videodisc dubs.
(Time Base Corrector) An electronic device that corrects timing inconsistencies allowing un-syncable video sources such as (non-gen lockable or wild) cameras, and VTRs to synch up with other video equipment typically used in a TV studio.
(Time Base Corrector) Digitally removes jitter from fluctuating video signals and eliminates color distortion. Delivers a stable picture even with old tapes.
Time Base Corrector. A device that removes or masks variations in video synchronizing signals by automatically delaying the video signals, ensuring that each line starts at the correct time.
Abbreviation for time-based competition.
Stands for Time Base Correction. TBC is the synchronisation of different signals inside a device such as a multiplexer or TBC Corrector.