The time in a composite video signal that is between the trailing edge of the sync pulse and the trailing edge of the blanking pulse (before the video information). Also see blanking
The time in a composite video signal that lies between the trailing edge of the horizontal-sync pulse and the trailing edge of the corresponding blanking pulse. The back porch precedes video information.
1. The portion of a video signal that occurs during blanking from the end of horizontal sync to the beginning of active video. 2. The blanking signal portion that lies between the trailing edge of a horizontal sync pulse and the trailing edge of the corresponding blanking pulse. Color burst is located on the back porch.
The area of the video waveform between the rising edge of the horizontal sync and right before the active video.
The portion of the horizontal pedestal that follows the horizontal synchronizing pulse. In a composite signal, the color burst is located on the back porch, but is absent on a YUV or GBR signal. See also blanking level, video waveform.
That portion of the composite picture signal which lies between the trailing edge of the horizontal sync pulse and the trailing edge of the corresponding blanking pulse.
The area of a composite video signal defined as the time between the end of the color burst and the start of active video. Also loosely used to mean the total time from the rising edge of sync to the start of active video.
Back porch refers to the portion in each scan line of a video signal between the end (rising edge) of the horizontal sync pulse and the start of active video. It was originally allocated to allow the slow electronics in early televisions time to respond to the sync pulse and prepare for the active line period.