The portion of the video signal when brightness is suppressed at the end of a field, during which the electron beam retraces from the bottom to the top of the screen.
Turning off the electron beam in a CRT during the time the beam returns from the bottom of the screen to the top after scanning each field of a picture. If vertical blanking does not occur, a diagonal retrace line will display from the lower right to the upper left of the screen. Also see " Retrace."
Also called retrace, this is the process of bringing the scanning electron beam in a CRT from the bottom of the picture back up to the top of the picture. During this time the electron beam is shut off (blanked). Approximately 92% of the frame period is spent writing active horizontal lines, while the remaining 8% is spent on vertical retrace.
Field rate Blanking. Note that the term "Frame blanking" is only applicable to progressive scan systems. Synonyms: Field Blanking; Frame Blanking
The portion of the video signal that is blanked so that the vertical retrace of the beam is not visible.
The time interval during a video signal allowed for the vertical raster to retrace from the bottom of the CRT to the top. During this interval the CRT is blanked from writing on the phosphor.
(n.) The number of scan lines in a field that are mandated to contain nothing except field sync and blanking. Only a small number of vertical interval lines are blanked.