The flow of information into the computer through the keyboard, mouse, digitizer, scanner, microphone, and other input equipment.
1. The process of entering information into a computer. 2. The information entered or put into a computer for processing. (Terms, Gr. 3)
process of collecting data and entering it into the information system; data and programs entered into a computer system for manipulation or processing.
(Noun) the data entered into a computer system. (Verb) the process of entering data.
Data entered into the computer via some sort of input device such as the drive, lightpen, keyboard, microphone, mouse, modem, or scanner.
what goes into a computer; also used as a verb meaning to enter input. See GIGO.
(1) Data that have been entered into a computer system. (2) To enter data into a computer.
A method of providing information to a process running on a computer, either from keyboard, disk, modem, or other devices. It is also an HTML form tag allowing the user to enter data
The data put into a computer.
The point where a signal is put into a given component or circuit. A microphone is connected to the input of a mixer. Outputs always go to inputs. One must be careful to make sure the output of one device can be handled by the input of another. There are different signal levels available, and even if the connector is the same, the signal level may not be. Proper adapters that change the physical connector and the electrical signal characteristics must be used.
Information traveling into the computer, like keypresses and mouse moves.
The information entered into a computer for processing purposes.
Information entered into a computer for processing, as from a keyboard or from a file stored on a disk drive. Normally sued as a noun or an adjective, the word is often also used as a verb meaning to enter information.
human-intelligible medium that is used to collect data to store in a data base.
Any type of information that is fed into a computer. Input can come from digital cameras, scanners, keyboards or a number of other devices.
Matter, energy, or information entering a system. Compare output, throughput.
(n) Information or data that goes into the computer. This includes information that is typed on the keyboard, as well as information that is gathered from other devices, such as mice or scanners. (v) The act of entering data into a computer.
The high level (speaker) or line level (RCA) signal connections that run into one component from another system component.
The process of entering programs, commands, data, and user responses.
(1) Data presented to the Data Processing Unit for processing. Inputs can be magnetic tape, punched paper tape, punched cards, electronic impulses from telephone equipment, or computer satellite equipment. (2) The act of entering data into the system.
Data entered to a computer system for processing.
The information that a computer or a particular computer program takes in.
data, information, or code that is needed by a module to function.
Literally something that is put in to something else or the cause of some effect which you could call the output. For example, the changing potential difference (cause) at the terminals of an oscilloscope is the input which produces the output (effect) on the screen. The input to an amplifier may be the small potential difference generated by a microphone while the output is the current which goes through the loudspeaker. The terminals of a device may be designated as input terminals or output terminals. In the last example, the output wires from the microphone would be connected to the input terminals of the amplifier and the output terminals of the amplifier would be connected to the (input) terminals of the speaker. (A speaker has no output terminals because its output is sound.)
1) The physical connection, such as a jack or terminal, where a device receives a signal. 2) The incoming signal data received by a device. Input Impedance - The opposition to the flow of electrical current by the initial circuits of the receiving device.
Connection on a component that receives signals from an outside source. For example, cable TV is attached to a TV input to transmit the cable signal.
The process or device concerning the entry of data into a computer. Actual data being entered into a computer.
A source for data or a signal to be used by another device. The physical connector or port for entering such a signal or data is called the "input".
Information fed into the computer for processing. Computers can receive input from a variety of sources, including the keyboard, mouse, modem, and touch screen.
signal going into an electronic system
enter (data or a program) into a computer
a connection from the computer to an external switch
a data point produced by an I/O device and transferred to a scanner over the network
a nice extra, but the limited resolution means that it's only really usable for watching videos streamed from a computer
a pair of terminals on a Station Decoder that is able to read information from an attached device
a pin, connection, or electrical signal that goes INTO a device that affects its current state in some way
Data that goes into a computer device.
Data going into the computer, usually from an operator typing at the terminal or by a program reading from the disk.
The set of one or more PCRaster maps, tables, time series or point data column files which are used in an operation to generate the result of the operation.
The incoming data that the computer processes, such as commands issued by the user.
the information or instructions entered into a computer.
Data, materials, resources, or instructions entered into (most often) a computer system.
a connection that receives an incoming signal.
An HTML form tag allowing the user to enter data. ยป Back to top of screen
A signal or data that is fed to a computer or peripheral device or component for processing.
Information going into the computer, usually from typing at the keyboard or from a program reading from disk.
placing information into your computer usually by using the keyboard.
To transfer information into a computer. If you type text on your keyboard you are inputting data into the computer. Other examples are using a scanner or using a mouse to draw on screen
The connection going into an audio device or computer. In a mixing board, a connector for a microphone or other signal source.
noun data entered into a computer (by keyboard, floppy disk etc) - also verb
The information provided to a computer system for processing. When you enter information into a Web form, you are providing input. Gateway products require input to process a transaction.
Noun: the data that is to be processed. Verb: to enter data into a computer either manually; for example, by keyboard, microphone or automatically; for example, by heat sensor, bar code reader.
Data, requests, choices or responses provided to a system by its users, typically from an input device such as a keyboard, mouse, touch screen or remote control unit.
Refers to data in a file that is read by CRiSP.1 to set certain values when the model is run. It also refers to any addition or change in the number or value of something, such as "input of fish to a reservoir."
To enter information of any kind into a computer; for example, keyboarding the manuscript, the first stage in the composition process.
The point a signal enters i.e.: microphone input, audio input, video-input etc.
The data to be processed in computer composition.
1) The jack or physical location of where a device receives a signal. 2) The signal being received by a device. 3) The action of receiving a signal by a device.
A signal fed into a circuit or channel.
Data entering a device from the environment. A signal being monitored by a data acquisition system.
Data provided by the User for a task to execute.
GRAFFITI Replace Graffiti 2 with the original Graffiti instructions are in this PalmInfoCenter article: How to: Replace Graffiti2 with Original Graffiti GRAFFITI ALTERNATIVES KEYBOARDS
information that is entered into a computer system
(1.) Data to be processed. (2.) In Pascal, a predefined standard file definition.
A signal(or power) which is applied to a piece of electric apparatus or the terminals on the apparatus to which a signal or power is applied.
Anything entered into a computer or system. This includes keystrokes, mouse movement, and talking into a microphone.
A point where a device is connected to an RTU to provide data. Common devices connected to inputs are pressure switches, temperature switches, transducers, flow meters, etc. For devices that provide an off or on type input only, this is sometimes called a discreet input .
is the process of reading data into the computer from the outside world. A very commonly used source of input for simple programs is the keyboard.
The part of a circuit or device into which a signal is directed or applied. The signal that is applied to a circuit or device.
anything you put into a computer, either by typing on a keyboard, using a mouse, scanning in documents, or inserting a diskette.
That part of a circuit that accepts a signal for processing.
Information given to a computer or computer program.
the information that is transmitted to a computer from a keyboard, mouse or other input device.
The signal fed into an electronic device. Also the port or receptacle through which that signal is fed into the device.
The hardware used to put information into a computer.
Any data sent into the computer from devices or components such as: Keyboard, mouse, modem, video card, scanner, joystick, etc.
Data supplied to a computer program.
Either: The process of putting data into a computer
Any information given to the computer is called input. It is fed into the computer through some kind of input device such as the keyboard, a disk drive, a mouse, a scanner, or some other device.
Any method by which information is entered into a computer.
The process of transferring data into a computer system for storage and processing.
The point at which an audio signal enters a recorder, mixer or signal processor; the opposite of output A signal received by a recorder, mixer or signal processor.
1) The device or collective set of devices used for bringing data into another device; 2) The signal or stimulus put into a circuit to make the output do something.
Data fed into the computer to be processed. Input sources include the keyboard, disk drive, Datassette or modem.
A term used in electronic data processing to describe the translation of information into the language of the computer usually by means of a computer terminal, punched cards or tapes
Information transferred into a computer from some external source, such as the keyboard, the mouse, a disk drive, or a modem.
Any data or instructions entered into a computer with any of a variety of devices including keyboard, light pen, graphics tablet, or mouse. WWWebfx Home Page
The data or information entered into a computer; or the act of entering that data into the computer.
The process of entering information into the computer. Also, the information that is entered.
The number or value that is entered, for example, into a function machine. The number that goes into the machine is the input.
Whatever goes into the computer. Input can take a variety of forms, from commands you enter from the keyboard to data from another computer or device. A device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse, is called an input device.
A device that brings data into the computer. For example: keyboard, mouse, network, and modem.
Data prepared and transmitted to the computer.
Data that flows into a connection. Typically this represents the data going into the internet.
Any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer; once in memory, input can be accessed by the processor and processed into output. 1.5, 5.2- 33 design, 14.27 digital cameras, 5.18-20 handheld computers, 1.23, 5.16-17 keyboard, 5.4-6 mouse, 5.7-9 physically challenged users, 5.31-32 pointing devices, 5.7-14 purchasing computer and, 8.49 storage devices as, 7.4 video, 5.21-24 voice, 5.14-16, 6.24
Anything that goes into a computer from an input device.
1. The signal (voltage or current) applied to a circuit to cause the output of that circuit to change state. 2. The terminals, jacks, or receptacle provided for reception of the input signal.
T transfer data from outside of the computer environment into it.
Input is the term denoting either an entrance or changes which are inserted into a system and which activate/modify a process. It is an abstract concept, used in the modeling, system(s) design and system(s) exploitation. It is usually connected with other terms, e.g., input variable, input parameter, input value, input signal, input device and input file.