Twice; -- a word showing that something is, or is to be, repeated; as a passage of music, or an item in accounts.
he postscript "bis is used to note the second version of an ITU standard (bis is French for two). For example, V.32bis is the second version of the V.32 standard.
Latin for twice, audiences in European opera houses shout bis when they want an encore.
Bank of International Settlement.
ITU terminology indicating a second formal release of an existing communications recommendation. Derived from the French and Latin word for “second” (or for the second time). For example, V.32 bis is the first enhancement (second version) of the V.32 recommendation.
and ter Two French words meaning second and third, respectively. These are usually found with various protocols, representing a modification to the protocol in which its attached to. Example: V.42 bis is a protocol based on V.42. See for other examples.
Bank for International Settlements established in 1930 as the Central Banker to the Official Sector. Based in Basle, Switzerland and holds 200 tonnes of gold for its own account.
Is the Bank for International Settlements.
Bank for International Settlements. A club for central bankers where they can meet and tut-tut about any impending crisis and reminisce over how they made the last one worse.
number (when a convict in the Andamans of the late 19th and early 20th century was called up he answered "bis 172", meaning "no. 172-B," the "B" being a second series of numbering introduced in the late 19th century. "Bis" itself is also the Hindi word for "twenty."
The Bank for International Settlements serves as banker to the central banks.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial co-operation and serves as a bank for central banks. BIS has set a minimum for the solvency ratio reflecting the relationship between capital and risk weighted assets. The ratio should at least be 8%.
Bank for International Settlements BPM5 Balance of Payments Manual (Fifth edition)
Bank for International Settlements. An international organisation, based in Switzerland, which encourages co-operation among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability and provides banking facilities for central banks.
Bank for International Settlements. An international organization which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central bank.
Border Information Service. BIS (1-800-461-9999) is an information service available 24 hours a day that allows callers in Canada to choose from a menu of pre-recorded information on the commercial import and export process. You can now see a text version of this recorded information by visiting our BIS Online page.
Bank for International Settlements, Basle, Switzerland. The bank's bank.
Acronym for the Bank for International Settlements
Bank of International Settlements
Bank for International Settlements, the BIS is an international organisation which fosters cooperation among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability. Its banking services are provided exclusively to central banks and international organisations, see
Bis was a Scottish rock band composed of Steven Clark (Sci-fi Steven), John Clark (John Disco), and Amanda MacKinnon (Manda Rin). They were together for nine years, forming in 1994 and breaking up in 2003.
Bis is a magazine directed at teenaged schoolgirls, published in Japan by Kobunsha.
BIS (Believe in Style) is a Japanese Visual Kei band that has recently moved into Oshare Kei. They are not to be confused with the now broken up Scottish band Bis (band).