The central bank is the banker for commercial banks and lender to the banking community. In times of crisis, the central bank will assist commercial banks in trouble.
A description of the Bank of England, indicating that the Bank is prepared in the money markets to provide cash and liquidity to the market by means of repurchasing bills.
The lender of last resort in a country is the central bank.
the central bank, that lends to commercial banks if they have no other means of borrowing.
Traditionally the Federal Reserve Bank in the US, which assists banks that face large withdrawals of funds and in so doing stabilizes the banking system.
A function of a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, in which it lends money to a bank which is facing unusually heavy withdrawals.
a special type of lender which focuses on protecting a country's national economy from collapse
Traditionally, an entity, government or national central bank, that extends credit to an illiquid financial institution to prevent its failure. There have been proposals for governments or multilateral institutions to play a similar role for sovereign borrowers.
A facility provided by the Reserve Bank of Australia to authorized dealers in the short-term money market. If necessary the authorized dealers can borrow from the Reserve Bank in order to balance out their cash books at the end of the day although this involves an interest penalty. The RBA no longer provides this facility to the trading banks.
an institution, usually a central bank, that can step in and lend funds to a bank facing a panic (sudden withdrawal of funds by depositors) or when no other institutions will lend to an institution considered high-risk or near collapse.
An institution, usually a country's central bank, that offers loans to banks or other eligible institutions that are experiencing financial difficulty.
As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve has the authority and financial resources to act as “lender of last resort” by extending credit to depository institutions or to other entities in unusual circumstances involving a national or regional emergency, where failure to obtain credit would have a severe adverse impact on the economy.
A lender of last resort is an institution willing to extend credit when no one else will.