U.S. dollars deposited in foreign banks outside the United States (or foreign branches of U.S. banks)(Eurodollars today include bank deposits held in Europe denominated in a variety of currencies, including Canadian dollars).
U.S. dollars held in European bank accounts and used for settling international business transactions.
Dollar-denominated deposits held in a country other than the United States.
U.S. dollars placed on deposit in banks outside the United States; usually refers to deposits in Europe.
US dollars deposited in a bank (US or non US) located outside the USA.
Time deposits denominated in U.S. dollars that are deposited in commercial banks outside the U.S., and they have long served as a benchmark interest rate for corporate funding.
The term of U.S. dollars held on deposit or traded anywhere else in the world.
US dollar deposits placed with banks outside the United States. Holders may include individuals, companies, banks and central banks.
Dollars held in bank accounts outside the US owned by nonresidents of the US
U.S. currency held in banks outside the United States, mainly in Europe, and commonly used for settling international transactions. Some securities are issued in Eurodollars — that is, with a promise to pay interest in dollars deposited in foreign bank accounts.
Deposits denominated in U.S. dollars at banks and other financial institutions outside the United States . Although this name originated because of the large amounts of such deposits held at banks in Western Europe , similar deposits in other parts of the world are also called Eurodollars.
U.S. dollars on deposit with a bank outside of the United States.