Sum of the currency in the hands of the public and the currency commercial banks keep as reserves
Usually, the currency and central bank deposits that together provide the base for the money supply under fractional reserve banking. Also defined as the central bank assets the acquisition of which creates this monetary base by injecting domestic money into the economy. The latter definition usually includes international reserves and domestic credit. By either definition, the monetary base changes as a result of open market operations and exchange market intervention.
The sum of reserve accounts of financial institutions at Federal Reserve banks and currency in circulation. It is the ultimate source of the nation's money supply and is controllable, to some degree, by Federal Reserve monetary policy. The adjusted monetary base data is compiled weekly by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and is adjusted seasonally.
Required and non-required deposits made at the central bank by member banks and the currency in circulation.
The total quantity of currency in circulation outside of banks plus the currency held by banks or deposited with the Fed.
The sum of bank reserves and currency held by the public.
Currency in circulation plus banks' required and excess deposits at the central bank.
Those assets that depository institutions can use to meet their legal reserve requirements. The monetary base consists of deposits (reserves) held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks plus Treasury currency and coins outstanding.
The monetary base is the sum of the Federal Reserve notes, coins, and banks' deposits at the Fed.
In economics, the monetary base, or the money base (often called narrow money in the UK) is a term relating to the volume of money in the economy, or money supply. The monetary base comprises only of currency (banknotes and coins) and commercial banks' reserves with the central bank. As such, it is a narrow definition of money supply, consisting of only the most liquid forms of money.