A way of storing, accessing, and managing data in electronic form; also the database of that information.
general reference to a system that provides some type of business information to managers for use in making decisions.
A computer-based system that supports the information needs of different levels of management.
A system designed by an organization to collect and report information on a program, and which allows managers to plan, monitor, and evaluate the operations and the performance of the whole program.
A management information system (MIS) is an information system application that provides for management-oriented reporting. Reports are usually generated on a predetermined schedule and appear in a prearranged format.
An information collection and analysis system, usually computerized, that facilitates access to program and participant information. It is usually designed and used for administrative purposes.
A computer-based system that optimizes the collection, transfer, and presentation of information throughout an organization, through an integrated structure of databases and information flow.
Management information systems that are associated with ACD systems can provide information about calls, agents and agent groups. This information is used for preparation of statistical reports. The MIS also has current information, e.g. number of calls on the queue, which agents are in wrap-up time or the total number of calls answered in that day.
planning, development, management and use of information technology tools to help people perform all tasks related to information processing and management; an information system that provides information to support managerial decision making; can be an information reporting system, executive information system or decision support system; a system that provides periodic, predetermined, and/or ad hoc reporting capabilities
Aka IS (Information Systems). Company department, responsible for data and voice communications & processing.
1. An organized approach to gathering data from inside and outside the company and processing it by computer to produce current, accurate, and informative reports for decision makers; 2. A system that provides management with needed information on a regular basis.
See " Information management system".
Designed to collect and process data within an organization for the purpose of providing users with information.
is a computer network for storing, accessing, and managing data in electronic form; also the database of that information.
Computer-based methods of information collection, storage, management, analysis, and reporting to support the operation and management of an organization or system.
This is a computer system, linked to external production equipment and data capture/input devices for the purpose of gathering, collating and allowing for the analysis of production-related information.
A computer system intended to help a manager make better business decisions - see Data warehouse - rather than operate the business itself.
system dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of the enterprise by implementing computer- base data retrieval, presentation system s, and productivity tools. [D04136] CSM An orderly and discipline accounting and reporting methodology, usually mechanized, which provides for the accurate record ing of data, and the time ly extrapolation and transmission of management information used in the decision-making process. See also Project Management Information System. [D01031] DSMC
System, automated or manual, that provides sales support information for both the sales representative to enhance sales activity and management to evaluate sales performance.
A MIS is an assembly of computer hardware, software, and/or firmware configured to collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate, process, store, and/or control data or information. Examples include: information storage and retrieval systems, mainframe computers, minicomputers, personal computers and workstations, office automation systems, automated message processing systems (AMPSs), and those supercomputers and process control computers (e.g., embedded computer systems) that perform general purpose computing functions.
Integrated approach for providing interpreted and relevant data that can help managers make decisions. This information can reflect the progress or lack of progress made in achieving major objectives.
Information system that generates accurate, timely, and organized information, so managers and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track progress. 13.36
Management Information Systems is a general name for the academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures—collectively, the information system—to business problems.