Plant Information Management
Project Information Memorandum. The PIM describes the Project as currently planned and provides information for the use of entities considering submission of a Statement of Qualifications in response to the RFQ.
Project information memorandum. a report issued before a building consent is issued that lists any requirements under Acts other than the Building Act, eg the Resource Management Act. It includes information likely to be relevant to the proposed work, such as potential erosion by flood risk.
This is a diary/calendar/contact management system, (e.g. Microsoft Outlook).
a type of software application - a given on PDA devices and many mobile phones - that allows you to enter text for any purpose and retrieve it based on any of the words you typed in. PIMs vary widely, but all of them attempt to provide methods for managing information the way you use it on a daily basis. Typical features include a telephone list, calendar, scheduler, reminder and calculation functions.
(Personal Information Manager) Computer software such as Palm(tm) Desktop or Lotus Notes Act! software, used to store contacts, schedules, to do items and memos.
Stands for "Personal Information Manager." A PIM is a software application ...
See Personal Information Management.
Personal Information Management. PIM data includes address book and calendar.
The term used for the organisation of features within the handset such as phonebooks, organisers, calendars etc.
Acronym for ersonal nformation anager. An application that usually includes an address book and organizes unrelated information, such as notes, appointments, and names, in a useful way.
Personal Information Management. A suite or combination of software applications for mobile handheld devices that typically includes an address book (or contacts), to-do lists, e-mail functionality and a calendar/date book.
The acronym for Personal Information Management (see above).
Personal information manager. Software application that includes an appointment calendar, address book, notepad, and other features used to organize personal information. 3.20, 9.10 Personal use, software for, 3.26
Personal Information Manager: a program which supports the daily planning, workgroup and task management and often have a toolset with calendar, planner and to-do list. It also can manage send capabilities like phone, email or fax.
Project Information Memorandum. A report issued by the territorial authority to the owner who plans to undertake building work. It contains information such as the location of any existing stormwater systems, special features of the land and lists any authorisation required from the authority in respect of building work under other Acts.
personal information manager, a suite of programs including address book, diary, and scheduling functions
Personal Information Management system means you can store personal details such as your calendar and phone book.
Personal information management. PIM covers the features in the phone that help you manage your time and contacts: phone book, calendar, to-do list etc.
Personal Information Manager. Any desktop computer based calendar and address book program.
A program into which you can enter your personal information, such as your schedule and important contacts. Often PIMs run on PDAs, and allow for synchronization...
A report giving information on items such as potential erosion, subsidence, hazardous contaminants, stormwater. It may also include classifications under organisations such as the Dept. of Conservation or Historic Places Trust, as well as authorisations required by the Rsource Management Act.
Personal Information Management Applications such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes are generally considered as PIM applications.
Personal Information Manager. Software applications which allow the user to organize personal information. Similar to an appointment book but personalized and programmed into the PC.
personal information manager. A program that provides four essential functions: contact management, calendar and schedule management, task and project management, and mail merge and print.
Personal Information Manager. Portable electronic management system such as a Palm Pilot.
Acronym for Personal Information Management—a collection of services, (i.e. address book, calendar, task list, etc.) which is accessible through cell phone or PDA.
Peripheral Interface Manager. The Cisco proprietary interface between a peripheral device and the Peripheral Gateway.
Personal Information Management - System of aggregation of personal time-management information in a single repository. The PIM aggregates calendar, address book and task lists and can be synchronised between a variety of devices. It is typically a network-based application running alongside messaging platforms.
PIM stands for "Personal Information Management" and refers to software that keeps track of personal data, especially contacts, appointments and tasks.
Prior Information memorandum - issued to potential bidders to help them determine if they wish to compete, and includes the brief, pre-qualification material, the process, plus selection criteria and weightings.
Personal Information Manager: Also known as a "contact manager," is a form of software that logs personal and business information, such as contacts, appointments, lists, notes, occasions, etc.
Personal Information Management functionality started with the Filofax, with all your personal data held in paper form in a single package. The personal organiser came along to store the data electronically with the ability to store thesame information on your PC and synchronise the two. The same functionality is now finding its way into mobile phones, which also have the synchronisation capability.
Acronym for personal information manager. An application that usually includes an address book and organizes unrelated information, such as notes, appointments, and names, in a useful way.
Personalized Information Manager. Software for keeping track of contact addresses and phone numbers, appointments, project schedules and task lists. Sometimes called a contact manager. See Also: Groupware
personal information management. Refers to handheld computer applications that organize personal information such as calendar, to do lists, memos.
Personal Information Manager. A software application that is usually run on a palmtop (hand held computing device) that acts like an electronic diary, scheduler, e-mail processor and note pad. See also Palmtop and Device.
See Personal Information Manager.
Personal Information Managers, for instance agenda and contacts applications.
(Personal Information Manager) a type of software application that allows the user to input and organize various types of information. Common features of a PIM application include a notepad, calculator, to-do list, calendar and scheduling tool.
Personal Information Manager. A category of software that, over the past 10 years, has had many, many, wonderful failures. Microsoft's Outlook, bundled with Office 97 and probably Windows 98, may succeed by dint of Microsoft's fiat. (see Why IE?)
Personalized Information Manager. Refers to a type of software used by individuals or groups for keeping track of contacts (including addresses and phone numbers), appointments, project schedules, to-do lists and reminder notes. Also called contact managers. See also Groupware.
A software feature that organizes frequently used information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers and appointments. Many wireless phones come with built-in PIMs.
Personal Information Manager. PIM software on the HP iPAQ organizes contact, calendar, and notes items for fast retrieval. PIMs let users manage information easily on a daily basis.
Personal Information Manager / Management PIM is a whole category of software functions that organize personal information. A typical PIM suite includes a scheduler for events, and address book for contacts, and to-do list. PIM can also include email, text notes, voice notes, and alarms / reminders. Some phones allow PIM information to be electronically synchronized (synced) with a PC and/or web-based PIM service.
Personal Information Management. a special kind of database for recording appointments, addresses, phone numbers, tasks.
Personal Information Manager A generic term for software that manages personal information like address books, calendars, to-do lists, and so on.
Personal Information Manager; stores information such as addresses, schedules, appointments and phone numbers etc.
Personal Information Management. Wireless includes pre-configured PIM mobile services, such as calendar, address book, and directory.