The process by which products and services are introduced to the marketplace. see also market segmentation, Student Loan Marketing Association.
The techniques used to attract and persuade consumers. As a direct response agency, MJM keeps marketing goals uppermost in mind in the design of every advertisement.
Français : Marketing Deutsch : Marketing Activity-based Transmodel Company area, defined as all activities related to the definition of the transportation products and relations with customers.
"Analysis, planning, implementation, and control of carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values with target markets for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives." (Philip Kotler) "A management process directed at satisfying customer needs and wants through an exchange process." (Smith, Bucklin & Associates)
Any activities that work to persuade customers to behave in a way that improves a product's performance. Good marketing actually encourages customers to behave in a way that improves product performance. Bad marketing discourages customers from behaving in that way.
A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.
any of the tasks necessary to identify the type and amount of goods and services desired by society, and the pricing, distribution, and promotion of those goods and services. Page 178
all the activities involved in moving products and services from the source to the end user, including advertising, sales, packaging, promotion and printing.
the selling of products or services; the business activity of presenting products or services to potential customers in such a way as to make them eager to buy. Marketing includes such matters as the pricing and packaging of the product and the creation of demand by advertising and sales campaigns.
providing goods and services to satisfy customer needs, at a profit. .
The act of deciding what product or service people want, how to get it to them, what to charge for it, and how to persuade them to buy it.
Presenting products or services to potential customers in way a that will encourage them to buy
the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money
the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service; "most companies have a manager in charge of marketing"
a company involved in export of furniture and other finished products
a difficult field to get right, this is why the best advertisers get paid the vast salaries that they do now
a new innovative advertising agency
The planning and implementation of a strategy for the sale, distribution, and servicing of a product or service.
All the activities involved in getting a customer to buy your product. This consists of 4 key parts: the product, the price, distribution, and promotion.
is the many ways that products are sold. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. Marketers (people who work in marketing) try to get the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general exposure in the media world.
Promotions provided by us. May be through direct mail, email, pop-ups, banner and/or other online advertisements.
A concerted effort of promotion and advertising by the publisher to maximize sales of books to the public and to distributors.
(Commercialisation) Keeping or displaying with the intent of selling or putting on sale, delivering or any other process by which products are offered for commercial purposes.
The process of finding, recognizing or creating opportunities to promote an organization, and then planning and executing the conception, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services.
A group of interrelated activities designed to identify consumer needs and to develop, distribute, promote, and price goods and services to satisfy these needs at a profit.
The process of researching, promoting, selling and distributing a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, publicity, promotion, pricing, sales and distribution of the goods or services.
Promoting the sale of goods or services -product, place, price and promotion.
the process of packaging, advertising, selling, and distributing your products or services and the public relations used to support this process
As a verb, "marketing" encompasses a set of personal skills and corporate activities focused on developing a company's value proposition, crafting a message that conveys that value proposition, delivering the message to prospective customers, and supporting the sales efforts to convert those leads into revenue-generating opportunities. As a noun, "marketing" is the strategic corporate function that ties together your finance, operations, product development, and sales organizations into a coherent and effective business entity. Generally, a marketing department covers a wide spectrum of activities, including market research, strategic planning, product management, direct marketing, public and media relations, advertising, channel marketing, lead generation and qualification, inside sales, and customer relationship management.
The managerial process of identifying customer requirements and satisfying them by providing customers with appropriate products in order to achieve the organization's objectives.
Promotional and advertising efforts to sell books.
We submit your web site to about a thousand targeted search engines, directories, and other indexes each and every month using an automated system. This is not meant to be a final solution, but rather a foundation you may use to enhance your own marketing. It will aid in search engine rankings, but nothing competes with getting your name in front of your target audience.
The way in which a product or media text is sold to a target audience.
The activities of a business designed to gain new customers and sell more goods or services.
The all-embracing function that links the business with customer needs and wants in order to get the right product to the right place at the right timeâ€.
All kinds of activities related to buying and selling goods and services. You have to know several things to make your marketing efficient and successful, namely: Who is going to buy? What does the customer want? Where is he going to buy that? How much is he going to pay? How much is he going to buy? Who else sells the same goods/services? How are you going to sell it? What profit do you want to get
The process of researching, promoting, selling and distributing a product or service. Marketing covers a broad range of practices, including advertising, publicity, promotion, pricing and overall packaging of the goods or services.
The business of communicating about products or services, a purpose of which is to encourage recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service. See also: Product Differentiation
the activities associated with buying and selling a product or service. The 4 Ps (product, place, price and promotion).
The performance of business activities that directs the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer.
The process of identifying and reaching specific segments of a population for the purposes of selling them a product or service; promoting, pricing and selling via a plan over a period of time.
Increasing awareness of a product by advertising.
The process of using product, price, place (distribution), and promotion to exchange ideas, goods and services in order to satisfy the needs of the consumer.
A term that encompasses all activities involved in moving a finished product through the distribution channesl into the hands of the final consumers. This includes the five P's of Product, Package, Price, Promotion, and Publicity. In other words, planning and implementation of activities concerned with packaging design, pricing, advertising, promotion, publicity, and sales. Alternatively, the department in a publishing house that bears the responsibility for promotion of its published titles. See also ADVANCE INFORMATION SHEET BOOK PACKAGER CONTINUITY PROGRAM CO-OP ADVERTISING DESIGN DIRECT MAIL DIRECT MARKETING DIRECT-RESPONSE ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTION DUST JACKET MERCHANDISING OFFPRINT PREMIUM PROSPECTUS PUBLICITY RACK ALLOWANCE SALESMAN'S SAMPLE SALES REP
efforts to sell something
Promoting and selling specific products or services.
Process of planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services in order to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
the process of making customers aware of products and services, attracting new customers to a product or service, keeping existing customers interested in a product or service, building and maintaining a customer base for a product or service. Advertisements play a large part in marketing
Marketing oneself ethically and with integrity is one of the bases for long term career success. Marketing is and exchange of value, preceded by an understanding of the employers needs and wants, trust and rapport, and high moral principles. Pressure to acquire your services must arise naturally from the buyer, and not from the seller. To understand the buyers needs, you must do detailed research in advance of any meeting, job or informational meeting. Consequently, you will be able to ask intelligent questions, and demonstrate your eagerness to learn more about targets needs.
All business activities focused on developing, expanding and facilitating the profitable introduction and promotion of a company's products and/or services. Traditionally, this is taken to include the "4Ps" -- Product, Price, Promotion and Place. "Product" refers to discovering market requirements and ensuring that those requirements are reflected in the products and/or services offered by the company."Price" is obvious -- determining and setting the most appropriate prices for the products/services."Promotion" refers to all activities involved in making potential customers aware of the company, its products and services and their benefits -- and encouraging them to buy."Place" is a little less obvious. In addition to determining the best geographic areas to sell in, it also refers to the dermination and management of the best "channels" for reaching those markets -- direct sales, distributors, resellers, etc. Contributed by: MarcommWise Staff
the process of promoting and selling a product or service based on decisions about what the product image should be and who is most likely to buy it
efforts that contribute to a sale; projection of an image of a product, service, enterprise or place intended to make it desirable; any indirect sales effort, such as advertising. Sometimes sales are a part of marketing, sometimes not. Personal marketing that deals directly with others in an effort to make a sale is generally classified as networking more about networking and The Network. Economic development has been defined as a specialized form of marketing. definition of marketing defined definition of marketing and promotion defined definition of market defined definition of marketing and sales defined
this is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to satisfy customers.
Promoting, selling and/or distributing a product or service.
one of the main management disciplines, encompassing all the strategic planning, operations, activities, and processes involved in achieving organizational objectives by delivering value to customers. Marketing management focuses on satisfying customer requirements by identifying needs and wants.
1)The management process responsible for identifying , anticipating and satisfying customer requirements 2)Satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process 3)Building of relationships to achieve mutual benefit
The promotional activities that bring buyers and sellers together.
The process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service. [D02992] Webster The process of matching the abilities of an organization with the existing and future needs of its customer s, to the greatest benefit of both part ies. The result is an exchange in which the organization receives income through the meeting of customer needs and customers receive benefits that satisfy their expectations. [D03447] CRMP The collection of information on market requirements, planning to select and budgeting to pursue segment s of those requirements, actively pursuing those segment s and analyzing results of the effort to improve the market ing strategy. It includes: Market research or intelligence Profitability planning Distribution planning Advertising and promotion Creating and keeping customer s, and Organizing sales to maximize market share. Marketing requires seeing the whole business from the client or buyer's point of view. Business development, selling and securing a contract are all subsets of marketing. [D04303] SU
The process of organizing and directing all the company activities which relate to determine the market demand and convert the customers buying power into an effective demand for a service and to supply that service to the customer.
the selling of a service or product to a customer
The strategy or creating of an image, designed to attract customers to buy specific products or services or shop in particular stores.
The process of planning and executing the promotion of a web site via printed and other media, and the Internet. How you make others aware that your web site exists.
Marketing professionals oversee all aspects of product performance in the stores, typically including weekly ads, product margins, sales promotions and product supply in stores and distribution centers
an overall plan to make prospects aware of the product. In real estate marketing requires matching buyers and sellers. Advertising is one aspect of the marketing plan and targeting the market is another part of the marketing plan. The first step is to know the product
perceived by lots of business people to mean simply promotion and advertising, the term marketing actually covers everything from company culture and positioning, through market research, new business/product development, advertising and promotion, PR (public/press relations), and arguably all of the sales functions as well. It's the process by which a company decides what it will sell, to whom, when and how, and then does it.
Marketing is critical to the success of a branded retailer. This is the primary method a company uses to communicate its brand to a wide audience. For most established companies, marketing and advertising expenses are fairly steady as a percentage of revenue. We expect this measure to remain steady, showing that the company is supporting its brand. Smaller companies may have to spend relatively more as they build brand awareness.
the department in a publishing house with responsibility for promoting titles published; this may include the creation of point of sale display material, press and other advertising, and securing free coverage through PR and publicity.
consists of individual and organisational activities that facilitate and expedite satisfying exchange relationships in a dynamic environment through the creation, distribution, promotion and pricing of goods, services and ideas (5)
Promoting a concept to or informing a group of people about a specific service, opportunity or product.
The function of an insurance company that identifies its customers, defines and develops the products that customers want, conducts sales activities and distributes products to customers.
A broad term for all communications initiatives designed to sell a product or service.
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
The process of developing, promoting, and distributing products to satisfy customers' needs and wants.
All activities involved in creating an interest or desire for your product or service.
The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer
The art of identifying and understanding customer needs and coming up with solutions that satisfy them.
The act of promoting the services or products offered by your business. Examples of marketing tactics include: website development, trade-show participation, brochure/pamphlet development, magazine or newspaper advertising, etc.
The only way a company with a customer satisfaction rating as low as Microsoft's could be so successful.
The process of determining the need for a product or service, devising a profitable way to produce it, arousing desire for it through advertising, and making it possible for buyers to get it.
The business of advertising, promoting and selling books to the public and to distributors.
HCC Life personnel responsible for finding and educating new producers on the products and services offered by HCC Life. Also assists the underwriters' follow-up on quoted cases and difficult renewals.
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisation objectives.
Forest Stewardship] The selling of timber or other forest resources. Successful sellers seek a satisfactory price through competition, skillful negotiation, knowledge of timber markets, and the aid of a competent broker or consultant.
The total of activities involved in the transfer of goods and services from the /producer or seller to the consumer or buyer. Marketing activities may include buying, storing selling, advertising, pricing and promoting products.
The design, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods to create transactions with businesses and consumers.
Activities used to sell a product or service to the purchaser.
Finding out what customers want, then setting out to meet their needs, provided it can be done at a profit. Marketing includes market research, deciding on products and prices, advertising promoting distributing and selling. See also article on Marketing.
The process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumers' requirements profitably.
All business activity involved in the moving of goods from the producer to the consumer. AMS aids in the marketing of food and fiber products.
(n) The division of a business involved with convincing customers to purchase the product or service provided by the company. In order to sell the product more effectively, marketing will gather information on potential customers, both directly and indirectly, and will use these data to influence the design of the product so that it more closely matches the customer's needs.
Marketing is one of the terms in academia that does not have one commonly agreed upon definition. Even after a better part of a century the debate continues. In a nutshell it consists of the social and managerial processes by which products, services and value are exchanged in order to fulfil individual's or group's needs and wants.