The proper organization and appropriate control of information transmit ted by whatever means and including records management. [D02852] RMW The management of the system s, activities, and data that allow information in a project to be effective ly acquired, stored, process ed, access ed, communicated, and archive d. There should be a valid audit trail of this communication process. Project s generate and absorb significant quantities of information. It is important that the project has an effective information management system. [D03440] CRMP
The process of defining, evaluating, safeguarding, and distributing data within an organization or a system.
The discipline that analyzes information as an organizational resource. It covers the definitions, uses, value and distribution of all data and information within an organization whether processed by computer or not. It evaluates the kinds of data/information an organization requires in order to function and progress effectively. At the University of Illinois, information management would refer to a wide range of information, including operational information provided in the Banner system, management information in the Data Warehouse and non-computerized information. (Adapted from ()
The administration, use, and transmission of information and the application of theories and techniques of information science to create, modify, or improve information handling systems.
The administration of information, its uses and transmission, and the application of theories and techniques of information science to create, modify, or improve information handling systems.
skills and techniques used to identify gaps in one's knowledge, select and use appropriate resources to find quality information to fill those knowledge gaps. This is also referred to as "information literacy" or "life-long learning."
The set of functions, processes, and systems associated with obtaining information products from national and theater sources and providing them to users via any available communications path.
the procedure of collecting data and processing, presenting and communicating information
The treatment of information as an asset to enhance an organization's competitiveness and responsiveness. It results from effectively identifying, collecting, and analyzing information - and then directing it to the points of decision-making and customer service.
The planning, budgeting, manipulating, and controlling of information throughout its life cycle.