The number of times a repeated event occurs during a given time period. Frequency is often measured in units of cycles per second. One cycle per second is called a hertz (Hz).
The number of oscillations or vibrations per unit time. SI units Hz (Hertz). Frequency is the he inverse of the period .
Français : Fréquence Deutsch : Bedienungshäufigkeit The number of buses on a Service which pass a given timing point within a specified period (hour / day / week). See also : Interval, Frequency control, Frequency build up, Frequency reduction
The number of items occurring in a given category.
The "pitch" of sound. All sounds that we hear are made from different frequencies. The frequency of A above middle C is 440 Hz (cycles per second).
The number of times an advertisement appears during a given campaign.
The number of cycles per second made by an alternating electrical current. The unit of measure is the Hertz.
The number of times an electromagnetic wave goes through a complete cycle in one second, measured in Hertz.
the number of waves (cycles) per second that pass a given point in space
Measured in hertz (cycles per second), rate of repetition of changes.
The granularity of the calendar representation. The supported frequencies are second, minute, hour, day, week, 10-day, semi-monthly, month, quarter, semi-annual, and year.
The number of waves that pass a given point in a specified unit of time.(BasicScience/Radiography/characterradiation/freqwavelength_popup.htm) (Course Material/Ultrasonics/Physics/acousticplane.htm)
The number of vibrations per second; written as Hz (Hertz).
The number of times per second that the voltage wave (or current wave) goes through a complete cycle, expressed in hertz (Hz).
The number of cycles, oscillations or vibrations of a wave motion or oscillation in a unit of time, usually one second. This term is used in connection with the electromagnetic spectrum, to indicate the amount of energy transmitted by various parts of the spectrum. The more frequent the waves, the more energy they carry and the greater their potential to damage objects. Frequencies in the visible light range are lower than those in the ultraviolet range. See also Electromagnetic radiation; Electromagnetic spectrum.
The number of periodic cycles per unit of time.
the number of times an audience is exposed to a magazine, an advertising message, or an advertising campaign. Also, the period issuance of a publication (e.g. monthly, weekly).
The time period between successive issues of a publication such as weekly, monthly or quarterly
The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon in a unit of time, usually electronically specified in hertz (Hz)ói.e., one cycle per second equals one hertz.
It is the subjective impression of highness or lowness of a sound (pitch).
In the ListFish directory, "frequency" denotes --in number of days per week or month-- how often a publication is distributed. This number cannot always be precise, especially with discussion lists, but it should give you a good idea of what to expect in your in-box. Very often, discussion lists are listed with a frequency of "7 days" due to the spontaneous nature of the list: in other words, a post could be distributed to the list at any time. Additionally, and again in the case of discussion lists, "7 days" may mean that multiple posts may be distributed on any given day; some particularly active lists, for example, might receive 50 or more posts a day (look for the word "active" in the list's description). If you find that you are receiving more email from a list than you can keep up with, you may prefer to subscribe to the digest version (if available), rather than post-by-post.
The number of repetitions of a phenomenon in a given amount of time. The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.
The rate at which waves are produced by a source. The frequency of produced waves does not change regardless or medium unless the source itself changes. In a particular medium, changes in wave frequency cause inverse changes in wavelength. For example an increase in frequency will cause the resulting waves to have a smaller wavelength. Click here to see the effects increasing the frequency of waves ( movie) Back to Wave Index
The number of oscillations of a signal per unit of time-usually expressed in cycles per second (cps) or Hertz (Hz).
Voltage can be continuous (Direct Current or DC) or alternating (AC). The frequency of alternating voltage is the number of times per second that it changes polarity from positive to negative. Most power voltage in the US is delivered at 60 Hertz (60 changes from positive to negative per second).
The number of times every second something repeats itself. In a wave, a "repetition" is one time up and one time down. Its unit is called Hertz, or Hz for short. See also: speed of light, Advanced Topics
The number of cycles completed in each unit of time. Only defined for a phenomenon that is periodic (repeats regularly) in time. Equal to 1/ period. Check out the Glenbrook Physics Classroom for more information about frequency.
The measurement of alternating current determined by the number of cycles occurring each second, which is expressed as hertz (Hz). One cycle per second is equal to one hertz.
The number of times a wave vibrates or event occurs within a specific unit of time (second, hour etc.)
The number of times a particular item occurs in a data set.
Specifically, the number of times per second that a specific event occurs. As applied to semiconductor devices, frequency most often applies to the clocks that control how fast the device can operate. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which means cycles per second. Semiconductor devices today run with clock speeds of megahertz (MHz), meaning one million cycles per second, or even gigahertz(GHz).
The number of times an individual is exposed to an advertisement or other message. According to the Ebbinghaus Retention Curve, frequent repetition of a message on successive occasions greatly enhances retention of the message.
Number of scores in an interval; sum of tallies in a interval
The inverse of time (1/seconds). How often an event occurs within a second.
A measurement of radio waves. The AnyPoint Phoneline Home Network can coexist with other phone services like fax and voice transmissions because each service operates at a different frequency. The home network operates in the frequency range of 5.5 to 9.5 MHz (megahertz). Voice is carried in the 0-4 KHz (kilohertz) range. AnyPoint Wireless Home Network products operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency range.
the number of cycles of periodic activity that occur in a discrete amount of time
The rate or speed at which an audio source generates complete cycles in one second. The number of cycles that occur in one second is call hertz (Hz.).
In acoustics, the number of times per second that the air carrying a sound vibrates as a wave. fret A raised strip across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument, designed to produce a specific pitch when stopped at that point.
(ν) the number of vibrations or cycles tper unit of time; frequency of electromagnetic radiation is commonly measured in hertz.
The (average) number of times a commercial is seen by those within the target audience who see it at all. Average frequency is sometimes alternatively referred to as average OTS (see OTS).
The number of cycles executed by a system in one second. Frequency is the inverse of period, = /. Frequency is measured in hertz, Hz.
The number of times that a wave or wave-like process goes through its complete cycle per second of time. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), which is one cycle per second.
(measured in Hertz - Hz - cycles per second) The number of times a sound source vibrates each second. A high frequency (HF) sound has a higher pitch and is uni-directional. A low frequency (LF) sound has a lower pitch and is omnidirectional.
The speed of the up and down movements of a fluctuating economic variable; that is, the number of times per unit of time that the variable completes a cycle of up and down movement. See destabilizing speculation.
For cellular use, usually measured in megahertz (MHz). Often a single system (GSM, PCS, etc.) may operate at different frequencies. Germany's D-Netz (D1 and D2) is in the 900 MHz band, while the E-Netz operates at 1800 MHz. In North America there are PCS networks operating at 800 MHz and 1900 MHz. See "dual-band phones." Note: the term "hertz" (cycles per second) is named for German scientist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894).
The number of vibrations or cycles per second of a periodic wave. The unit of measurement is Hertz (Hz).
How often a person repeats a complete exercise session (e.g. 3 times per week). Frequency, along with duration and intensity affect the effectiveness of exercise.
The number of times that an electrical or electromagnetic signal repeats itself in a specified time. It is usually expressed in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Satellite transmission frequencies are usually expressed in gigahertz (GHz).
The rate per second of a vibrating wave, such as a sound wave. The higher the frequency, the higher the sound. Frequency is measured in hertz or kilohertz (1,000 hertz) (as are radio frequencies).
The number of to and fro vibrations of an object, such as a vibrating pendulum or object on a spring. Image of changing frequency.
Frequency is the number of times this visitor has visited your site since this visitor has been tracked.
(F) - average number of lifts per minute over a 15 minute period.
the number of cycles per second, which determines pitch (measured in Hertz, Hz).
The number of occasions on which a member of a target group is exposed to an advertising message during an ad. campaign. See ' average frequency' and ' effective frequency'. Beginning| Back to F| Go to H| End
The repetition rate of a sound wave measured in cycles per second, which is usually expressed in Hertz (Hz). The audible frequency range for normal hearing individual spans from 20Hz to 20 kHz. Frequency is that characteristic of a sound which is perceived by a listener as the "pitch".
The number of times an ad is delivered to the same browser in a single session or time period. Assumed to be exposure to an ad. Frequency caps can be established and managed by the ad server using cookies to ensure a browser only gets the same ad delivered "X" times.
The number of days an aerobic activity is performed.
Cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). How many times something happens per second.
The number of times a service is provided over a given time period.
Vibrational range of energy expressing as matter.
an attribute of timing that defines how often information is required. This timing consideration will be used to determine the time cycle of sub-systems to produce the required information. Frequency specifies the specific time cycle (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, upon request, etc.) in which the sub-system is to be processed and the number of times within the cycle this processing is anticipated to take place, (e.g., three times daily, once a week, twice a month, etc.). (See Information, Offset, and Response Time).
The number of times a periodic action occurs in a unit of time. The number of Hertz that an electric current completes in one second.
The number of occurrences of some particular kind of event, e.g. answers to a question.
Frequency is the number of vibrations per second, expressed as Hertz (Hz). The sounds of speech are in the range of 250 Hz to 4000 Hz. The sensitivity of the ear to this range of frequencies is usually assessed in a hearing test.
Frequency, in music, refers to the pitch of a sound. The frequency of a sound is measured in cycles per second. One cycle is one complete audio waveform. Bass frequencies have a lower number of waveforms per second. Treble frequencies have a very high number of waveforms per second. [Go to source
The number of complete cycles observed per time period (i.e., cycles per year).
The number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time; the standard frequency of the change in polarity of an alternating current via which electric energy is being delivered in the electric energy market in Canada and the USA is 60 Hertz per second.
The number of times the target audience will be exposed to a message.
The number of cycles in a time period (usually one second). Alternating current frequency is expressed in cycles per second, termed Hertz (Hz).
The rate of signal oscillation, measured in hertz (Hz)
The number of complete waves passing a point in space in a given amount of time.
The number of times an alternating current reverses itself in one second.
The number of times an impression of a given ad has been served to a unique user.
number of cycles or repetitions within a fixed unit of time such as the number of cycles per second (Hertz or Hz). For example, essential tremor is typically 4 to 12 Hz.
(1) The number of times per second that an action (such as the issuance of an interrupt) occurs. An action's frequency is measured in cycles per second, or hertz
the rate at which something vibrates; every spirit vibrates at a high frequency
The number of cycles per second. Units: Hertz (Hz) 1-cycle. KiloHertz (1000 cycles), MegaHertz (106 cycles), GigaHertz (109 cycles) We are primarily concerned with frequencies of "short wave" i.e.
This is the number of workouts. Frequency should be adjusted to the intensity and duration of the workouts to reach a training effect.
(In advertising) The number of times a person is likely to see, hear or view your advertisement.
The frequency of a magnetic field, measured in cycles per second (Hz), is usually the same as the operating frequency of the field's source.
A single repetition of the soundwave's shape is known as a waveform or cycle. The frequency of that sound is the number of cycles the wave goes through in one second, measured in hertz (Hz). The more waveforms that occur in one second, the higher the frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the tone (pitch) of the sound.
the rate at which a wave alternates, usually measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of times a publication is published, one of the search criteria used on the Mediabids site. It also refers to the average number of times an individual is exposed to an advertisement or campaign.
How often something happens each second e.g. 50 Hz Back
the number of exposures an advertisement is presented to a user.
The number of wave crests or troughs that pass a fixed point per unit time.
An expression of how frequently a periodic wave form or signal repeats itself at a given amplitude. It can be expressed in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). See Hz, kHz, MHz and GHz.
is the measure of how many times an audience will hear a commercial within a given campaign.
The rate of repetition of a periodic waveform equal to 1/period of the waveform. Frequency is related to pitch or the perception of data acquisition frequencies. The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.
expressed in hertz (Hz), it quantifies sound level. We can distinguish bass, medium, sharp tones.
Frequency is the rate of oscillation of a wave (e.g., acoustical, electrical). Frequency is expressed in terms of Hertz, Hz. The term cps, cycles per second, was sometimes used in the past, but is not in current use. The frequency of a wave is ... read more ... Usefulness: N/A(0 ratings) by RedJohn () Rate It! this definition is ... useful somewhat useful incorrect spam / offensive
The number of occurrences of a given type of event, or the number of members of a population falling into a specified class. When the frequency is expressed as a proportion of the total number of members, it is called the relative or proportional frequency; but where no ambiguity can arise, these ratios may simply be called frequencies.
A measure of the cycling rate of a vibrating object or an AC signal. In electricity, the number of times alternating current changes direction during a second. It is measured in hertz (Hz) which equals one cycle per second.
n. The rate of signal oscillation, expressed in hertz.
The number of times a publication is issued in a given period (i.e., daily, weekly, quarterly).
the number of cycles or complete alternations per unit time of a carrier wave, band, or oscillation.
The number of times a service was provided.
The number of waves or cycles of electromagnetic radation per second, ususally measured in Herts (Hz).
Frequency is the numbers of cycles per unit time (i.e. seconds). It's the inverse of a wavelength.
The number of oscillations of a golf shaft in a given time when the tip is pulled down and the shaft vibrates in a specialized machine. Frequency is measured in cycles per minute (cpm's.)
The rate of vibration of an electrical or mechanical oscillation. Measured by the number of complete cycles executed in 1 second. In audio terminology, frequency range is considered to be from 20 cycles per second, or 20 Hertz (Hz), up to 20,000 cycles per second, or 20 kilohertz.
Used to describe sounds or electrical signals, and measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz) (1Hz = 1 cycle per second).
The number of occurrences of one type of event in relation to the total number of events observed in a sample. For NVIS, this could be the number of sites containing a growth forms and/or species compared with the total number of sites in the survey. Meagher, 1991; NVIS
The number of cycles within a time period. For instance a 13 week cycle would have an annual frequency of four.
The number of times an alternating current repeats its cycle in one second.-An industry designation for a 2kV portable power cable consisting of 2 - 4 insulated conductors with ground wires placed in the valleys for use in mines and similar applications.
The rate of vibration or flexure of an assembly in a given period of time.
The number of times an AC voltage will alternate from positive to negative and back again within a specified period of time, usually expressed in cycles per second and identified as Hz as in 60 Hz.
In alternating current, the rate at which the current changes direction. One complete cycle is a unit of 1 Hertz, named after the Physicist who researched AC.
the repetition rate for any process or phenomenon that repeats itself exactly; it is the number of cycles divided by the total time interval taken. It is also equal to the reciprocal of the period, the time taken for one complete cycle. Usual symbol: . The SI unit of frequency is the hertz, symbol Hz.
The number of times the average person in the target market is exposed to an advertising message during a given period.
the number of complete oscillations per second of alternating current
is the average number of times an individual is exposed to an advertising message during a 30-day period.
The rate as which periodic motion repeats itself.
Measures the number of times that a flow of current changes direction in one second. Expressed as Hertz (Hz). Most North and South American locations operate on an input of 60Hz while most of Europe has a 50Hz input.
Indicates the expected publication occurrence; any changes in the publishing frequency should be noted on the bibliographic record of a title.
Frequency of vibration is the number of periods occurring in unit time.
This is the number of times a user is exposed to a single advertisement.
The number of times an event repeats itself in a given period. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). One Hertz is one cycle per second.
This is the number of exposures your target market has to your marketing message.
the number of times an advertiser contracts to run in any given publication.
number of electromagnetic waves that pass by a given point each second.
Occurring or repeating at short intervals. In the context of Fast ForWord products, frequency and intensity refers to the recommended protocol of daily participation and concentrated activity.
The number of times a listener hears a spot or message during a given interval.
The number of wavelengths passing a particular point over time, generally measured in cycles per second, or Hertz. For example, if a wavelength is 10cm long and it is travelling at 10cm per second, one wavelength passes a particular point in one second. So, it has a frequency of 1 hertz. If the speed is doubled to 20cm per second, then the frequency becomes 2 hertz. The equation to describe this is Frequency = speed / wavelength.
(1) The number of cycles or waves completed in a unit of time. In electronics, one cycle per second is a frequency unit called a hertz. (2) The number of occurrences or events over a specified period of time or length of borehole.
The number of times in a day or a week spent in aerobic exercise.
Refers to the number of lane changes completed given a certain length of time or distance. Frequency is likely influenced by lane choice, velocity, and traffic density.
Rate of variation of voltage and current, typically 60.0 Hertz (i.e., cycles per second), except during a time correction.
Number of occurrences of a given event, expressed in relation to a base unit of measure. For example, occupational accidents per 100 FTE, or traffic fatalities per 100,000,000 miles of vehicle travel.
The speed at which something vibrates, or how close the waves are to each other. Measured in the number of cycles per second or Hertz (Hz).
Number of repetitions of a repeating cycle per second. Measured in hertz ( Hz), or cycles per second. An audio signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz (1k Hz) undergoes1000 cycles per second.
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, expressed as the number of cycles per unit of time (from crest to crest in a sine wave pattern). Frequency is typically measured in Hertz (Hz), or cycles per second.
Rate of occurrence (call)
The rate at which an alternating current changes in a cyclic manner from positive to negative and back again (one cycle). The basic unit of measurement is the Hertz (Hz), which equates to one cycle per second
The number of times a periodic action occurs in one second. Measured in Hertz.
The lowest inherent rate of free vibration of a spring itself (usually in cycles per second) with ends restrained.
The number of sound vibrations per second. Expressed in Hertz (Hz), corresponding to the pitch of sound.
The number of occurances per second. In astronomy, usually the frequency of a wave, ie. the number of oscillations per second. Directly related to wavelength. The lower the frequency the longer the wavelength.
High-pitched sounds have a high frequency, low-pitched ones a low frequency. Audible sounds range from around 16Hz to 20kHz.
Is the number of competed cycles of an electronic signal that occur in a given length of time. Frequency is usually measured in cycles per second (Hertz, Hz). For most CCTV industry equipment, frequency is used to describe the RF radio frequency at which wireless equipment operates. Frequency can also be used to describe the cycles of electrical current for the signal system.
The number of cycles a wave makes in a second, can also mean the pitch in samples per second.
The number of cycles a periodic signal executes in unit time. Usually expressed in Hertz (cycles/second) or appropriate weighted units such as kilohertz (kHz), Megahertz (MHz) and Gigahertz (GHz).
High pitched sounds have a higher frequency than those of low pitched low frequency bass. The audible frequency range of a human is around 16Hz to 20kHz.
Number of Times an Event Occurs in a Unit of Time or Space Frequency of Modular Subdivision Number of Subdivisions per Edge FRF Fuller Research Foundation FSG Fuller Study Group, Yale University (about 1954)
Reciprocal of the wavelength (the interval from a given point on one sound wave to the equivalent point on the next sound wave), unit: Hertz = cycles/s
The number of cycles per second of a periodic waveform, usually expressed in Hertz.
Sound is a vibration in the air. Sound travels from it's source in sound waves and the vibration occurs over a single wavelength. Frequency refers to the measure of how many vibrations occur in one second. The range of audible frequencies is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Sounds below 20 Hz are infrasonic; sounds above 20 kHz are ultrasonic. Low bass (20 to 80 Hz) in music this is the first two octaves such as those of the bass or organ. Upper bass (80 to 320 Hz) in the third and fourth octaves. Drum, cello, trombone, and bass use this range. Mid-range (320 to 2,560 Hz) this is the fifth through seventh octaves. Upper mid-range (2,560 to 5,120 Hz) is the eighth octave, and it is where the human voice falls. Treble (5,120 to 20,000 Hz) is the ninth and tenth octaves. Frequencies here add to the "air" of a sound. requency Response refers to the range of frequencies a device will reproduce. For instance, the term 35-16K +/- 2dB means that the device will reproduce sounds from 35Hz to 16,000Hz within 2 decibels either side.
The number of times a wave pattern repeats.
The number of cycles occuring per unit of time. The units are 1/time. Freqency is the inverse of period.
Number of Impressions divided by the number of Unique Users. This number tells you how many Unique Users saw your ad(s).
The number of cycles per second, the inverse of the period (q.v.).
the number of complete repetitions of a wave form in one second, expressed in Hertz
a count of the number of times a particular outcome or event was observed in data with a sample size n.
the number of cycles or repetitions of any periodic wave or process per unit time. In electromagnetic radiation, it is usually expressed in units of hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.
The rate of vibration of a sound wave in a period of time. (See also Hertz).
For a sine wave the frequency is the number of periods occuring in one second. The unit is the cycles per second, or Hz. For a complex periodic sound the term 'repetition rate' is used to describe the number of periods per second (p.p.s.)
The number of light waves passing a fixed point in a given unit of time, or the number of complete vibrations in that period of time.
a modifier for certain pigments and certain normals. With pigments, it controls how many times the color map is cycled through in a given "distance". With ripples and waves it controls the density of the waves. ( Language Reference) GIF: an image stored in CompuServe's Graphical Interchange Format. GIFs support 256 colors and a number of other features. All in all, they are a good general purpose image format and are popular because of their good compression system and short decompression time..
This is the number of waves which pass a fixed point in one second. F=1/T where T is the time period of the wave.
the number of back-and-forth cycles per second, in a wave or wave-like process. Expressed this way, the frequency is said to be given in units of Hertz (Hz), named after the scientist who first produced and observed radio waves in the lab.
The rapidity of change in current of voltage in an electrical signal or of air pressure in an acoustical signal. Frequency is measured in cycles per second; 1 cycle per second (cps) is 1 Hertz (Hz). The higher a note on the musical scale, the higher its frequency.
count per unit of time; a universal measure and dimension of all action. As used in the science and technology of behavior analysis, frequency refers to the count of movement cycles per minute.
The frequency of a wave (Hz) is the number of wave cycles per second.
For a wave, the number of complete cycles per second.
The rate at which a periodic event occurs. In electricity, the rate at which current reverses direction in an alternating current system. In the US, alternating current systems use a frequency of 60 cycles per second (60 Hz); in Europe, the standard is 50 Hz.
The number of cycles over a specified time period during which an event occurs. Normally expressed in cycles per second (hertz, Hz).
the number of wave cycles per unit of time that pass a given point.
Number of events in a given unit of time. When describing a moving wave, means the number of peaks which would pass a stationary point in a given amount of time. Back to .
The rate at which sound pressure varies. Denoted by f and denominated in Hertz=cycles per second; abbreviated Hz, (or kHz, meaning thousands of Hz). A 1000 Hz (1 kHz) tone pushes your eardrum back and forth 1000 times each second. The lowest bass note on an organ keyboard is a rumbling 16.4 Hz; the highest is a squeak of 18,794 Hz, which is inaudible to most males over the age of 40. These sample tones are audible with good loudspeakers or headphones, but are not audible with many computer speakers: a 100 Hz tone (12 kb wav file);and a 10kHz tone (44 kb wav file). Frequency can also be defined mathematically as the derivative of phase with respect to time, in which case it is usually denoted by ω and denominated in radians per second. ω=2
Frequencies are used in HRMS to define the period of time in which people are paid, deductions are taken from paychecks, and in which payroll processing occurs, to list a few examples. Each frequency ID has an associated annualization factor, which represents the number of times the period occurs in a year. Footpath - Sometimes you may be asked to follow a footpath to get to a certain screen within PeopleSoft. It is the sequence of menu items that you selected. Example: Home Administer Workforce Administer Workforce (GBL) Use Hire Back Back
The rate of cyclical, repeated change in an electrical, acoustical or similar field.
The number of complete wavelengths passing any given reference point on the line of zero disturbance.
Measures how often something occurs within some given distance or time period.
A measure of radio waves in cycles per second.
Simply put, how often something repeats itself. In sound, frequency refers to cycles per second, more commonly measured in Hertz (Hz). The human ear can generally hear frequencies ranging from 20 to 20,000 Hz. A sound's frequency determines what pitch (tone) it will be. High frequencies (higher the number) producing high-pitched sounds, low frequencies (lower the number) produce low sounds.
The number of cycles-per-second at which an analog signal occurs, usually expressed in hertz (Hz). (7/96)
A unit of measure of the number of times a periodic waveform repeats itself in a given unit of time (generally seconds) with the result expressed in Hertz or some multiple thereof.
(H.E.): the number of cycles per second an object vibrates to produce a tone.
The number of times a person will see an ad in a given period of time.
Amplitude, in the case of mechanical watches refers to how many times an hour the watch goes tick for a given time period! It is often referred to as half-swings per hour or beats per hour (BPH). Thus a watch beating at an amplitude of 28,800 per hour ticks 8 times per second.
The periodicity of coverage of an area by surface water or soil saturation. It is usually expressed as the number of years (e.g. 50 years) the soil is inundated or saturated at least once each year during part of the growing season per 100 years or as a 1-, 2-, 5-year, etc., inundation frequency.
The distribution of individuals of a species in an area. It is quantitatively expressed as Number of samples containing species ÷ Total number of samples x 100. More than one species may have a frequency of 100 percent within the same area.
The number of oscillations per second, usually measured in Hertz (Hz); refers to the refresh rate of the image on a computer monitor.
The average number of times an advertisement is run. Frequency, together with reach, determines what percentage of people are being targeted and how often they are seeing the message from your company.
the total number of times the same person or household is exposed to an advertising message or campaign.
When talking about domes, frequency refers to the number of pieces that each edge of the base figure is divided into in the process of triangulating its sides. For instance, we might start with a base figure of an icosahedron and divide each edge of each triangular face into 3 equal lengths. Those new points are connected to divide the original triangle into 9 smaller triangles. Since the original edges were divided into 3 parts, we call this a 3-frequency dome. The frequency is commonly abbreviated as "f", so a 2-frequency dome is called 2f, 3-frequency is 3f, and so forth. You can find more about frequency at the Synergetics Home Page section on geodesic dome geometry. In the discussion of Domes come in classes, the figure labelled Class 1 shows a triangular face subdivided to 5-frequency. The figure to its right shows an icosahedron triangulated to 3-frequency.
The number of times a given event occurs in a given time; for a wave the number of cycles that pass the observer in one second Galactic Cannibalism The theory that large galaxies absorb smaller galaxies.
An individual note or tone which is measured in cycles per second and usually notated as CPS or Hz. Fewer cycles per second produce lower notes which are typically reproduced by the woofer or subwoofer. More cycles per second produce higher notes which are typically reproduced by the midrange or tweeter. The human ear can hear frequency cycles from 20 to 20,000 per second.
A measurement of a signal's vibration, represented as cycles per second or Hertz (Hz).
The number of times a phenomenon occurs within a specified interval (the number of repetitions per a complete wave form). Electricity is a good example of unit time.
The number of occurrences of something in a given period of time. For a wave, this is might be the number of times the wave peaks in one second.
Specific rate of occurrence. The frequency of vibration is expressed in cycles per second using the SI unit hertz (Hz).
The number of times an oscillation goes through a complete cycle in one second. Unit is Hertz (1/sec).
The number of occurances of an event over time.
The average number of times an audience is exposed to a specific advertising message over a period of time, typically four weeks.
For a function periodic in time, the reciprocal of the period. Unit, hertz (Hz) (ANSI S1.1-1994: frequency).
number of peaks of a wave passing a point per second. Units are /s or Hz (Hertz).
Transmit frequency The 401.650 MHz ± 4 kHz frequency on which all Argos platforms must transmit. Receive frequency The frequency received from your transmitters, as measured by the satellite onboard equipment. Equates to the Doppler-shifted transmit frequency. Computed frequency The most likely transmit frequency, as calculated at an Argos processing center. Updated after each location calculation.
The rate at which a wave completes one full cycle. The rate per second is expressed in Hertz (Hz). On the spectrum, energy is organized by frequency, with direct current (DC) having the lowest frequency (0) and gamma rays having the highest. Power frequency is 60 Hz in the United States but 50 Hz in most other industrialized nations.
The number of times individuals or households are exposed to an advertising message. Also the schedule of issues in print media (monthly, weekly).
An audio signal is made up of different frequencies, or wavelengths, which yield the high (or treble), mid and low (or bass) tones. The human voice resides mostly in the mid-tones..
The number of cycles in one second of alternating current. Expressed in hertz (Hz). For example, 60 Hz is 60 cycles in one second.
In an AC system, the value of the voltage sinewave rises from zero to a maximum, falls to zero, increases to a maximum in the opposite direction, and falls back to zero again. This would describe one complete cycle. The number of complete cycles occurring in one second is called frequency. The General Conference on Weights and Measures has adopted the name hertz (abbreviated Hz) as the measurement of frequency. In North America, the frequency is 60 Hz. In Europe and most of Africa and Asia it is 50 Hz.
The average number of times that an individual is exposed to an advertising message during a specified period of time. Outdoor frequency is normally measured over four week periods.
the number of repetitions of a periodic process (defoliator outbreak) in a period of time (e.g., in a 25-year period). A high frequency would be an outbreak every decade.
The number of complete oscillations or cycles of a physical quantity in a unit time. It is the reciprocal of period, and the S.I. unit is the hertz (Hz).
Number of times a specific answer is given to a particular question.
The cycles per second (cps) of the electrical current supplied by the power company. This is normally 60 cps in the United States.
The repetition rate of the signal output from the oscillator. It is measured in repetitions (cycles) per second or Hertz (Hz).
The number of cycles of alternating current in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of times people (or homes) are exposed to an advertising message, an advertising campaign, or a specific media vehicle. Also, the period of issuance of a publication, e.g., daily, monthly.
the number of times a publication comes out in a given period of time, such as daily, weekly, quarterly, etc.
a measure of the number of oscillations or cycles per unit time; the reciprocal of the time duration (period) of an oscillation. (A wall outlet in North America, for example, has a voltage oscillation frequency of 60 cycles/s.)
The number of cycles that an electric current completes in 1 second (cps or Hz).
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). It is also used to refer to a location on the radio frequency spectrum, such as 800, 900 or 1800 Mhz.
The number of waves that pass a given location at a certain period of time.
The distribution of the number of times individual visitors were exposed to an Ad/Page/Product/Site in a time period.
cycles per second (measured in units of time–1 measured in Hertz in the metric system)
In acoustics, the number of times per second a vibration occurs, measured in Hertz. Frequency measures the speed of vibration. In sound, frequency of vibration gives us the pitch of the sound. The faster the vibration, the higher the pitch that we perceive. The perceptual correlate of frequency is pitch. Term found in About the Voice: Acoustics 101.
The number of times an audience get the opportunity to see an ad
The electromagnetic field produced by the transmitter reverses its direction itself many times each second. The frequency of the signal is the number of these cycles completed in one second . Proper frequency selection is important for successful locating.
the number of sound vibrations per second; frequency determines pitch which is the highness or lowness or a sound; the faster an object vibrates, the sound it emits will have a higher pitch, the slower an object vibrates, the sound it emits will have a lower pitch. Therefore, whatever causes an object to vibrate faster or slower, will change the pitch of the sound it makes. For example, a guitar string which is thicker, vibrates slower and will have a lower pitch. A guitar string which is thin will vibrate faster and have a higher pitch. The other way to make a guitar string vibrate slower or faster is by 'shortening' or 'lengthening' it. This is easily done by pressing your finger onto the string which is, in effect, shortening it. A shorter string vibrates faster and will have a higher pitch. Letting go of the string is, in effect, 'lengthening' the string. A 'longer' string will vibrate slower and have a lower pitch.
The number of complete alternations per second of an alternating current.
The number of times an advertisement is repeated.
The property of a signal measured in cycles per second (=Hz).
Number of wave vibrations per second; 1 Hertz is one cycle per second (e.g., 1420 MHz = 1,420,000,000 vibrations per second).
For alternating current electricity, the number of cycles occurring in each second. Referred to as “Hertzâ€. In Australia and Europe 50 Hertz (Hz) is used, while 60 Hz is used in the USA and much of SE Asia.
The rate at which a repetitive event happens, measured in Hertz (or kHz, MHz or GHz).
In general, the frequency of an event describes how often it occurs. When talking about waves, the frequency is a measure of how many waves go past a fixed point in a given time. Properties of Waves
The measure of the RFID radio wave in terms of the number of times the signal executes a complete excursion through its maximum and minimum values and returns to the same value (cycles).
The term in physics, that refers to a number of vibrations or cycles that occur within a given time.
The rate at which an electromagnetic waveform alternates usually measured in Hertz. Hertz is a unit of measure which means “cycle per second.
The number of repetitions of a complete wave within one second. 1 Hz equals one complete waveform in one second. 1KHz equals 1,000 waves in a second. The spectrum can be divided into the following frequency bands: VLF Very Low Frequency 3 KHz to 30 KHz LF Low Frequency 30 Khz to 300 KHz - Typically 125 KHz Short read range (3 ft); slow data transfer; Less Expensive; less prone to interference MF Medium Frequency 300 KHz to 3 MHz HF High Frequency 3 MHz to 30 MHz - Typically 13.56 MHz Read range about 10 feet; faster data transfer; consume more power than LF VHF Very High Frequency 30 MHz to 300 MHz UHF Ultra High Frequency 300 MHz to 3 GHz 900 to 950 MHz is the range of EPC class 0, class 1, and UHFG2 tags. Anything above 1GHz is considered micro-wave Longer Read Range (15 feet); faster data transfer; lower penetration through items with high water content; Micro-Wave Micro-Wave Up to 5.8 GHz Read range up to 30 feet; very high data transfer rates; high power consumption; expensive.
In an AC system, the value of voltage and current rise from zero to a maximum, falls to zero, increases to a maximum in the opposite direction, and falls back to zero again. This complete set of values is called a cycle. The number of complete cycles passed through in one second is called the frequency. The General Conference on Weights and Measures has adopted the name hertz (abbreviated Hz) as the unit of frequency. The common power frequency in North America is 60 Hz. In Europe and most of Africa and Asia it is 50 Hz. Airplanes typically use 400 Hz systems.
Number of oscillations per unit time; unit is Hertz (Hz),which equals 1 cycle per second.
The number of complete cycles or oscillations of a vibrating system per unit time.
1. The number of sound waves that pass a given point in one second. 2. The determiner of pitch. (Ask Kenneth).
Scientifically this refers to how many times (how frequently) a certain pitch (sine wave) completes one full cycle per second, Hertz. A young undamaged human ear can hear from 20Hz (20 complete cycles per second) to 20kHz (20,000 cycles per second), although sound happens at rates below and well above this range. Practically and simply this refers to pitch. As you may already know, every note played or sung is made up of many pitches, due to harmonics. These harmonics make up a sounds tonal quality or timbre. Each note and every pitch has a different frequency. Examples: A below middle C is 440Hz. Kick drums are at or below 100Hz. Cymbals and sounds like "s" and "sh" are around 8-12kHz (8,000-12,000Hz). The female voice is in a range around 1kHz.
The rate at which a current alternates, measured in Hertz (cycles per second), on a telecommunications medium.
How often a customer has purchased or responded in a given time period. It also may describe the number of times a promotion piece is mailed to the same target.
a sound's pitch measured in hertz (hz); high pitches are high frequency sounds. G - H
The number of cycles completed each second by an electromagnetic wave measured in hertz (Hz).
In advertising,used to describe the average number of times an audience is exposed to a specific media message.
the measure of how many pulses of air per second are occuring. It is expressed in hertz (hz). Higher frequencies are heard as a higher pitch, and lower are perceived as a lower pitch. The range of human hearing is approximately 20 hz (lowest pitch) to 20,000 hz (very highest pitch). The frequency of Middle C is 261.6 hz.
The number of times a visitor has visited a site during a reporting period. Average Frequency is the average of frequencies of all the visitors during the reporting period. Frequency is a retention metric and is part of RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis. See also recency and latency.
Measured in Hz. It refers to the number of sine waves in a second. Currently, 2 electric frequencies (50Hz and 60Hz) are in use.
the number of cycles (Hertz) used as carrier for a particular data signal
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). Also it is the way to note a general location on the radio frequency spectrum such as 800MHz, 900MHz or 1900MHz.
The intervals at which email marketing efforts are repeated: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.
The number of vibrations a second, in hertz (Hz)
The oscillatory rate in Hertz (cycles per second) of the alternating current electric service. Nominally 60 Hz (no lower than 59.5 or higher than 60.5) in the United States and 50 Hz in Europe.
F =1/T, the repetition rate of a sine wave or other periodic waveform in cycles/second or Hertz (Hz).
The number of repetitions of a complete waveform, as of an electric current, such as that produced by the oscillation of electricity in a conductor. Under Std 1547, a Distributive Resource must, under abnormal conditions on the EPS, cease to operate within the clearing times set by IEEE for the capacity (size) of the Distributed Resource installation.
Varying physical quantities that produce varying degrees of tone and pitch in a voice signal.
The number of oscillations or cycles per unit of time. Acoustical frequency is usually expressed in units of Hertz (Hz) where one Hz is equal to one cycle per second.
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). Also the way to note a general location on the radio frequency spectrum such as 800 MHz, 900 MHz or 1900 MHz. Back to the top.
The number of lines per inch in a half-tone screen.
The number of cycles or waves per second, expressed in Hertz, (Hz). In structured cabling the information carrying capacity (bandwidth) is measured in Hz.
the number of cycles per unit time. Frequency is the reverse of wavelength. The higher the frequency, the smaller the wavelength.
The rate at which a wave oscillates: the number of full cycles performed by the wave in a second. See also Electromagnetic radiation and Wavelength.
The number of wave cycles that occur in a given period of time. The unit of frequency measurement is the Hertz. (See "Hertz" and "Kilohertz")
the rate at which an electromagnetic signal alternates. It is a term used with analog signals, and is reported in Hertz.
The number of times an individual has ordered over a certain period of time
The number of "cycles" through which an electric current passes per second. Frequency has been standardized in the North American electric industry at 60 cycles per second (60 hertz). Other areas around the world use either 60-or 50- cycles per second.
The number of times an electromagnetic signal repeats an identical cycle in a unit of time, usually one second. One Hertz (Hz) is one cycle per second. A KHz (Kilohertz) is one thousand cycles per second; a MHz (Megahertz) is one million cycles per second; a GHz (Gigahertz) is one billion cycles per second.
The number of repetitions of a complete wave within one second. 1 Hz equals one complete waveform in one second. 1KHz equals 1,000 waves in a second. RFID tags use low, high, ultra-high and microwave frequencies. Each frequency has advantages and disadvantages that make them more suitable for some applications than for others.
The measurement of the number of cycles per second in an audio tone or an alternating current. Humans perceive frequency subjectively as pitch (eg: 440Hz = A). The range of human hearing is typically considered to range from 20Hz to 20,000Hz - (20Hz - 20kHz). The number of cycles (vibrations) per second. In video, frequency is used to define the image resolution. Low-frequency video images depict large objects or images. Higher frequencies depict smaller objects (finer details). (See also Hertz-Hz) (See also Cycles Per Second)
The number of cycles per second. Synonymous for clock speed, and are measured in Hertz (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz).
The number of cycles through which an alternating current changes direction twice each second. In the U.S. the standard frequency for electricity is 60 cycles per second (60 Hertz).
The property of a wave that describes how many wave patterns or cycles pass the observer in a given period of time. Frequency is often measured in Hertz (Hz), where a wave with a frequency of 1 Hz passes by at one cycle per second.
The number of times a periodic WAVEFORM cycles or repeats.
In electricity, the number of times alternated current changes direction during one second. Frequency is measured in hertz.
The number of cycles a wave completes in a given time interval. In audio, the rate of repetition in cycles per second (hertz) of musical pitch or electrical signals. Low frequencies are bass; high frequencies are treble.
The number of complete cycles of a periodic waveform that occur in a given length of time. Usually specified in cycles per second (Hertz).
the number of wave cycles within a certain unit of time.
The rate (in units of Hertz, or cycles per second) at which electromagnetic waves pass a fixed point. The frequency, usually designated , is related to the wavelength and the speed of light c by = c/.
The number of sound cycles in a given time period. Frequency is inversely related to wavelength. Ultrasound waves with higher frequency (shorter wavelengths) are reflected from smaller objects. A higher frequency ultrasonic beam has greater resolution; but because a larger percentage of higher-frequency ultrasound is reflected, penetration decreases.
The number of movements or events per unit of time; the standard unit of behavior measurement. In the physical sciences frequency is expressed in cycles per second. In addition, frequency may be judged as 'correct' or as 'incorrect' by a particular verbal community.
the number of complete cycles that a sound wave goes through in each second. Unit used is Hertz, abbreviated to Hz, although some countries still use the older term 'cycles per second' (cps). Humans perceive frequency subjectively as pitch (eg: 440Hz = A).
The number of times a donor has given a donation within a given time frame.
The number of wave cycles in the period of one second. Its notation is . It is the inverse of Period (), " = 1/T". 1 Hz (Hertz) is one cycle per second.
The number of cycles (vibrations) per second. In audio, audible frequencies commonly range from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second (Hz). In video, frequency is used to define the image resolution. Low-frequency video images depict large objects or images. Higher frequencies depict smaller objects (finer details).
The rate at which electric and magnetic fields of a radio wave cycles. Frequency is usually expressed in MHz (1,000,000 Hz); 1Hz (Hertz) = 1 cycle per second.
Rate of vibration of a string or column of air, which determines pitch.
The number of cycles-per-second at which an analog signal occurs. It is usually expressed in hertz (Hz).
Description of the rate of disturbance, or vibration, measured in cycles per second. Cycles per second are usually referred to as the unit of measure of Hertz (Hz). In acoustics, frequency is characterized in general terms as low, mid, or high. The U.S. Navy categorizes these as follows: Low frequency (LF) sound is below 1,000 Hz; Mid frequency (MF) sound is between 1 and 10 kHz; and High frequency (HF) sound is above 10 kHz.
The frequency of alternating voltage is the number of times per second that it changes polarity from positive to negative. In the United States, the power line frequency is 60 Hertz, 60 cycles per second.
General term used to describe the number of periodic oscillations in a wave. (see Hertz)
The number of times per second that a signal fluctuates. The international unit for frequency is the hertz (Hz). One thousand hertz equals 1 KHz (kilohertz). One million hertz equals 1 MHz (megahertz). One billion hertz equals 1 GHz (gigahertz). Television is broadcast in frequencies ranging from 54 MHz to 216 MHz (VHF) and 470 MHz to 806 MHz (UHF).
The number of lines per inch in a halftone; also called screen ruling.
The average number of times each person who is reached is exposed to a retailer's ads in a specific period.
On ac circuits, the designated number of times per second that polarity alternates from positive to negative and back again, expressed in Hertz (Hz)
is the number of cycles per unit of time (of a sound or radio wave, for example).
The number of wave crests passing any given point in a given period of time.
Number of complete cycles per second (in Hz).
The number of losses occurring within a given time period. Thus, an insurer is said to have a "frequency problem" if its operating results are adversely affected by a large number of relatively small losses. This contrasts with a "severity problem."
The number of times that an individual or household sees a particular marketing message within a given timeframe. Contributed by: MarcommWise Staff
the number of cycles of vocal cord vibration per second as measured in Hz. Generally speaking, the higher the frequency of a sound wave, the higher the pitch of the perceived sound.
The measurement of the number of time that an event occurs per unit of time. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz.).
A measure of how frequently an electromagnetic wave goes up and down (oscillates) or the number of waves passing by in a second. A hertz is a unit of frequency – 1 oscillation per second; a kilohertz (kHz) is 1000 hertz – 1000 oscillations per second; a megahertz is 1 million hertz – 1 million oscillations per second. For more information see Sound properties and their perception – pitch and frequency (The Physics Classroom, USA).
The number of cycles a sound signal makes per second. The greater the number, the higher the frequency.
The number of oscillations per second of an electromagnetic (or other) wave.
The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time. In RFID, numbers like 125 KHz or 13.56 MHz refer to the frequency of the carrier wave of the system.
The number of complete oscillations per second of energy (as sound or electromagnetic radiation) in the form of waves.
The repetition rate of a periodic event, usually expressed in cycles per second (Hz), revolutions per minute (rpm), or multiples of a rotational speed (orders). Compare to orders that are commonly referred to as 1x for rotational speed, 2x for twice rotational speed, etc.
The number of times an advertising message has been exposed to a target audience.
The number of oscillations per second of the electromagnetic field. It is measured in Hertz (Hz).
is the number of cycles per unit time interval, e.g. 7.5 cycles per second (also called Hertz) means that there are 7.5 cycles in each second of time. Frequency is related to period by: Frequency = 1/Period
The average number of times an audience member is exposed to a medium. Usually referred to as average frequency.
A measure of the energy, as one or more waves per second, in an electrical or light wave information signal. A signal's frequency is stated in either cycles-per-second or Hertz.
The number of times a radio wave occurs in a predetermined cycle GPRS General Packet Radio Service The technology that GSM uses to transmit high speed data. General Packet Radio Service enabled networks offer 'always-on', higher capacity, Internet-based content and packet-based data services. This enables services such as colour Internet browsing, e-mail on the move, powerful visual communications, multimedia messages and location-based services
The rate of vibration of sound waves per second, measured in Hertz.
The number of cycles or events per one second, which is expressed in the unit of hertz
In physics the number of vibrations or cycles per unit of time. More specifically, the numbers of cycles per second of an alternating current. See hertz.
The number of repeating cycles of a waveform that occur in a specific amount of time. Frequency is usually given in cycles per second. In the old days of radio, this was referred to in terms of kilocycles (kc) or megacycles (Mc). The modern unit is hertz (Hz). The value of a frequency is the reciprocal of its wavelength, so the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Higher-frequency signals can carry more information and require smaller antennas, but they are also more prone to absorption by the atmosphere, terrain and buildings. That is why frequencies at the microwave level (1 GHz and above) require line-of-sight conditions and highly directional antennas.
Referring to rotational speed of the eccentric shaft - usually rated in "Vibrations Per Minute" - which is equal to the RPM of the shaft.
Counts of event occurrences, often expressed as proportions of occurrences to a count of all members of a reference class at risk of occurrence.
The number of times per second that an alternating current system reverses from positive to negative and back to positive, expressed in cycles per second or hertz (Hz).
the number of cycles per second of electromagnetic waves, as measured in hertz.
The number of cycles of a waveform occurring in a second. (Audio) frequency represents the number of cycles per second of a sound wave or an audio signal, measured in hertz (Hz). A low frequency (100 Hz) has a low pitch while a high frequency (10,000 Hz) has a high pitch. Go figure
a wave-shaped measure (Hertz). A low measure in sound, say 1OOHz indicates a low-pitched tone, a frequency of 8kHz (Kilo-Hertz) is very high. Above 14kHz it is likely to be too high for average ears.
A RF signal is an AC (alternating current) waveform that swings from a high peak or positive point to a low or negative point. Each swing from the positive peak to the negative low of the sine wave is called a cycle. Frequency is the number of cycles per second.
Number of cycles per second of an electromagnetic transmission, usually described in hertz.
The number of sound waves per second, measured in Hz (Hertz). A typical Guinean djembe bass hit measures in the range of 69 to 73 Hz.
The periodic repetition of an event within a unit of time. In an electrical circuit, the number of waves that pass a given point in one second. The number of times a resonator plate oscillates or vibrates in one second. The nominal or desired frequency specified by a customer.
The number of cycles through which an alternating current passes in a second. The North American standard is 60 cycles per second, known as 60 hertz.
The average number of times that an individual is exposed to an outdoor advertising message during each campaign month.
The number of times that a periodic function or vibration repeats itself in a specified time. It is usually measured in hertz (Hz).
The average number of times an individual or household is exposed to an advertising message for a given period within a certain period of time
The number of times an average individual has the opportunity to be exposed to an advertising message during a defined period of time. Frequency in outdoor usually refers to the calendar month since this time period coincides with standard contract practices.
for an alternating current, the frequency is the number of times that the current passes through a full cycle per second. It is measured by Hertz (cycles per second).
The number of cycles of current flow in one second. In North America, the frequency of commercial and residential service is 60 cycles per second or 60 Hz.
The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon per unit time. Electromagnetic energy is usually specified in Hertz (Hz), which is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Weather radars typically operate in the GigaHertz range (GHz). See wavelength.
Refers to the number of cycles per second of an AC signal or an RF signal.
the number of polarity alternations per second measured in Hertz. KHz = thousand Hertz; MHz = million Hertz
In a narrative film, the aspect of temporal manipulation that involves the number of times any story event is shown in the plot. See also duration, order.
The number of times a given person will see an ad in a given time period.
The number of times an individual has ordered with a specified period of time. May also refer to your media plan as to the specific number of insertions within a given period.
The number of times a wave (of any type) occurs in one second. In radio, the term is applied mainly to electromagnetic waves and electricity.
The number of oscillations per second; generally expressed in hertz (Hz) or cycles per second (cps).
The number of complete operations or cycles that take place within a given period of time (normally one second), as in the AC line frequency of 6OHz (61) cycles per second).
The number of vibrations or oscillations per second. Measures in cycles or Hertz.
The number of cycles or periods of a waveform of a tone that occur in one second.
(Greek: nu, sometimes also: f) - the number of repetitions of a periodic process per unit time, measured in Hertz, abbreviated Hz. It is related to angular frequency, omega, by nu = omega/2pi.
The number of waves or cycles of electromagnetic radiation per second, usually measured in Hertz (Hz).
The rate at which alternating current makes a complete cycle of reversals. It is expressed in cycles per second. In the U.S. 60 cycles (Hz) is the standard while in other countries 50 Hz (cycles) is more common. The frequency of the AC will affect the speed of a motor (see Speed).
the number of periodic oscillations, vibrations or waves per unit of time.
The number of times a signal executes a complete excursion through its maximum and minimum values and returns to the same value (e.g. cycles).
The number of pulses per second used to describe pulsed electrical currents.
For an alternating current, the frequency is the number of times that the current goes through a complete cycle per second. It is measured in Hertz (cycles per second).
the number of cycles of alternating voltage or current which occur during a particular amount of time, usually one second
The number of times a behavior occurs in a specified observation period.
The rate at which a waveform or signal alternates. This rate is usually measured in hertz, a unit meaning cycles per second. Voice and data transmission is expressed in millions of hertz, called megahertz (MHz). 1900, 1800, 900 and 850 MHz are the main frequency bands. Fido uses the 1900 band.
The number of events occuring during a specified time period.
1. The number of times readers see a periodical or advertisement in a set period of time. 2. The number of issues published in a set period of time.
The property of an alternating-current signal measured in cycles per second, or hertz.
The physical aspects of sound which is perceived as pitch (measures in hertz, usually abbreviated Hz). idiomatic Colloquial type language used in the play ground or social setting eg cool, chill etc
The number of waves passing a given point in one second. Measured in Hertz (Hz), or cycles per second.
Rate of recurrence of a periodic wave. Measured in Hertz (cycles per second). Related Terms: center frequency | cutoff frequency | ripple frequency | unity gain frequency
The number of purchase is made in a defined time period, ignoring differing interorder wait times; for example, five times per year
the number of occurrences of a disease or injury in a given unit of time; with respect to suicide, frequency applies only to suicidal behaviors which can repeat over time.
The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of a radio wave (see L1 and L2 frequencies in this glossary). G - M
The measure of how many complete sine wave cycles occur in one second in an RF signal, measured in Hertz.
The number of complete cycles per unit of time.
The number of times an alternating current repeats its cycle in one second, expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).
Number of alternating current cycles produced by a metal detector. Measured in Hertz (Hz)
A measurement of the number of electromagnetic waves that pass a given point in a given time period. It is equal to the speed of light divided by wavelengths, and is expressed in Hertz (cycles per second).
The number of times a specific event or value occurs in a given category.
A property of a wave that describes how many wave patterns or cycles pass by in a period of time. Frequency is often measured in Hertz (Hz), where a wave with a frequency of 1 Hz will pass by at 1 cycle per second.
The number of times a person is exposed to an ad.
Number of occurrences of a certain event in a specific amount of time (usually seconds) The unit for the frequency is Hertz (Hz). Frequency is usually represented by the letter f.
A term used to describe the number of times the same advertisement is shown to the same visitor during a particular session or time frame. This can be accomplished through the use of cookies.
The center frequency of an equalizer band. See Equalizer. Human Hearing is about 20 Hz (Cycles per second) to about 16,KHz (thousand cycles per second). Some people can hear higher while others, especially those who have had prolonged exposure to loud noises, hear less. It is generally accepted that even though there some frequencies in the spectrum we can't consciously hear, we are still influenced by them and they contribute greatly to the overall perceived quality of the program material.
The number of complete cycles of sinusoidal variation per unit time. For AC power lines, the most widely used frequencies are 60 and 50 hertz (Hz).
number of times target market is able to see advertisement
The number of times a signal occurs in a specific period of time. Filters in the pulse generator's sense amplifiers selectively screen out signals at frequency ranges not associated with signals of cardiac origin.
The number of times a visitor is exposed to an advertising message during the period of a campaign.
The time rate at which a quantity, such as electric field, oscillates. Frequency is equal to the number of cycles through which the quantity changes per second.
The measurement of the amount of waves transmitted in an analog signal over a one-second period, usually expressed in Hertz. The higher the frequency, the faster a monitor's screen is redrawn and the smoother motion appear.
The rate a particular user is exposed to a particular creative or a particular campaign during a single session or period of time. Frequency capping is essential to the success of online advertising campaigns to maximize creative effectiveness.
The number of times you will train a specific muscle group over a given period of time. For example, the frequency of bicep training should be once per week.
the rate at which an event will reoccur; the reciprocal of the period. In radiation, the number of wave crests that pass by a point each second, described in hertz.
3/4– (1)The average number of times households or persons viewed a given program, station or advertisement during a specific time period, such as one month. This number is derived by dividing the Gross Rating Points (GRP) by the total non-duplicated audience (cume). For example, if a group of programs achieved 30 GRP's and a cume of 20, then the average frequency would be 1.5 exposures per person or household.
rate of vibration or signal oscillation. In audio, it normally involves the audible bandwidth. In video, it most typically involves the bandwidth of the sharpness component of the video signal, although the bandwidth of the color component of the signal is often of greater importance.
Frequency, in ergonomics terms, refers to how often we repeat / do something. The 'units' of interest for frequency will vary depending on the task being looked at. For many repetitive type tasks we are interested in looking at frequency in terms of the number of repetition / actions per minute. In the case of an office worker we may be interested in knowing how many times per hour the worker gets up out of their chair. Or, we may want to know how many times a shift a certain action or task is performed. (See Repetition)
The measure of the rapidity of alterations of a periodic signal, expressed in cycles per second or hertz.
Number of cycles in a given time. Typically refers to the rate of variation of the carrier wave or modulating signal. The RF signals of communications satellites are typically in the GHz frequency range.
The number of cycles completed in a period of time by a sound wave, generally measured in cycles per second (hertz or Hz).
The relative occurrence of an allele in a given population.
The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon per unit time. In electronics, we refer to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) and alternating electrical current, which are periodic phenomena. The unit of frequency is the Hertz, abbreviated as "Hz." Formerly, the unit of frequency was known as cycles per second, abbreviated as "cps."
f: This is the number of waves that pass a particular point in one second.
The number of waves (or cycles) arriving at or passing a point in one second, expressed in hertz (Hz).
The frequency of a wave is the number of times that a wave is produced within a time period.
The space between waves in a signal. The amount of time between waves passing a stationary point.
The number of times an individual has ordered within a specific period of time.
The number of oscillations in an electromagnetic wave per second. Measured in units of hertz.
The number of cycles per second for any periodic waveform - measured in cycles per second - now called Hertz.
Of a periodic wave, the number of identical cycles per second. Usually expressed in Hertz.
The number of pulses or cycles per second; measured in units of Hertz (Hz) where 1 hertz equals 1 pulse/cycle per second.
The number of times that alternating current reverses polarity, or direction, usually expressed in hertz (cycles per second). In the USA, most electricity is generated at 60 Hz (hertz).
The measurement of the number of vibrations or cycles completed by a signal in one sound. Frequency is represented in cycles or Hertz (Hz).
Number of vibrations per unit time; number of waves that cross a given point per unit time (in radiation).
The number of times that a person or family has the opportunity to be exposed to an outdoor display during a specific time period (also called "Repetition"). The calendar month is normally used as the reference unit to determine frequency.
The vibration or oscillation of sound and is measured in cycles per second called Hz (Hertz). Humans can hear frequencies between 20-20kHz.
The number of times an event can happen in a specific period of times. Often used in probability.
Cycles per second. The number of vibrations occurring during a second, resulting in the perceived "pitch" of a sound.
Days per week aerobic activity is performed.
The number of wave crests passing a given point per unit time.
Defines number of events during a time period. Hertz (Hz) is a measurement of frequency.
the number of vibrations a wave makes in a given period of time, usually 1 second
The number of cycles over a specified time period over which an event occurs. The reciprocal is called the period.
Number of cycles per second measured in Hertz. The US standard is 60Hz per second.
The number of cycles through which an alternating current passes in a second, measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of complete oscillations per second of periodic energy radiated as sound waves (Hz). Audible frequencies are commonly defined as ranging from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. See Hertz
(n) The rate of occurrence or repetition of something, usually measured over a particular period of time
the number of wave oscillations per unit time or the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time
A measure of the rate of occurrence of an event expressed as the number of occurrences of an event in a given time.
The number of cycles (oscillation positive and negative) completed in one second. Defined as Hertz (Hz). In North America, utility power completes 60 cycles per second, (60 Hertz).
The number of complete alternating current cycles produced by the transmit oscillator per second. Measured in cycles per second. VLF Very Low Frequency = 3 to 30 kHz; LF Low Frequency = 30 to 300 kHz;MF Medium Frequency = 300 to 3000 kHz; HF High Frequency = 3 to 30 MHz.
The number of cycles or events per unit of time, commonly having units of seconds (Hertz). An RF or microwave signal is an alternating current (AC) wave form, meaning it swings from a positive to negative value. Each positive to negative swing is called a cycle. Frequency is then the number of cycles occurring per second. 17550 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Tel: (949) 250-1244 Fax: (949) 250-1009
(noun) In physics, the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a specific unit time; also the number of cycles or vibrations undergone during one unit of time by a body in periodic motion. (As simple as it gets!)
Number of vibrations produced by a signal or sound, expressed as cycles per second, or hertz (Hz).
is the specified band or range within an overall spectrum of electromagnetic radio waves used as a channel for sending or receiving communications.
The number of times a signal or voltage changes polarity in a given period of time expressed as "cycles per second" or "Hertz (Hz)."
The number of cycles occurring in a given interval of time (usually one second) in an electric current. Frequency is commonly expressed in hertz.
The number of times per year that a magazine is published.
The frequency of a word form ("token") is the total number of occurrences of that word form in the text. See also word.
The amount of time between peaks in a sound wave. For example, if a wave peaks 300 times every second then the frequency is 300 cycles per second or 300 Hertz.
The number of cycles per second (Hertz or Hz) of a vibration, resonance or sine wave. Audio frequencies range up to 20kHz (20,000Hz), though many experts believe humans may be able to detect far higher into the supersonic spectrum. Radio frequencies (RF) extend from around 70kHz into the MHz. FM stereo broadcasts are typically in the 87.5 -107MHz frequency bandwidth. In some countries such as Japan, FM broadcasts are at a slightly lower bandwidth.
the number of times an individual in a target audience is exposed to a campaign in a specific time period
How often something happens. Audio frequencies are commonly defined as ranging from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second (Hz), assuming that sound waves that change the air pressure 20 or 20,000 times each second can be heard.
The range of human hearing is commonly given as 20-20,000Hz (20Hz-20kHz). One hertz (Hz) represents one cycle per second, 20Hz represents 20 cycles per second and so on. Lower numbers are lower frequencies
A measure of the number of cycles completed per unit of time. In radio communications contexts, the common measure is Hertz, or cycles per second, of a radio wave. If a wave completes 10 cycles per second, it is measured as a wave of 10 Hz. Common multiples include the Kilohertz (KHz, or 1,000 cycles per second), Megahertz (MHz, or 1,000,000 cycles per second) and Gigahertz (GHz or 1,000,000,000 cycles per second). In computer processing contexts, frequency is a measurement of clock speed, or oscillations per second, that the processor completes. This measurement uses identical nomenclature as radio transmissions.
The rate at which an alternating or pulsating wave repeats itself expressed in cycles per second (C.P.S.) or hertz (Hz).
The rate at which the cycle repeats. Generally measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz).
Rate of vibration of the soul on a scale of one to one hundred. It gives the essence its "consistency." Slow frequencies feel more solid, medium frequencies feel more liquid, and fast frequencies feel more gaseous.
The number of times the target audience has an opportunity to see the advertising expressed over a campaign period and usually as opportunities to see (OTS) or hear (OTH).
The number of times an alternating current repeats its cycle in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz). The standard international frequency is 50Hz, while the standard North American frequency is 60Hz.
The average number of times the same person will hear a commercial.
Rate of signal oscillation in hertz, meaning the number of times the wave form repeats itself in second (measured in Hertz (Hz) where one Hz is one cycle per second). The frequencies band assigned to GSM is 900-1800 MHz. For 3G the band assigned are between 1885-2025 Mhz and 2110-2200 Mhz.
Refers to the number of vibrations of sound per second or the number of completed cycles per second of an electrical wave. Frequency is measured in hertz, and abbreviated as Hz. In its simplest form it is a measure of how often an event repeats itself. A sound source such as a tuning fork, that vibrates back and forth 1000 times per second is said to have a frequency of 1000 Hz. Frequency was formally stated in cps, or cycles per second.
the rate per second at which an oscillating body vibrates. Usually measured in Hertz (Hz), humans can hear sounds whose frequencies are in the range 20 Hz to 20kHz.
the rate at which a signal is changing or vibrating. EEG frequency is measured in cycles per second. Typical frequency ranges are Theta: 4-7, Alpha: 8-12, SMR or Low Beta: 12-15, Beta: 15-20, and High Beta: 20-30. Exact frequency ranges used for EEG training vary with the practitioner and protocol.
The number of times something happens in a certain period of time, such as the ground shaking up and down or back and forth during an earthquake.
How often an aerobic activity is performed.
The number of cycles which an alternating current moves through in each second. Standard electric utility frequency in the United States is 60 cycles per second, or 60 Hertz.
The number of waves that pass a given point in a second. The frequency of a signal is expressed in cycles per second, and more commonly, in Hertz.
1.) The number of times an online ad is delivered to the same browser in a single session or time period, or 2.) Refers to how often prospects make purchases, usually part of an RFM analysis.
The number of repetitive variations of sound pressure per unit of time which is usually stated in Hertz (Hz).
s. Vibration Generally defined as the number of cycles per time unit; in horology it is the number of oscillations of a balance every two seconds or of its vibrations per second. For practical purposes, frequency is expressed in vibrations per hour (vph).
The number of vibrations per second of an electrical or electromagnetic signal expressed in cycles per second or Hertz.
The number of times a wave-like radio signal changes from the very positive to the very negative charge per second.
The rate at which a signal (e.g. electrical current) alternates. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz, abbreviated Hz. If a signal completes one cycle per second, then the frequency is 1 Hz; 60 cycles per second equals 60 Hz. Hz: Hertz. The name of the basic measure of frequency at which an electromagnetic wave completes a full cycle from its positive to its negative pole and back again. Each unit is equal to one cycle per second. KHz: Kilohertz. Refers to a unit of frequency equal to 1,000 Hertz. MHz: Megahertz. Refers to a frequency equal to one million Hertz. GHz: Gigahertz. Refers to a frequency equal to one billion Hertz.
Cycles per second or Hertz (Hz) of a sound tone. FUNCTION: A BASIC command that causes the BASIC interpreter to run a subroutine.
The number of times a customer has ordered within a given time frame.
The rate of repetition of a cyclic phenomenon such as a sound wave.
(1) In sound waves or light waves, the number of wave peaks per second. In sound, frequency governs the perceived pitch of the sound; in light, frequency governs the perceived hue of the light. (2) In statistical analysis, the number of occurrences of a particular observation.
The number of times within the specified time period that an average person or household is exposed to the message.
The rate at which an electromagnetic waveform alternates. Measured in (Hz). One hertz is equal to one cycle per second.
The repetition of vibratory motion during a specified period of time.
Indicates how often an event occurs. In audio, frequency expresses how many sound-waves arrive at a passing point in one second.
The number of times a unique recipient or user has viewed the same email message or web page.
The number of repetitions per second of any cycled (repeated) process.
The number of times you go to the bathroom per day.4 Voiding 8 or more times per 24 hours is considered irregular frequency.
The number of times in one second that an alternating current goes through its complete cycle. One cycle per second is also referred to as one hertz.
The number of times something occurs. For example, if 8 participants scored between 90% and 100% on a memory task, then the frequency of scores in the interval 90-100% would be 8.
The frequency of a Sine Wave is the count of the number of cycles performed in a defined period of time. It is commonly measured in ‘Hertz' (Hz) which are 'cycles per second' or ‘cycles per minute' (CPM).
A proportion that describes how often an event occurs relative to the total study population. This is defined as the number of cases with an event, such as the primary endpoint outcome, divided by the total number of patients in the trial.
The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon per unit time. The frequency of electromagnetic energy is usually specified in Hertz (Hz), which represents one cycle per second.
The number of cycles per second of a wave (i.e. sound wave)
The number of times per second a complete electromagnetic wave cycle occurs, usually expressed in hertz (Hz). A single hertz is equivalent to one cycle-per-second.
The number of repetitions per unit time of the oscillations of an electromagnetic wave (or other wave). The higher the frequency, the greater the energy of the radiation and the smaller the wavelength. Frequency is measured in Hertz.
Number of oscillations per unit time t. f=1/t
The number of waves per second. The unit of frequency is the hertz, Hz. Waves
() Compare with wavelength. The number of cycles of a wave that move past a fixed observation point per second. The SI unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz).
The number of times the same viewer sees your commercial. Often used in tandem with "reach," or the number of different viewers who see your commercial, to describe the impact of an advertising campaign.
The number of waves occurring within a particular time interval.
Frequency is the number of times a phenomenon occurs within a specified interval such as the number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform.
The number of times a sound vibrates per unit of time. Frequency is expressed in hertz (Hz), a unit of measurement equal to one cycle per second.
Property of a periodic-current signal measured in cycles per second or hertz. In general, the higher the frequency of a signal, the more capacity it has to carry information, the smaller an antenna is required, and the more susceptible the signal is to absorption by the atmosphere and physical structures. At microwave frequencies, radio signals take on a line-of-sight characteristic and require highly directional and focused antennas to be received successfully. Back to Gigabyte
The number of times that an alternating current goes through its complete cycle in one second of time. One cycle per second is also referred to as one hertz; 1000 cycles per second, one kilohertz; 1,000,000 cycles per second, one megahertz: and 1,000,000,000 cycles per second, one gigahertz.
The number of cycles per second of an electromagnetic transmission. 1 hertz (Hz) = 1 cycle per second; 1 kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000; 1 megahertz (MHz) = 1,000,000; 1 gigahertz (GHz) 1 billion.
Number of waves that cross a given point per unit time, or the number of vibrations which occur per unit time.
The number of sound waves per second of a tone. The frequency corresponds to the pitch of the audible tone.
The number of oscillations, or cycles, within one second. Frequency refers to anything that exhibits the properties of a wave. For example, sound waves are produced when a piano or guitar string vibrates; when this happens at a frequency of 440 times per second, we hear the specific musical note middle C. Likewise, a "vibrating" electron emits electromagnetic waves. When the electron vibrates about 600 thousand billion times in one second, it emits green light. Ocean waves also have frequencies that you can measure by counting the number of times a floating buoy bobs up and down. With a stop-watch, count the bobs for one minute (one "bob" = one cycle), then divide by 60 to calculate the frequency of the buoy in bobs per second (cycles per second). See also light wavelength
The rate at which a cycle repeats itself; in electrosurgery, the number of cycles per second that current alternates.
The number of times an individual or household is exposed to a message or schedule within a given period of time.
the number of times per second that a signal (or wave) alternates from positive to negative and back again, expressed in Hertz (Hz); the highest frequencies that a human ear can hear are those that oscillate at up to 15,000 to 20,000 times per second; the electromagnetic wave corresponding to the color red has a frequency of 428,570 GHz (pronounced gigahertz), which can also be stated as 428,570 billion cycles per second; when you look at red light, your eye receives over four hundred trillion waves every second.
the number of times an oscillating signal goes through a complete cycle. Typically expressed as hertz.
the number of vibrations or cycles in a given period of time
the number of back-and-forth cycles per second, in a wave or wave like process. Expressed this way, the frequency is said to be given in units of Hertz (Hz), named after the discoverer of radio waves. Alternating current in homes in the US goes through 60 cycles each second, hence its frequency is 60 Hz; in Europe it is 50 cycles and 50 Hz.
Frequency refers to the number of times an electromagnetic wave repeats an identical cycle in a unit of time, usually one second. One Hertz (Hz) is equal to one cycle per second, a KHz is 1000 cycles per second, a MHz is one million cycles per second, etc.
The number of times a given value of an observation occurs. It is also called counts.
The number of oscillations in an alternating current that occur within one second; measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of complete cycles of a periodic waveform during one second.
The number of times targeted consumers are exposed to a particular advertisement. p. 493
the rate of variation or cycles in air pressure in a sound. Measured in hertz. (LC:293) the number of times per second that the vibration pattern repeats, i.e., the number of cycles per second. Measured in hertz (Hz). (H:552)
The total number of times an individual sees or hears an ad.
The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, expressed in Hertz (Hz).
The number of crests of a wave that pass a given point per unit of time. It is often expressed in terms of cycles per second or Hertz.
The repetition rate of a periodic waveform measured over a one second time period. The more cycles the higher the frequency, measured in Hertz.
The average number of times a person is exposed to a commercial during a given spot advertising schedule.
The number of times an ad is delivered to the same browser in a single session or time period. A site needs to use cookies in order to manage ad frequency.
Akin to the term "probability"', as used in the field of statistics, meaning: "...the chance or likelihood that a particular event will occur. If each possible outcome is equally likely, this chance of occurrence of the event may be defined as follows: probability of occurrence = X/T where X [is] the number of outcomes for which the event we are looking for occurs [and] T [is] the total number of possible outcomes..." (Reference: Applied Statistics: A First Course, M. L. Berenson, D. M. Levine, D. Rindskopf, 1988 Prentice-Hall Inc., p. 133).
the number of cycles per second for an alternating current system.
Number of vibrations in one second. In the Brain Fitness Program, frequency refers to sound waves.
Frequency is the number of oscillations or cycles per unit time. In acoustics, frequency usually is expressed in units of Hertz (Hz) where one Hertz is equal to one cycle per second.
Number of cycles, measured in hertz, of an alternating current signal per unit time.
For alternating current electricity, the number of cycles (or change of the direction of electron flow) occurring in each second. The term Hertz (Hz) corresponds to cycles per second.
The number of waves that pass a particular point in some time interval (usually a second); usually given in units of hertz, one cycle per second.
The number of repetitions by the time of the unit of the oscillations of an electromagnetic wave (or of another wave). The more high it is the frequency, greater it is the energy of the radiation and the more small it is the wavelength. The frequency is moderate in Hertz.
The rate of oscillation of sound. A frequency of 20 Hz (hertz) means that the speaker will complete a full cycle (starting from rest the speaker moves forward, back, and up to the center again) twenty times per second. Humans are said to be able to hear frequencies from 20Hz to 20,000Hz (20kHz).
The number of vibrations, waves, or cycles of any periodic phenomenon per second. In architectural acoustics, the interest lies in the audible frequency range of 20 to 20,000 cps Hertz (cycles per second).
The number of complete oscillations (cycles) that an electromagnetic wave makes in a second, usually expressed in hertz; or the number of sound waves per second produced by a sounding body.
The number of times per second a repetitive signal undergoes a full cycle of vibration. Frequency units are hertz (Hz). Image sensors are sometimes described in terms of their resolving capability or spatial frequency. Spatial frequency measured in either a MTF (analog) or CTF (digital) test, is the number of cycles of image brightness variation along a scan direction, generally expressed in lines per millimeter or line pairs per millimeter.
The number of repetitions within a given time of a complete wave form, as of common Line Voltage with typical frequencies of 50 or 60 cycles per second. See Hertz
The number of times during a campaign that an average individual is exposed to a transit message.
Number of complete cycles per unit of time, denoted by Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.
Number of oscillations per second (e.g. number of full sinus cycles per second).
The frequency of the New Zealand grid is normally maintained at 50 Hertz frequency and is the number of cycles per second.
urinating or voiding more than 5 to 7 times per day without an increase in the volume of liquid consumed.
refers to both the number of times an infomercial will play in a specific TV market over a specified time period and the number of times the average individual will see the same commercial. The latter definition is most applicable to the spot TV ad industry and is a measure of depth of an image ad campaign.
The rate at which an electromagnetic waveform alternates, usually in Hertz (Hz) or Megahertz (MHz).
Rate or number of occurrences in a specific period of time.
The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of a radio wave. Back to the top of the page... G - I
The reciprocal of a signal's period is its frequency (units of Hertz -- or cycles per second -- actually 1/second, dimensionally).
Number of oscillations per unit time; in Hertz (Hz) i.e., 1 cycle per second.
The average number of times people see an ad.
Represents the number of cycles of vibration that occur in one second. The number of cycles is designated in Hertz (Hz). This is perceived as "pitch".
is the number of cycles per unit of time, denoted by Hertz (Hz). One Hz equals one cycle per second.
The number of times a wave of electro-magnetic radiation, such as a radio wave, arcs or cycles per second. Frequency is directly related to wave-length - the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. The frequency of a wave determines its position within the electro-magnetic spectrum.
The number of vibrations per second of a sound. Frequency, expressed in Hertz (Hz) determines the pitch of the sound. Lower Hz numbers are low pitched sounds., higher Hz numbers are high pitched.
The average number of times an unduplicated (net) audience is exposed to a medium within a given period of time.
The number of complete oscillations per second that occur in wave forms. The higher the frequency the higher the quality of sound.
The number of waves per second, in an electrical or light-wave information signal. A signal's frequency is stated in either cycles-per-second or Hertz (Hz). See also Hertz. The frequency is a good measure of the energy of the signal.
For any kind of wave, the time between peaks of successive wave crests.
The number of cycles per minute at which a spring will vibrate freely once it has been excited.
The basic unit of rate, measured in events or oscillations per second using a frequency counter or spectrum analyzer. Frequency is the reciprocal of the period of a signal.
The number of times a vibrating body makes one complete back and forth movement per unit of time, such as one second. Frequency relates to the pitch of the sound.
The number of times a workload element is executed by the workload element above it in the workload hierarchy. For example, for a workload Request, the frequency is the number of times the Request is executed during a workload Transaction.
The number of cycles or alternations occurring in 1 second. Measured in terms of cycles per second (cps) or more commonly hertz (Hz).
A measure of analogue waves (sine waves). Basically a measure of how many "peaks" or cycles from one peak to another pass a given point in every second. Measured in Hertz, Hz.
The number of complete cycles of an electromagnetic wave in a second. Unit hertz, symbol Hz. 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.
A certain "size" of radio wave: the rate at which the electric and magnetic fields of a radio wave vibrate per second.
Pitch of a sound; number of cycles produced in one second; measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of times that a loss will occur within any given period of time.
The number of cycles an operation occupies per period of time. The normal unit of measurement for frequency is Hertz.
The number of times per second at which an electromagnetic wave oscillates. Determines the wave’s properties and usage.
The number of crests of cycles (or vibrations) of a wave in a given unit of time, usually measured in units of Hertz (one oscillation per second).
The lines per inch (lpi) in a halftone screen.
It is a periodic repetition of an event within a unit of time. In an electrical circuit, it is the number of waves that pass through a given point in one second. In other words, it is the number of times a resonator plate oscillates or vibrates in one second. The customer usually specifies the nominal or desired frequency.
The number of reccurrences of a periodic phenomenon in a unit of time. Electrical frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of times the target audience of a TV campaign has the opportunity to see the campaign, expressed over a period of time
An expression of how frequently a periodic (repetitious) wave form or signal regenerates itself at a given amplitude. It can be expressed in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (KHz), megahertz (MHz), and so on.
The number of cycles over a specified period of time usually measured in cycles per second. Also referred to as Hertz (Hz). The reciprocal is called the period.
Number of times a loss occurs. One of the criteria used in calculating premium rates.
The rate at which a process repeats itself. In radio communications, frequency is expressed in cycles per second.
The number of times an event occurs.
A measure of the rate of change of a periodic function. The number of cycles completed in 1 second. The unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz).
The number of times a wave completes its cycle per unit of time. The frequency of a soundwave determines the pitch. Usually, frequency is measured in Hz which is the number of cycles (undulations) of the wave per second. Click here for a picture of a wave cycle.
The rate of repetitive recurrence of the electrical signal. Also called cycles per second
Any cyclic event, whether vibration, alternating current or rotational speed. Usually expressed in cycles per second (cps) or cycles.
Describes the number of wave crests passing by a fixed point in a given time period (usually one second). Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
The number of mortgages in a class that go to claim over a given period of time divided by the total original number of mortgages in that class.
The number of times a complete electromagnetic wave cycle occurs in a fixed unit of time, usually one second. The rate at which a current alternates, measured in Hertz on a telecommunications medium.
the number of cycles occurring per time unit.
The number of wavelengths which pass a specific point in a specific time period, measured in Hertz (Hz). Cycles per second.
High pitched are said to be high frequency. The inverse is true of low sounds.
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). Also the way to note a general location on the radio frequency spectrum such as 800 MHz, 900 MHz or 1900 MHz. See also HZ (Hertz), MHz (Megahertz).
The number of cycles through which an alternating current passes per second; in the U.S. the standard for electricity generation is 60 cycles per second (60 Hertz).
The number of times a person participates in physical activity each week.
The average number of times an individual has the opportunity to see an advertising message during a defined period of time. Frequency (and reach) in Out of Home media is normally measured over a 30-day period.
1. The property or condition of reoccurring at constant measurable intervals. The number of times a specified phenomenon occurs within a specified interval, such as the number of repetitions per unit time for a complete waveform. Usually measured in hertz.
Alternating electric current frequency is an expression of how often a complete cycle occurs. Cycles per second describe how many complete cycles occur in a given time increment. Hertz (hz) has been adopted to describe cycles per second so that time as well as number of cycles is specified. The standard power supply in North America is 60 hz. Most of the rest of the world has 50 hz power.
1. The rate of recurrence of any periodic phenomenon, often associated with waves of all kinds. Without qualification frequency often means temporal frequency, the rate of recurrence of a time-varying function, but could mean spatial frequency, the rate of recurrence of a space-varying function. Spatial frequency is the reciprocal of the repeat distance (sometimes the wavelength). The dimensions of (temporal) frequency are inverse time. A common unit for frequency is cycle per second, formerly abbreviated cps, but superseded by hertz, abbreviated as Hz. The symbol ν is often used for frequency but is common in engineering. Period is inverse frequency. Related to frequency, and applied especially to sinusoidally varying quantities, is angular or circular frequency, often denoted by ω = 2πν, with units radians per unit time (e.g., radians per second). 2. In statistics, the number of times a specified event occurs in a given series of observations; for example, the number of rainy days observed at a particular station during a certain period of time. In many types of studies (hydrometeorological, especially) the reciprocal of frequency, the recurrence interval, is used.
For a wave, the number of crests (or troughs) that pass a stationary point per second.
The average number of times an individual has the opportunity to see an advertising message during a defined period of time. Typically measured over a four-week period.
The number of segments in a wave that pass a given point every second.
The number of oscillations, or vibrations, of radio waves per unit of time, usually expressed in either cycles-per-second or Hertz (Hz).
The speed at which a monitor can update the image displayed on the screen. The higher the number, the faster the refresh.
the numbers on the dial identify the length of energy wave transmitting the program signal
The speed with which a digital point changes state. Usually measured in counts per second. Reading the frequency can help determine the speed of rotating machinery, for example.
In a scientific sense, the frequency implies how often a sound wave repeats itself. In practical terms, it is the pitch of the sound, or the highness or lowness of the human voice. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
the rate of variation of a wave or signal
In statistics the frequency of an event i is the number ni of times the event occurred in the experiment or the study. These frequencies are often graphically represented in histograms.