a standard term for the measurement of frequencies, i.e. the A above middle C vibrates at a frequency of 440 cycles per second.
The number of oscillations that occur in the time frame on one second. (See Frequency). Low frequency sounds have fewer and longer oscillations.
This term describes the frequency of alternating current. Frequency is more properly described using the term Hertz (Hz) which is synonymous with cycles per second.
Unit used in the measure of frequency, equivalent to Hertz Home Recording Tips Community RecordingDirectory.com Studio Equipment Help & Reference FAQ's Glossary Search HRC Register Login Subscribe to Newletter
This term describes the frequency of alternating current. Frequency is measured in "hertz" which is synonymous with cycles per second.
More commonly known as Hertz (abbr: Hz) after the German who discovered the nature of audio frequencies. It is the speed of movement of a sine wave or cycle that determines its frequency, and in turn the musical pitch of a note.
The frequency of an electrical signal or sound wave. Measured in Hertz (Hz).