parts per billion. Compare? One ppb is comparable to one kernel of corn in a filled, 45-foot silo, 16 feet in diameter.
This acronym stands for "parts per billion."
part per billion. one part in 1,000,000,000 parts
Parts per billion. A measure of the concentration of a substance.
Parts per billion. Units commonly used to express low contaminant concentrations. For example, one part per billion (ppb) of trichloroethylene (TCE) equals one drop of TCE mixed in a competition-size swimming pool, and one part per million (ppm) equals one ounce of trichloroethylene (TCE) in one million ounces of water.
Parts per billion. Ten ppb means ten parts of a contaminant to one billion parts of water.
Parts Per Billion. One pound per billion pounds of water.
Parts per billion, a measure of concentration, such as parts of a chemical per billion parts of air or water. Ppb is one thousand times smaller than ppm.
Parts Per Billion - a unit of measurement - 100 ppb = 0.00001%.
Parts per billion: a weight unit of measurement.1% is equivalent to 10,000,000 ppb, 1 ppb is equivalent to 0.001 ppm or 0.0000001%.
Parts per billion. A measuring unit for the concentration of one material in another. When looking at contamination of water and soil, the substances are often measured in parts per billion. One part per billion is equal to one gram of substance in one billion grams of material. Most drinking water standards are measured in ppb concentrations.
parts per billion: One part per billion is equivalent to one green apple in a barrel with 999,999,999 red apples
A measurement. Parts Per Billion ( 097)
Parts per billion. A thousand times less than a ppm. An expression for tiny concentrations of one ingredient (usually a contaminent) in a mixture. One milligram per kilogram equals one weight ppm.
parts per billion. Ratio of amounts expressed as parts pesticide per 10 sample. Strictly the quantities should be the same i.e. weight to weight (solids) or volume to volume (liquids or gases) e.g. 1ppb = 1æ g/kg. A common usage is for weight to volume but to avoid confusion it is recommended that the SI units are used rather than ppb; e.g. æ g/L (Mills et al., 1993)
Parts per billion. Commonly used to express concentrations of dissolved oxygen gas or D.M.S.
parts per billion, equal to micrograms per litre.
Parts per billion. A unit of chemical concentration.
parts per billion. Units commonly used to express contamination ratios, as in establishing the maximum permissible amount of a contaminant in water, land, or air. These ratios can also be expressed in "parts per million (ppm)."
Parts per billion = One part of chemical/pollutant per a billion parts of water or air.
Parts per Billion – approx. equivalent to micrograms per liter.
Parts per billion. An expression for concentration; one one-thousandth of a part per million; the magnitude of this quantity can be related to 8 ounces of a substance dissolved in 4 inches of water ponded on a 1 square mile area; roughly equivalent in scale to 2 seconds in a lifetime.
Parts Per Billion. Some constituents in water are measured in small units. Many of the trace metals such as mercury and organic compounds such as trihalomethanes are monitored by Tucson Water are measured in terms of parts per billion (or micrograms per liter). To help you visualize how very small this unit is, we offer the following illustrations. One part per billion equals: One second of time in 31.7 years The first 16 inches of a trip to the moon
Parts per billion. Units commonly used to express low concentrations of contaminants. For example, 1 ounce of trichloroethylene (TCE) in 1 million ounces of water is 1 ppm. 1 ounce of TCE in 1 billion ounces of water is 1 ppb. If one drop of TCE is mixed in a competition-size swimming pool, the water will contain about 1 ppb of TCE.
Part per billion. The equivalent of about 1 second in 31 years.
Parts per billion. Is equivalent to micrograms per liter (µg/L).
parts per billion. A measurement of concentration on a weight or volume basis. This term is equivalent to microgram per litre, the preferred term. Used to describe extremely small concentrations.
Part-per-billion; equivalent to a microgram per liter (ug/l).
Abbreviation for parts per billion, used to express contaminant concentration(1 ppb equals 1 part out of 1,000,000,000 parts)
parts per billion (1/1,000,000,000) or .0000001
Parts per billion (1 in 109)
Parts per billion. A measure of concentration. 1000 times fewer than a ppm.
parts per billion. Number of parts of a chemical found in 1 billion parts of a particular gas, liquid, or solid.
Parts per billion (1 ppb = 1 part in 1 x 10 -9).
Parts per billion. The concentration of a particular chemical in solution. For every one part of the chemical. there are a billion parts of solution. Used to express very low concentrations.
Parts of vapor or gas per billion parts of contaminated air by volume.
parts per billion; a concentration equal to 1 microgram of a substance in one liter of water, µg/L
refers to parts per billion
Parts per Billion. Also equivalent to micrograms per liter (ug/l)- a measurement of weight, usually used in expressing amounts of organic chemicals in water. It is one thousand times less than a ppm.
Parts per billion. the number of parts of a given substance in a billion parts of some other substance. (Example: In the ambient air, 1 ppb lead represents one part of lead per 1 billion parts of air.)
used to specify the concentration (by volume) of a gas or vapour at very low concentration, or a dissolved material at high dilution.
parts per billion - also equivalent to micrograms per liter (ug/L) or micrograms per kilogram (ug/kg).
Parts per billion. A measurement of concentration of one unit of material dispersed in 1 billion units of another.
Parts per billion. A common basis of reporting water quality analysis. As an example, one ppb of trichloroethylene (TCE) equals one drop of TCE mixed in a competition-size swimming pool.
Parts per billion. One ppb is equivalent to one second in 32 years.
Parts per Billion. One PPB is one part in a billion parts.
Parts per billion. The number of weight or volume units of a minor constituent present with one billion units of a major constituent of a mixture.
Parts per billion. Equivalent to micrograms per liter. One ppb is equivalent to one drop of water in 55,000 gallons.
A unit of measure expressed as parts per billion. Equivalent to 1 x 10-9.
An abbreviation for parts per billion.