Part per trillion. The equivalent of about 1 second in 31,000 years.
parts per trillion. Compare? One ppt is comparable to one drop in a swimming pool covering the area of a football field 43 ft. deep.
A unit of gas concentration given in parts per trillion. One PPT is 1 part in 1,000,000,000,000. One PPT thus represents a concentration of 1 one-thousandth of a cubic millimeter of gas in a cubic meter.
Parts per thousand (used as a measurement of salinity).
Parts per trillion: a weight unit of measurement.1% is equivalent to 10,000,000,000 ppt, 1 ppt is equivalent to 0.000001 ppm or 0.0000000001%.
Parts per trillion. Units commonly used to express low concentrations of contaminants. For example, 1 ounce of trichloroethylene (TCE) in 1 million ounces of water is 1 ppm. 1 ounce of TCE in 1 trillion ounces of water is 1 ppt.
parts per thousand, equal to grams per litre.
Parts per Trillion – approx. equivalent to nanograms per liter.
Pay Per Transaction. Ad pricing structure by which the advertiser pays the publisher according to the number of sales generated by an ad.
parts per thousand - a unit used to indicate salinity
Parts per trillion (1 ppt equals 1 part out of 1,000,000,000,000 parts)
Parts per trillion (1 in 1012)
Permanent Part-Time position.
parts per thousand (the units of measure for salinity)
Abbreviation for "parts per thousand."
Parts per trillion. One PPT is one part in a trillion parts.
Parts per trillion.Used interchangeably with ng/L (nanograms per liter.)
parts per thousand. The salinity of ocean water is approximately 35 ppt.