Files are collections of logically related items, much like a file cabinet contains file folders made up of similar types of information. For example, in one file cabinet you may find file folders containing information about your customers, while in another cabinet may be the folders for your suppliers. In the Pick System, the number of items that can be put into a file is limited by the capacity of the disk. We will put all of the PICK/BASIC programs, which are each considered "items," into a file called BP.
Used out in the "field" or on an archaeological dig, files are essential for keeping shovels, trowels and other items sharpened.
Indicates PC-enabled remote control configurations including one or more of the following items: infrared codes, macros, bitmaps, layouts. Many software packages allow you to share files between users or over the internet. See also: software, learning, preprogrammed, macros.
documents you create with applications, or documents necessary to the operating system or applications. You can sort files into folders to keep related items together. The rules for files – if you did not create it yourself, or download it, or receive it from a friend/ co-worker, etc., do not delete it or move it unless you are absolutely certain you know what it is and what it does. You may accidentally delete necessary system files, which could render your machine unbootable.