A text file containing information on how to use the file you want to access.
applications: A small file on most new software disks which describe what's on the disk, how to install it, and give details of any last minute changes. Apple's ReadMe documents are in Teach Text format, others often use text-only format. A variant on the term is Read Me First.
A readme file, often named "READ ME" to get the user's attention, is a text ...
This keyword defines the "readme" attribute for the product object. A text file of the README information for the product; either the text value itself or a filename that contains the text.
Files with this word in their name are generally text files containing information about software, the files in a directory, and so on that can be viewed with any text editor.
a text document (either in the
Files found on FTP sites that explain what is in a given FTP directory or which provide other useful information (such as how to use FTP).
A README is a text file that comes with a software application and describes changes in the current version, error workarounds and other late-breaking information. Source: TechSoup.org
A file commonly included on FTP servers that provides information on the file names and directory structure used on the server as well as any other information a user might need to retrieve and use the files.
The name of a file commonly found in ftp archives and software distributions. Usually contains information important to the installation or information that was written too late to be placed in the formal documentation.
(dead) 1.5 2 years uwe Renamed all README files to README.txt, as discussed in http://drupal.org/node/1...
A readme (or read me) file contains information about other files in a directory or archive and is very commonly distributed with computer software. Such a file is usually a text file called README.TXT, README.1ST, READ.ME, or simply README, although some Microsoft Windows software may include a README.RTF or README.DOC. The name is chosen such that even if one were not aware that there might typically be a readme file, they would be drawn to read it because of the name.