A technique used to make curves smoother in an image by averaging pixels with their neighbors.
Techniques/procedures for removing small erratic changes from data. This is usually applied to line and surface data. In mapping applications this is often used to create a better visual product -- may be referred to as smoothed data.
The reduction of the local variability of data and, when applied to a spatially distributed variable, results in a reduction of local variance. Smoothing, applied to a line, results in a reduction in the sharpness of angles between line segments.
Using statistical techniques to smooth out irregular graphs; usually plotting some measure over a period of time, and producing a smoother graph by averaging the current 3 (or more) figures.
Averaging pixels with their neighbors. It reduces contrast and simulates an out-of-focus image.
A mathematical technique that removes excess noise from the data. This is commonly performed by moving averages.
To decrease the effects of statistical uncertainties in computerized spectrum analysis, the content of each channel is replaced by a weighted average over a number of adjacent channels.
The removal of the shorter term fluctuations in data. This is often done by a moving average of one sort or another.
The reduction of peaks or spikes in data to create a reasonable average between data extremes.
Remove static interference (noise) from an audio file.
A spectral manipulation technique used to reduce the amount of noise in a spectrum. It works by calculating the average absorbance (or transmittance) of a group of data points called the “smoothing window,” and plotting the average absorbance (or transmittance) versus wavenumber. The size of the smoothing window determines the number of data points to use in the average, and hence the amount of smoothing.
The averaging of densities in adjacent areas to produce more gradual transitions. In image processing, this effect can be achieved by image filtering with appropriate filter weights.
A set of procedures for removing short-range, erratic variation from lines, surfaces, or data series.
means removing the smaller random fluctuations so as to see the trend. Smoothing may be done by a moving average or by various filters which are equivalent to weighted moving averages.
Smoothing eliminates high frequencies in the signal. If these high frequencies are noise, then this is a good thing. If they are signal, then smoothing is (probably) a bad thing. Averaging is a good example of smoothing. If the original data contains random errors (or, in a digital signal, aliasing) then averaging will eliminate the errors. If on the other hand the fluctuations in the sampled data are due to actual fluctuations in the measured signal, averaging will cause you to lose this information.
A mathematical technique that removes excess data in order to maintain a correct evaluation of the underlying trend.
Removal of all body hair from the neck down. Enjoying resurgence in North America with the growing popularity of Brazilian bikini waxing or Hollywood waxing as it is more commonly known in Europe.
A form of generalization that involves averaging (either by visual estimation or computation) the locations of the coordinates that define the surveyed path of a line feature or the boundary of a polygon so as to remove excessive detail, given the scale of the map, or to average measurement errors.
Removing random fluctuations from a time series by using a moving average (see Moving average) 26, 52
Leveling off, removing obstacles from the ground before shooting. Forbidden, and carries a one-shot penalty.
An averaging of data in space or time, designed to compensate for random errors or fluctuations of a scale smaller than that presumed significant to the problem at hand. Thus, for example, a thermometer smooths the temperature reading on the scale of its time constant; the analysis of a sea level weather map smooths the pressure field on a space scale more or less systematically determined by the analyst by taking each pressure as representative not of a point but of an area about the point. See consecutive mean, curve fitting, filtering, bloxam.
The reduction in the roughness depth and the increase in the load supporting component in contacting bodies due to relative movement and lubrication.
In statistics and , to smooth a data set is to create a function that attempts to capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise. Many different algorithms are used in smoothing. One of the most common algorithms is the "moving average", often used to try to capture important trends in repeated statistical surveys.