The process of removing aliasing artefacts.
Anti-aliasing is used to make jagged edges appear smooth. The mostcommon technique is to make a smoother transition from the color of the line, or edge, to the color of the background. This will result in edge blurring to some extent.
interface: Software techniques used to smooth out jagged-appearing edges of curved lines or sounds, such as the blur tool in Photoshop. See aliasing.
A filtering technique to give the appearance of smooth lines and edges in a raster image. The technique involves use of intermediate intensities between neighbouring pixels to soften the 'stairstep effect' of sloped lines.
A group of over-sampling methods for avoiding the unwanted visual effects or artifacts caused by limited display resolution. These aliasing effects include jaggies (staircasing along diagonal lines), moiré effects in checkerboards, and temporal aliasing (strobing) in animated scenes. Maya provides various solutions for edge aliasing and for shading aliasing. Some anti-aliasing techniques are time-expensive, and will increase render times. Try to find the solution that gives you the best balance between image quality and performance.
A form of interpolation used in graphics display technology when combining images; pixels along the transitions between images are averaged to provide a smooth transition.
Removing alias frequencies from the sampled signal. In letterfoms, jaggedness can be minimized during reconstruction by using various grey levels at the edges of stokes.
Blurring on the edges of a font on screen to soften the look of bitmapped type. Anti-aliasing is usually desirable at large point sizes (16 points or above), and is done automatically by Adobe Type Manager and some layout applications.
The process of smoothing out jagged edges which are created by pixel limitations. On a sloped line, the monitors pixels are unable to create a sloped line because of their square nature, resulting in a stair-step effect. Smoothing of this line is achieved by blending adjacent pixels on the line to create a much more gradual stair-step.
A graphic design technique that involves adding colored pixels to smooth the jagged edges of a graphic.
A form of interpolation used when combining images to provide a smooth transition between pixels. A good example is text over a plain or textured background. This will require the use of additional shades of color and intensity between the foreground text color and the background.
Used in digital imaging applications to smooth the jaggy edges of a selection.
A computerized process of digitally smoothing the jagged lines around graphic objects or titles.
Technique of reducing or eliminating the jagged lines on a low resolution image by filling in the edges to make it appear smoother
In electronic communication, the term refers to the adding of additional images or parts of images so as to convince the eye that it sees something that cannot be represented digitally. The goal is usually to make curved or diagonal lines appear smooth, or to show straight horizontal or vertical lines in certain positions. Lines cannot be represented smoothly or in the proper position because the display device resolution is not sufficient to represent the image accurately. In practice, the eye is fooled into completing the edge between the background and foreground colors.
A process of interpolation that smoothes the step-stairs of images. The process usually involves adding different hues next to the step-stair, rough-edged pixels to give it a smooth appearance.
A technique for making edges appear smoother and eliminating "jaggies" by filling in the edges of an object with pixels that are between the object's color and the background color. Anti-aliasing creates the illusion of smoother lines and smoother selections. Not appropriate for Web graphics which are transparent, because the intermediate pixels become opaque, making the image look like it has a "fringe" or "halo" around it.
A method of adding pixels of intermediate colors along the edges of images to get smoother transition from one color to another
Technique used in imaging applications to alleviate the jagged appearance of graphics produced on low-resolution devices such as computer monitors. Neutral colour is interpolated between two colour planes.
The removal of false signal frequencies caused by sampling at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate or two times the maximum signal frequency. With practical components and tolerances this requires a filter which removes frequencies above about 0.9 times the sampling rate.
The manipulation of edges (e.g., those between areas with contrasting colors) in an image, graphic, or text to make the edges appear smoother. Anti-aliased edges appear blurred up close but smooth at average viewing distance. Anti-aliasing is critical when working with high-quality graphics for television display use. Opposite of aliasing.
(1) The process of sampling a signal at more than twice its natural frequency to ensure that aliasing artifacts do not occur. (2) The smoothing of jagged edges on a displayed shape by modifying the transparencies of individual pixels along the shape's edge.
A process to blend hard and pixelated edges smoothly into the background of a digital image
The blending of pixel colors on the perimeter of hard-edged shapes, like type, to smooth undesirable edges (jaggies).
A method of smoothing the jagged edges of type or line art on computer screens by adding pixels of intermediate color values. See Aliasing.
A method for producing high-quality images using pixel coverage and blending techniques, most noticeable as smooth lines and polygon edges.
Feature that helps prevent aliasing in digital images.
A slight blur added to the edges of objects and type in bitmapped graphics to smooth out the edges.
The automatic removal or reduction of stair-step distortions in a computer-generated graphic image
The process which helps control the appearance of aliasing on computer generated images, usually including an alteration of background coloration and blurring.
reduces the staircase (jaggy) effect that is common along the edges of a polygon. Visually, anti-aliasing is most helpful on low resolution monitors. Anti-aliasing uses blended colors or shades of gray for the pixels along the jagged line. This blended color is a mixture of the object's color/shading and the background color/shading.
Removing the occurence of high-frequency components in an image.
The process of smoothing the edges of graphics and text to prevent flicker and jagged edges.
Method used to smooth out jagged edges in graphic and titling software.
The process of eliminating “jagged” edges on computer-generated text and graphics. Anti-aliased graphics have their edges slightly blurred and mixed with background colors to eliminate the jagged, stairstepping patterns that can occur on diagonal, or curved lines.
Anti-Aliasing is the smoothing of images and text to improve appearance
A remarkable Acorn invention to improve display of outline fonts, where the edges are made fuzzy, blending to the background. This process can also be applied to vector graphics, whereby lines and curves are smoothed, rather than having the classic computer staircase effect. The logo above is fully anti-aliased. The following images, using the same font, illustrate the poor text display of a Windows(tm) PC, despite being in a 32-bit screen mode, when compared to the RISC OS display - which matches the printed document as closely as possible: PC: Acorn
A technique for reducing the jagged appearance of aliased bitmapped images.
A way of averaging the brightness values of adjacent pixels in order to eliminate jagged edges in computer images.
This is a process applied by some software to smooth jagged edges from diagonal or curved edges.
Smoothing the jaggy edges of selection or paint tools in digital imaging applications
The process of averaging between pixels of different colors. This results is a smoother, more blended transition between the edge of two areas rather than a distinctly jagged appearance.
A software process to smooth out the jagged appearance of lines in a bit-mapped image.
The smoothing and removing of aliasing effects by filtering and other techniques. Edges on character generators and DVEs contain anti-aliasing facilities.
A technique of filling the edges of an image to smoothen jagged lines
Interpolation of pixels when scaling down (re-sizing), so that the scaled image looks smoother and more accurate than if just "throwing away" pixels
Process used to remove jagged edges in computerized graphics.
Process of blurring the edges of sharp lines to make them appear less jagged when viewed at low resolution.
A rendering process used to reduce image artifacts such as jagged edges by smoothing adjoining pixels.
The process used to remove "jaggies" or stair stepping in an image. Antialiasing smooths the diagonal lines by placing dots of an in-between tone in appropriate places.
The process of elimination of jagged or-"stair stepped" pixel edges or single pixels by a software algorithm, which blends the contrasting colors and shapes.
(n.) In computer graphics, the process of smoothing stair-step lines and curves. You accomplish antialiasing either by using a higher-resolution device or software routines that shade surrounding pixels and lessen the visual distinction.
Aliasing is basically described as the tendency for a curved or diagonal line to appear jagged since they are composed of tiny squares, or pixels. Anti-aliasing remedies this jagged appearance through software, making images appear more smooth and natural. Video games may provide varying levels of anti-aliasing, and generally with higher levels of anti-aliasing, the overall performance of the game will be lower since more processing power is being dedicated to smoothing each image. For this reason, many graphics card reviews will show the effect on the frame rate of a game when run with different levels of anti-aliasing applied.
A technique that smoothes the printed appearance of stair-stepped (jagged) lines. One method is to fill the edges of the line with varying shades of color (or gray). This method averages the brightness values of the edges.
Shading pixels on the border of an aliased image to give the appearance of smoothness.
A procedure employed to eliminate or reduce (by smoothing and filtering) the aliasing effects.
Aliasing causes jagged edges in images displayed on a computer screen in low resolution. Anti-aliasing software smoothes the stair-step effect by anticipating and displaying the interim pixels. In analog CCD systems, anti-aliasing is accomplished by the removal of unwanted high frequency components through the means of a high-frequency-cut optical filter placed before the imager.
A method of filling in data which has been missed due to under-sampling. In imaging this usually takes on the process of removing jagged edges by interpolating values in-between pixels of contrast. These methods are most often used to remove or reduce the stair-stepping artifact found in digital high contrast images.
Technique used to adjust jagged diagonal lines and curves in images caused by false frequencies (aliases) to make them look smoother. This process is commonly used to improve the appearance of fonts.
A method to remove the jagged edges of objects. It takes an the edges of a polygon and blurs them along its length to give the impression of a perfectly straight line, makes a massive difference at low resolution, making the polygons look as though they are at a far higher res than they are.
A filtering process to prevent aliasing or to reduce the aliasing that is already in the signal, i.e. the prefiltering or postfiltering of any data to ensure that they are suitable for the particular sampling structure being used. For instance, smoothing out diagonal lines or curved surfaces in a digitally generated wipe patter, or text from a character generator are particular cases of anti-aliasing. With reference to images it commonly means prevention of "jaggies". Removal of the same artifacts after sampling is usually more difficult and normally involves greater softening of the image. Synonyms: Antialias
A procedure for reducing the appearance of jaggedness around high-contrast features such as lines or text in a raster image. Anti-aliasing effectively involves reducing the contrast slightly by mixing the two contrasting colors along their boundary. For example, a diagonal black bar on a white background would be rendered with some shades of gray along the edges, according to how the ideal geometric representation of the bar was situated relative to the positions of the pixels in the image.
A technique used to smooth the transition between adjacent image areas. The removal or softening of jagged (aliased) edges by averaging or blending techniques.
The smoothing out of the stair-stepped pattern, or jaggies. This is done by increasing the resolution, or pixel count, of a bitmapped image and averaging the color steps between edge boundaries.
An algorithm improving perceived smoothness of graphical objects displayed on screen.
A programming technique (or hardware capability) that automatically smoothes jaggy edges, and is especially useful for making low-resolution images look better.
Particularly important in graphical text. A graphics editing program will simulate a smooth curve by blending pixels of two different colors along their common border.
The blurring of hard edges to create the appearance of smoothness. Most commonly used with respect to graphics, especially text.
also referred to as font smoothing is a technique used to render fonts on low resolution devices ( such as a monitor ). The problem with rendering fonts is that the fonts consist of outlines, but the device renders in dots. The obvious way to render a font is to color black any pixel inside the outline, and leave all other dots. The problem with this is that it doesn't adequately address the pixels that are on the outline. A smarter algorithm would be to color the boundary pixels gray. Anti-aliasing essentially involves doing this.
Removes jagged edges on bitmapped displays by interpolating neutral colors or intermediate intensities.
Aliasing is the visual stair stepping of edges (jagged edges) that occurs in an image when the resolution is too low. Anti-Aliasing is the smoothing and removing of aliasing effects by electronic filtering and other techniques such as blending of hard edges.
The process of removing or reducing the jagged distortions in curves and diagonal lines so that lines appear smooth or smoother.
The softening of the severe "stair-stepping" (aliasing) or "jagged edges" caused by the ideation of an image on a computer screen.
In computer graphics, the smoothing of the jagged, "stairstep" appearance of graphical elements. See also jaggies.
A method used to better define higher resolution objects in lower resolution. This is most noticeable when dealing with curves, such as circles. For example, if you look at a circle drawn in a simple paint program at a low resolution, you can see the "steps," or "jaggies"--the points it takes to make the circle. If you raise the resolution you'll notice the "steps" much less. If you use anti-aliasing, different shades of the circle's color are used to "fill in" the gaps caused by low resolution, smoothing out its appearance to the user. Typical uses for anti-aliasing are for smoothing out fonts and straight lines in 3D images. If you are using a system with jagged-looking fonts, chances are that it's not anti-aliasing the fonts. A method of graphical design that creates a clearer presentation of the image or line without taking up more room on the website. This is often used to make pages load faster on slower connections. SCW's design department works with the client to develop a web site that caters to the target market. This often means imploring certain techniques to make your site look great no matter what the monitor size or connection speed is.
Hides the jagged effect of image diagonals (sometimes called jaggies) by modulating the intensity on either side of the diagonal boundaries, creating localised blurring along these edges and reducing the appearance of stepping.
AA Hides the jagged effect of image diagonals by modulating the intensity on either side of the diagonal boundaries. This creates a local blurring along these edges and reduces the appearance of stepping. The result is a smoother, far more realistic image. Also see: Real-Time Full-Scene HW Anti-Aliasing .
This is used to make graphics and text easy to read and appear pleasing to the eye on-screen. It consists of mathematical formulas that enables the detail around the edges of each charater to be enhanced.
In sampling theory, an input signal (fIN) must be sampled with at least twice its frequency (Nyquist criteria, fSAMPLE fIN). If the input tone exceeds the Nyquist limit, the signal is folded back (aliasing) or replicated at other frequencies in the frequency spectrum above and below Nyquist ( see also Nyquist Frequency). Caused by unwanted signal components above Nyquist, aliasing can be avoided by introducing front-end anti-aliasing filters to attenuate those signals.
n. A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of anti-aliasing include surrounding pixels with intermediate shades, and manipulating the size and horizontal alignment of pixels. See also dithering. Compare aliasing.
The rendering of hard-edged objects so they blend smoothly into the background. A technique for merging object-oriented art into bitmaps.
The process of removing aliasing artifacts.
The process of smoothing out jagged edges in a digital image or text. It is accomplished by placing pixels of intermediate color values between the pixels of solid color, creating the illusion of a smooth line. Anti-aliased alpha channels imported to Sorenson Video 3 are converted to a one-bit alpha channel and all anti-aliasing is lost. This can be corrected by adjusting the values under Mask Smoothing on the Masking settings tab. However, it is recommended to not include anti-aliasing in user-supplied alpha channels. Turn off anti-aliasing in your editing program and smooth the mask as mentioned above.
The video card’s process of smoothing jagged edges in a display.
smoothing out images (in this context, glyphs) by shading pixels at the character edges
In some software applications, to smooth out jagged edges ("jaggies", "stairsteps") on curved or slanted areas of an image, intermediate grey values are inserted around the jagged areas. This provides an optical illusion of smoothness. Netscape text is not anti-aliased.
An algorithm designed to reduce the stair-stepping artifacts that result from drawing graphic primitives on a raster grid.
Anti-aliasing improves image quality by softening the jagged edge appearance of sharp lines. 2x to 64x refers to the extra number of frames that are required for the anti-aliasing process. The greater the number of frames, the finer the effect, (with the consequent increase in rendering time).
A process used to remove the stair stepping effect found in diagonal lines of an image. Involves inserting dots of an in-between tone along the edges.
Smoothing or blending the transition of pixels in an image. Anti-aliasing the edges on a graphic image makes the edges appear smooth, not jagged.
Technique that smooths out hard edges of aliasing by averaging out the pixels around the edge.
In digital signal processing, anti-aliasing is the technique of minimizing aliasing (jagged or blocky patterns) when representing a high-resolution signal at a lower resolution
You can change the on-screen appearance of text by smoothing the font edges. Anti-aliasing fills jagged pixels with intermediate color or shades of gray to increase clarity. The effect is easier to view on large fonts or by zooming in on the text.
Process of mixing various amounts of surrounding colors to create fill pixels, which helps eliminate jaggies when enlarging low-resolution images.
Bitmap rendering (of type or any other graphic object) in which pixels are rendered solid (i.e. on) or negative (i.e. off) or a number of shades between these two extremes. Anti-aliasing (also called ‘greyscaling’) has the effect of visually smoothing the edges of objects, making the bitmap rendering appear to be of a higher resolution than it actually is. Anti-aliasing also makes it possible to render more complex shapes that would otherwise not be legible.
is the process of reducing stair-stepping by smoothing edges where individual pixels are visible. Aperture Card Scanner is a type of scanner that allows aperture cards to be converted into electronic documents. Application A computer software program designed to meet a specific need.
Anti-aliasing is the transition of smoothing or blending of pixels in an image. Anti-aliasing provides an image edges to appear smooth instead of jagged edged.
The process of electronically reducing aliasing*, especially letters and genlocked graphic elements.
In computer graphics, anti-aliasing or oversampling is a software technique for addressing aliasing issue. Anti-aliasing reduces the prominence of jaggies by surrounding the stairsteps with intermediate shades of gray (for gray-scaling devise) or color (for color devices). Please note that although anti-aliasing may reduce the jagged appearance of the lines, it also may make the lines appear fuzzier.
Reduction of aliasing, especially around sharp high-contrast edges such as letters and genlocked graphic elements. This is accomplished by an averaging of values at sharp edges.
This is the process that gets rid of the aliasing effect. A filtering process is normally used in the process that removes "jaggedness effect" produced by pixels. (see Aliasing)
A change in the appearance of the border of an application graphic such as an icon, so that it looks smoother at screen resolution and in relationship to a specific color.
One solution to the *aliasing problem. The pixels of the graphic being displayed are shaded by analysing them as areas (not dimensionless points) on a theoretical infinite *resolution output surface. In practice it's adequate to resample on a grid 2 to 16 times as fine as the original device grid - meaning 5 to 257 grey levels respectively. See the TrueType Anti-Aliasing page.
A method used to better define higher resolution objects in lower resolution. For example, you would use anti-aliasing if you have two lines that are so close together that at 320x200 they look as if they are one double-width line and you want to represent them better. This is most noticeable when dealing with curves, such as circles. For example, if you look at a circle drawn in a simple paint program at a low resolution, you can see the "steps," or "jaggies"--the points it takes to make the circle. If you raise the resolution you'll notice the "steps" much less. If you use anti-aliasing, different shades of the circle's color are used to "fill in" the gaps caused by low resolution, smoothing out its appearance to the user. Typical uses for anti-aliasing are for smoothing out fonts and straight lines in 3D images. If you are using a system with jagged-looking fonts, chances are that it's not anti-aliasing the fonts.
The smoothing and removing of aliasing effects by electronic filtering and other techniques, such as blending of hard edges. Also, blending object-oriented art with bit-mapped art.
The process of averaging between pixels of different colors. In practice, the result is a smoother, blended transition between the edge of two areas rather than a distinctly jagged or 'stair-step' appearance.
Smoothing out stair-stepping (jagged lines or "jaggies") in digital prints or photos by softening the transition of color between background pixels and edge pixels. The more advanced image editors offer this feature.