To look obliquely; to squint; hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously.
To shape or form in an oblique way; to cause to take an oblique position.
To throw or hurl obliquely.
To distort an object by slanting it horizontally, vertically, or both.
Bridge spans obliquely and is therefore longer than the square gap.
To slant an object vertically, horizontally, or both.
having an oblique or slanting direction or position; "the picture was skew"
The misalignment or slant of a character, bar, line of characters, or barcode with respect to the bottom or top edge of the mailpiece.
The malalignment or slant of a character, bar, line of characters, or barcode with respect to the bottom edge of the mail piece.
To slant a graphic object.
1. Turn aside or to one side; slanting, oblique. 2. Chisel, used with a woodturning lathe, which has a cutting edge at a different angle than perpendicular to the axis of the blade.
To slant a selected item in any direction; used in graphics and desktop publishing.
To slant an object in one direction.