An output device with a resolution from 1200 to 2540 or higher, dots per inch. Used to prepare high-quality films.
Laser output device using photosensitive paper or film.
A type of printer which prints pages on sheets of photographic film, not on paper. Imagesetters are used to produce the film which will be used to make printing plates for printing something on a press. Imagesetters are much higher resolution than conventional computer printers; they typically print at 2400 dpi, 3600 dpi, or higher.
Digital typesetters that process postscript files used to output photo-sensitive film for printing.
An output device using photosensitive paper or film and achieving high resolution. A photographic device that interperets the postscript description of a page through its Raster Image Processor (RIP) to image the graphical data directly onto film.
An imagesetter is a high-quality printer that outputs (prints out) your files. At home you probably output to your personal printer. You know the kind of quality you get with your own printer. When you want higher quality printouts, you can put your file on a disk and take it down to a service bureau that has an imagesetter. The service bureau follows the same basic process you follow to print your file, except their printer costs about $100,000. It doesn't print onto “plain paper” with toner; it prints onto resin-coated paper with a photo-graphic process. The resolution on your home printer is probably around 300 - 600 dots per inch; the resolution on a typical imagesetter is 1270 or 2540 dots per inch.
A typesetting device that can transfer camera-ready text and artwork directly to paper or film at high resolutions. Imagesetters usually are PostScript-compatible through the use of a dedicated raster image processor (RIP).
a device which uses a laser to expose photographic film or paper
a high-strung thoroughbred that will balk at any Postscript that offends its finicky nose
A device that outputs computer generated images on film negatives, film positives or photographic paper. At BOPI we use a totally digital workflow, including CTP that eliminates the need for an imagesetter.
A high-resolution laser output device that writes onto photosensitive paper or film bitmap data generated by an RIP.
A high resolution (aprox. 1,200 dpi) imaging device that creates colour separations of a publication on film, photographic paper or plates.
A device which transfers a computer image or composition onto photographic film or paper.
This is a device that interprets PostScript code into a rasterized format, which is then used to create images on film or paper.
An imaging device used to create film and sometimes plates. Capable of producing very high resolution output and a cornerstone in many pre-press environments.
A high resolution printer used to prepare high-quality layouts on film or paper (usually at resolutions between 1,200 and 3,600 dots per inch).
A general term used for devices that generate graphic arts films or plates from electronic data sources.
A computer controlled device used to output film at high resolution.
An output device that produces high-resolution paper, film or polyester plate from an electronic file.
A device for recording high-resolution type and graphics on photographic film or resin-coated paper; a PostScript film recorder.
A digital film recorder that can handle both text and images. Imagesetters commonly output film, resin-coated photographic paper, and paper or polyester printing plate materials. A new class of devices called platesetters includes devices which can also image on paper, polyester, or metal plate materials.
Any output device which can process text or graphics
An imagesetter is a high resolution photo-imaging device that prints digital computer files to film (like the negatives used in traditional camera). This film is then used to make printing plates.
A computer driven output device that produces pages of text, graphics, and images on paper or film, using electrostatic or photographic techniques.
Device that outputs type, line art, and photos in position.
An output device driven by hardware or software raster image processors that uses a laser to transfer digi-tized page images to film or photosensitive paper, turning digital page data from the desktop publishing computer or CEPS into "bitmaps" reproducible on the film or the paper.
A machine that produces line images, half tone images, and typographic composition on paper or on film.
output: A very high resolution laser-based printer that prints on photographic paper and is so costly you go to a service bureau to use one. These machines can create output at up to 3,600 dpi
Digital output device that produces high resolution film or paper from computer files.
High-resolution output device utilizing photographic laser processes to create precise imaging of text and graphics. Output media may be paper, film or printing plate material.
In digital imaging, a generic term that applies to film output devices for type and graphics. The difference between an imagesetter and a typesetter is in the format of the data that has been converted from discrete character raster lines to raster data using bitmaps.
ln typographic imaging, a device that outputs type, line art and photos. A typesetter essentially outputs type.
Digital output device for creating films for offset-litho printing. Digital files are output in a similar way to normal laser printing, but printed as separations for high-quality reproduction. Imagesetters can have output resolutions of up to 5000dpi although 12000 dpi is more the norm for mono printing and 24000dpi to 36000 is generally acceptable for basic CMYK color work.
A device used to record digital data onto monochrome film or offset litho printing plates by means of a single or multiple light beams.
In typographic imaging, a device that output type, line and photographs to film or paper.
a device that plots high-resolution bitmaps which have been processed by a RIP. May include type, graphics and photographic images. It outputs a to film or paper.
A device that uses laser light to expose film at high dpi resolution, usually 1200 dpi or higher. Most imagesetters have a maximum dpi of 4000. When generating screens or dots for halftones, each dot is created from the smaller dots that are determined by the dpi resolution. Imagesetters come in many different sizes and formats. They can image one page at a time or they can be manufactured large enough to make imposed film for presses.
A high-resolution printer (usually between 1,270 and 4,000 dpi) that generates paper or film output from a computer file.
A high-resolution output device that usually provides output on photographic material (either bromide or film) or even directly on printing plates. The software technology is essentially the same as that of the laser print, although the hardware will probably be different. Resolutions can be as high as several thousand dots (or spots) per inch, which are necessary to achieve the output of high-resolution halftones. Most imagesetters today use PostScript. Imagesetters were previously called typesetters.
A class of typesetters that can reproduce graphics as well as type at high-resolution onto photo-sensitive paper or film.
A high resolution device that prints directly to film or bromide.
Tulostin Utenhet A device used to output fully paginated text and graphic images at a high resolution into photographic film, paper or plates. Earlier imagesetters were called typesetters.
A device that uses computer files to produce high-resolution text and graphics output on paper. These are usually found in service bureaus and printing companies.
A device used to output a computer image at high resolution onto photographic plate
A device used to output computer images or composition at high resolution onto film.
An output device to image bitmap data onto litho film or paper. Comes in drum and flatbed models.
An output device used to render high-resolution images or documents on photographic paper or film.
A large, professional-quality typesetter capable of high-resolution output on paper or film. Linotronic imagesetters can print at resolutions of 1225 to 2450 dpi; compare this to the 300 to 600 dpi ... more
An imaging device specially applied to create type and graphics. Uses either raster or vector techniques to expose photographic paper or film. Contrasted with a character setter, which creates only alphanumeric characters by exposing paper or film through a mask with the shapes of the letters engraved in it.
A general prepress term which can refer to a variety of imaging output devices which use lasers to transfer images on photosensitive paper, analog film or printing plates.
An imagesetter is an ultra-high resolution large-format computer output device. It exposes sheets of either photographic film or bromide paper to a laser light source. Once the film or paper is developed, a very high quality black and white image is revealed.