Definitions for "hindsight"
understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; as, hindsight is always clearer than foresight.
The Penguin English Student's Dictionary: ability to realize why something happened or went wrong after the event is over. Webster's new World Dictionary: the rear sight of a firearm. (!)
The opposite of foresight: the ability to review the past, to say what has happened, and why. Hindsight is a lot easier than foresight. Looking back into the past, you can say "How can anybody have been so stupid as not to see that X would happen?" But if you wanted to be critical about hindsight, you could dismiss it as post-hoc rationalization - reinterpreting history to suit your purpose.
Keywords:  reuben, rapper, album, john, released
Hindsight is an album by rapper John Reuben that was released on May 21, 2002.
What Mom experiences from changing too many diapers.