To make an agreement or covenant with any person or company to do or forbear anything; to bargain; to contract; to settle terms; as, certain princes stipulated to assist each other in resisting the armies of France.
An agreement; if all parties "stipulate" to a point or issue it becomes a fact or actuality; an accord.
To specify or require something, as in a written contract or formal agreement.
specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"
make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force
to enter into a binding agreement on an issue that is not genuinely in dispute. Matters stipulated to in a court case are considered proven, so neither side is required to present evidence on them.
To establish as a condition of an agreement.