Verbal agreement for sale or use of real estate that is typically unenforceable.
A legally binding verbal agreement.
A legally binding agreement crated by spoken words rather than reduced to writing. In many jurisdictions, oral contracts with regard to land are unenforceable in any circumstance.
An enforceable verbal agreement.
A verbal agreement, one not reduced to writing. Back to the Top
A contract based on a totally oral agreement between the parties or a contract that is partly written and partly oral.
A verbal agreement. Verbal agreements for the sale or use of real estate are normally unenforceable.
Contract not in writing. Some oral contracts are enforceable but those applicable to the sale of real estate are unenforceable.
A verbal agreement; one which is not reduced to writing.
An agreement about sale, or conditions of sale, for property made verbally.
An agreement given verbally, not in writing.
An oral contract is a contract that terms of which have been agreed by spoken communication, in contrast to a written contract, where the contract is a written document. There may be written, or other physical evidence, of an oral contract -- for example where the parties write down what they have agreed -- but the contract itself is not a written one.