storage: Storing information so that it is not lost if you turn off your computer (or if there is a power failure or system crash). Normally you save to a disk or some other medium.
Save is a function that is used in all software programs. It makes sure that all the changes to a file are stored. Some programs automatically save information as it is entered.
This term describes the movement of data from a computers volatile DRAM to the non-volatile hard disk or other media.
To save, select FILE from the menu bar and then select Save from the pull-down menus, or hold down the CONTROL key and press the key ( CTRL-S). CTRL-Z will return you to your previously saved version, if ever needed.
to store the program that is currently being created
If the number being called is busy, pressing the Save Key holds that number in memory until you are ready to call it again.
To permanently record changes to the database.
Selection in the File drop down menu that preserves your rule file.
A process through which a record you have just entered or edited is posted from the volatile memory on your motherboard to the relative safety of your disk drive.
To store data you don't want to lose to a disk or other medium. SAVE EARLY and OFTEN.
Writing data to a permanent storage device, such as a hard drive or floppy disc.
to write data to a storage medium such as a hard disk or floppy disk.
In a computing context, information is stored by transferring it from main memory (RAM) to a disk or other storage medium or device.
Process of storing a file on a disk.
a command to “write” information on a disk. “Saved” documents should be saved using proper naming conventions.
When you are working on a file inside of an application, it is in temporary memory ( or RAM). When you Save a file it gets moved from temporary to permanent memory (usually on a hard drive).
Copy whatever you are working on from memory, which is lost when you switch off the computer, to permanent storage, usually the hard disk. It is a good idea to save frequently when you are working on something important, in case there is a sudden power cut or you make some awful mistake that trashes your document.
Save refers to the process of saving data (information) to a chosen location like a hard disk.
Allows work to be saved. This command is found under the File Menu.
To copy a snapshot from DiskSafe's internal snapshot storage area to the Data Drive. (Snapshots are stored on the data drive in \DiskSafe\Snapshots.) This will make the snapshot visible to the primary operating system. Please see Section, “Saving Snapshots†for information. See Also Load.
To store information by transferring it from active memory (RAM) to a storage device. Unsaved work disappears when one turns off a computer or when power is interrupted. Saving frequently lessens the risk of losing work. Saving is roughly analogous to transferring something from short term to long term memory.
To commit data to a storage device (hard drive, CD-R, 3.5-inch disk, etc.)
To put onto a permanent storage device (such as a floppy disc) the digital data in the RAM.
to transfer data from memory to a more permanent storage medium such as a hard disk, floppy or tape. When a program prompts a user to save work, the transfer that occurs is usually to a file or folder on the hard disk.
To store information on a computer's disk.
To write changes to a data file or to a storage device for safekeeping.
Lighting design shorthand for "take a channel to a level of zero." Not to be confused with the term [Record] used to store a cue in a computer console's memory.
To save is to commit all inputs to the computer's memory.
to store information by transferring it to the hard drive or disk.
To store a document on a disk. Windows applications have a Ctrl-shortcut for this function or you can choose the File/Save menu option
To store information by transferring it from main memory (RAM) to a disk.
Necessary to permanently store information that is entered or updated.
the page as hector16.htm to the web folder on your Class disk. A dialog appears that offers to save the wmf image as a gif.
To transfer information from the computer's volatile memory to a disk or other type of permanent storage.
a software feature you use to save data on a hard drive or floppy disk
to write a file onto a disk.
To transfer information from the computer's memory to a more permanent storage medium such as a hard disk. As you work with your computer, you should save your work every few minutes. Otherwise, i ... more
To store an application or data on a computer's hard drive or floppy disk, as opposed to storing it temporarily in the computer's RAM.