The jar utility is used to package together into one file multiple Java class files in a form that allows them to be accessed by the Java compiler and the Virtual Machine. In addition, the contents of jar files (files previously generated by the jar utility) can be reconstructed if needed later. Click for more information.
ava ar chive should be usable on any machine with Java.
Typically used to refer to a member of the Jaralaccs faction. Occasionally used to refer to the Jaralaccs class VTs.
JAR (Java Archive) is a platform-independent file format that aggregates many files into one. Multiple Java applets and their requisite components (.class files, images, and sound files) can be bundled in a JAR file and subsequently downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction, greatly improving the download speed. The JAR format also supports compression, which reduces the file size, further improving the download time. In addition, the applet author can digitally sign individual entries in a JAR file to authenticate their origin. It is fully backward-compatible with existing applet code and is fully extensible.
Acronym for Java ARchive. A file used for aggregating many files (Java class files, images, and so on) into one file.
Java archive format, a standard for compressing Java applets to speed download time.
ava Ar chive A zip file full of Java classes. In Oracle Forms you are already using JAR files since the Forms client is downloaded automatically to the client machine via a file called F90all.jar
JAR (Java Archive) is a platform-independent file format that aggregates many files into one. Multiple applets written in the Java programming language, and their requisite components (.class files, images, sounds and other resource files) can be bundled in a JAR file and subsequently downloaded to a browser in a single HTTP transaction. It also supports file compression and digital signatures.
Java ARchive file: allows a set of Java class files to be compressed into a single portable file.
In computing, a Jar file (short for Java ARchive) is a ZIP file used to distribute a set of Java classes. It is used to store compiled Java classes and associated metadata that can constitute a program.
A platform-neutral Java file format for downloading multiple applets from the Internet in a single transaction. Although originally intended for applets, JAR files may also include applications and components. JAR files incorporate file compression and allow authors to digitally sign individual entries. See Java.
A Java ARchive is a file format used to aggregate and compress a number of files into one. Because the jar utility, which is included with the standard SDK, uses the same compression algorithm as .zip files, JARs can be manipulated using Zip utilities.
A popular compression format. Also a name of a compression utility.
ava AR chive. A file that contains the data for a J2ME application, gathered into a single location and compressed for faster downloading.
Compressed program Java archive
Short for Java Archive, a file format used to bundle all components required by a Java applet. JAR files simplify the downloading of applets since all the components (.class files, images, sounds, etc.) can be packaged into a single file.
(Java Archive) A platform-independent file format that bundles classes, images, and other files into one compressed file, speeding download time.
Java Archive file. An archive (like a ZIP file) contraining Java class files and images. JAR files are used to package Java applications for deployment.
Short for Java Archive, a file format used to bundle multiple files into a single archive file.
JAR is a tool for creating compressed file archives. It was invented by Robert K. Jung and was meant to be a successor to ARJ.