The twelfth son of Jacob, the younger brother of Joseph; Rachel was his mother; he was the ancestor of the tribe of Benjamin.
Benjamin (Hebrew: ×‘Ö´Ö¼× Ö°×™Ö¸×žÖ´×™×Ÿ; standard transliteration Benyamin, Tiberian vocalization BenyÄmîn) is a Hebrew Bible figure. The name literally translates to "son of right," generally taken to mean "son of my right hand," but in some rabbinical traditions is "son of the right side [of the body]" or "son of the south," the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 35:18). The "right" direction had the connotation of strength or desirability.
A Khazar ruler (probably the bek), mentioned in the Schechter Text and the Khazar Correspondence. Benjamin was the son of the Khazar ruler Menahem (Khazar) and probably reigned in the late ninth and early tenth centuries CE.