Christophany is from the Greek words [ christos] meaning anointed one, and [ phaninomai], meaning manifestation or appearance. Thus a Christophany is the appearance of Jesus Christ (the anointed), the second person of the Trinity come to earth in another form (an angel, man, etc.). That is to say, Christ appears to man in a form which they can visibly see. For example, Christ's appearance to his disciples after His crucifixion and death, or His appearance in the furnace of fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. [ back
A Christophany is an appearance of the preincarnate Christ in the Old Testament, or after his ascension. (A Christophany is thus a special case of a theophany.) The Bible does not always clearly identify the figure as Christ, for example sometimes using the phrase "the Angel of the LORD".