File compression software for the Macintosh platform from Aladdin Systems, Inc.
About the most popular program for the Macintosh for compressing files. StuffIt allows you to combine multiple files into one, and at the same time, compress that file so it occupies less space than it's original components. Download StuffIt Lite
A common file compression format for Macintosh platforms. Creates files that end with .sit
A kind of file that is a compressed archive of multiple files, a StuffIt archive (or StuffIt X archive). Also refers to the set of applications produced by Allume Systems for creating and decoding StuffIt archives, such as StuffIt Expander or StuffIt Deluxe.
The standard file compression program for Macintosh users. A version is now available for PC users too: see WinZIP.
A common file compression utility for Macintoshes. Compressed files are referred to as "stuffed" and usually end with a ".sit" file extension. A special kind of stuffed file is self-extracting and ends with a ".sea" extension. Stuffed binary files can be converted to ASCII format for transfer over the Internet; such files have a ".sit.hqx" or ".sea.hqx" extension.
An archiving compression product that emphasizes maximum compression for files and folders. Used for backups, file transfers and access to files compressed or encoded on non-Macintosh platforms.
file decompression utility
A family of programs originally developed by Raymond Lau and now published by Aladdin Systems. Also the compression format used by those programs. Typically used only in the Macintosh world, the extension is .sit.