An archive files that can extract itself. It is usually an executable program which contains both the compressed files and the decompressing program. Once executed it extracts the compressed files. You do not need to have the original program that created the archive installed on your computer.
This is a compressed file that when run automatically decompresses. Many files can be compressed and saved in one self-extracting archive. Self extracting archives can make a new directory to place the files. Self-extracting archives allow programs to be downloaded from the Internet faster and yet not require the user to have a file extraction utility.
an archive created as an executable file
an archive file that can extract itself without the use of any other archive utility
an archive that is created as an executable (
an executable program file (i
a program that extracts all the files contained within itself when it is run
a single stand-alone executable program (package) that contains compressed files and allows them to be extracted without requiring any external third-party tool
a single stand-alone Windows executable program (package) that contains compressed files and allows them to be unpacked without requiring any other utility
Compressed files are sometimes referred to as 'archives'. A self-extracting archive can decompress itself without the need for a separate decompression program.
An archived file with the filename extension .exe, indicating that when downloaded and run, it will be extracted by the decompressing program around it, without user intervention.
A compressed file that can be uncompressed simply by clicking on it.
A compressed archive of files that uncompresses and unpacks itself when executed. Self-extracting archives are used to deliver most software over the Internet. Unfortunately, self-extracting archives can also be used to place trojans on your system, so never execute files from unknown or dubious sources (e. g. mail attachments!)
A compressed (archived) file that is also an executable program. The file(s) that were archived are extracted automatically when the program is run without the need for an archive utility like WinZip.
An archived file that is also an executable program. The original archived file is decompressed when that program is run.
A zipped file with the executable extension .exe. This ensures that once downloaded and double-clicked; its built-in un-zipper works automatically and usually places the file in a pre-determined folder. This is useful for sending web-site proofs, say; or anything to a learner or to someone inclined to be nervously disposed.
A compressed file or files encapsulated in a decompression program, so you don't need any other programs to expand the archive. A self-extracting archive will always have an extension of .exe since this is consistent with application files under DOS and Windows.
A self-extracting archive is an application which contains a compressed file archive, as well as programming to extract this information. Such file archives do not require a second executable file or program to extract from the archive, as archive files usually require. The files in an archive can thus be extracted by anyone, whether they possess the appropriate decompression program or not, as long as the program can run on their computer platform.