The difference between the water level in a well before pumping starts (static level) and the water level in a well during pumping, usually measured in feet or meters. Drawdown can be measured in the pumping well itself and in other nearby wells (observation wells). Also, for flowing wells, the reduction of the pressure head as a result of the discharge of water. See also, interference.
Drawdown - The vertical drop of the water level in a well during groundwater pumping; the difference between a static water level and a subsequent, lowered level (pumping level).
a lowering of the groundwater surface caused by pumping.
The vertical distance of the free water surface or ground water face after removal of water.
A lowering of the groundwater level caused by pumping.
the drying phase of a wetland when water declines leaving exposed soil.
Drawdown is a measure of the amount of lowering of the water level in a well when pumping is in progress.
In the context of this FR/EIS, drawdown means returning the lower Snake River to its near-natural condition via dam breaching.
A lowering of the water table around a producing well. The drawdown at any given location will be the vertical change between the original water table and the level of the water table reduced by pumping.
Drawdown is the distance the water level is lowered as a result of pumping.
the gradual reduction in water level in a storm water basin due to the combined effect of infiltration and evaporation.
The difference between the static water level and the pumping water level in a well; determined by the ability of the aquifer to replace the amount of water that is being pumped.
The measured drop in water level in or near a well caused by pumping groundwater from the well.
Reduction of the water level of a reservoir.
Decreasing the level of standing water in a water body to expose bottom sediments and rooted plants. Water level drawdown can be accomplished by physically releasing a volume of water through a controlled outlet structure or by preventing recharge of a system from a primary external source.
a lowering of the ground-water surface caused by pumping.
Lowering of the level of groundwater; for example, when a work area is dewatered for construction.
The decline in ground-water level caused by the withdrawal of water from an aquifer.
the distance between the static water level and the pumping water level in a well or an aquifer.
The depression or decline of the water level or potentiometric surface in a pumped well or in nearby wells caused by pumping. At the well, it is the vertical distance between the static and the pumping level.
When a well is pumped, water is removed from the aquifer surrounding the well, and the water table or piezometric surface is lowered. The drawdown at a given point is the distance the water level is dropped.
The release of water from a reservoir for power generation, flood control, irrigation or other water management activity.
The process of lowering the water level in a reservoir. Drawdown is usually measured in feet.
The distance the water surface of a reservoir is lowered from a given elevation as the result of releasing water. Drawdown can be expressed in terms of the acre-feet of stored water released.
(1)lowering of the watertable, surface water, or piezometric surface resulting from the withdrawal of water from a well or drain; (2) the elevation of the static water level (at the well) at a given discharge List of Glossary Terms
when the water level in a marsh or pond is lowered to expose the bottom sediment.
The distance the water level drops below the standing water level while the pump is operating.
The vertical distance between the water level in a well before pumping and the water level in the well during pumping.
lowering the water table due to withdrawal of groundwater as from a well.
The lowering of the level of the groundwater table that occurs as a work area is dewatered for construction. Also lowering water behind a dam.
the vertical distance ground water elevation is lowered, or the amount pressure head is reduced, due to the removal of ground water. Also the decline in potentiometric surface caused by the withdrawal of water from a hydrogeologic unit.
the process of reducing allowable annual cuts to a sustainable level.
the change in potentiometric head caused by the pumping of groundwater.
The lowering of a reservoir or lake by controlled withdrawal.
A lowering of the surface water elevation of a stream as it approaches and flows through a bridge or culvert. It is a measure of the difference of the water surface elevation upstream from the bridge or culvert and a short distance downstream from their enrances.
The phenomenon in which the water table around a well drops because the users are pumping water out of the well faster than it flows in from the surrounding aquifer.
(1) The act, process, or result of depleting, as a liquid or body of water as in the lowering of the water surface level due to release of water from a reservoir. (2) The magnitude of lowering of the surface of a body of water or of its piezometric surface as a result of withdrawal of the release of water therefrom. (3) The decline of water below the static level during pumping. (4) (Water Table) The lowering of the elevation of the Groundwater Table, usually from pumping wells, but can occur naturally during periods of prolonged drought. At the well, it is the vertical distance between the static and the pumping level.
The difference in elevation between the water surface elevation at a constriction in a stream or conduit and the elevation that would exist if the constriction were absent. Drawdown also occurs at changes from mild to steep channel slopes and weirs or vertical spillways.
The magnitude of the lowering of a water surface or water table, e.g. in or adjacent to a pumping or observation well.
the measured reduction of the water table due to groundwater extraction from the pumping of municipal, irrigation and private water wells
The difference between static and flowing bottom-hole pressures.
Lowering of the ground water surface or the piezometric pressure caused by pumping, measured as the difference between the original ground-water level and the current pumping level after a period of pumping.
The drop in water table elevation from an initial stable configuration, generally caused by pumping.
Releasing water from a hydroelectric project to lower the reservoir elevation. Drawdowns are used for energy production or to create additional space in the reservoir to hold back floodwaters; to reduce the cross-sectional area of the reservoir, increasing the current to aid downstream fish passage; and to expose normally submerged structures for maintenance.
The resultant lowering of water surface level due to the release of water from the reservoir. See Illustration.
The decline in the water table level or piezometric level versus distance from a pumping well, or versus time at a given distance from a pumping well, resulting from the continuous pumping from a well discharging at a known rate.
The lowering of water levels stored behind a dam or other control structure. Change in reservoir elevation during a specified time interval.
lowering of water levels in rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers due to pumping or artesian flow. Drawdown may leave unsupported banks or poorly packed earth that can cause landslides.
1. The drop in the water table or level of water in the ground when water is being pumped from a well. 2. The amount of water used from a tank or reservoir. 3. The drop in the water level of a tank or reservoir.
In water-related science and engineering there are two similar but distinct definitions in use for drawdown