The soil or rock located below the top of the groundwater table. By definition, the zone of saturation is saturated with water. Also see water table.
Underground region within which all openings are filled with water. The top of the zone of saturation is called the Water Table. The water that is contained within the zone of saturation is called ground water.
The layer in the ground in which all of the available voids are filled with water.
The locus of points below the water table where soil pores are filled with water. This is also called the phreatic zone.
a subsurface area of the Earth in which all the pores or the material are filled with groundwater under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
Lower soil layers where all spaces are filled with water.
Groundwater zone within the Earth's bedrock where all available pores spaces are filled by water. Found beneath the water table.
The layer in the ground in which all available interstitial voids (cracks, crevices, holes) are filled with water.
The zone beneath the water table where all pore spaces are completely filled with water. Water that exists within this zone is known as "ground water".
The zone below the zone of æration in which all pore spaces are filled with water.