The undisturbed level of water in the well before pumping.
Static water level is the level at which water stands in a well when the water level is at equilibrium with atmospheric pressures). It is a measure of the depth from the ground surface or from a known measuring point to the water level.
The level of the surface of the water in a well or water pressure at the top of a well, when no water flows or is being pumped. For flowing wells with a positive water pressure at the top of a well, the static water elevation is determined by a stilling pipe or pressure guage. Water levels are referenced to the elevation of the top of the well or the established ground surface at the well.
the water level in a well that has not been affected by withdrawal of groundwater.
The water level in a well located in an unconfined aquifer when the pump is not operating. The static water level is the surface of the water-bearing formation and typically is synonymous with the water table.
The level of water in a well that is not being pumped. (The drawdown has been recharged by the surrounding groundwater.)
The elevation or level of water in a well when the pump is not operating.
the elevation of the top of a column of water in a monitoring well or piezometer that is not influenced by pumping or conditions related to well installation, hydrologic testing, or nearby pumpage