To sell in small quantities, as by the single yard, pound, gallon, etc.; to sell directly to the consumer; as, to retail cloth or groceries.
Sales of electric energy to the ultimate customer.
The selling price to a consumer.
Final link in the marketing chain; refers to the interface between consumers and vendors of products packaged in their final form.
The Calnique(tm) Custom Calendar at a cost of $24.00.
Processed product packaged for sale to consumers, i.e., for FCOJ and FCGJ, 6- 12- and 32-ounce containers.
Retail is the sale of commodities or utlimate comsumers, normally in small quantities and is thus the opposite of wholesale. HBC is collecting information on indivoidual retailing concerns that handled boys clothing. We also are listing the names of current retailers who offer traditional clothing and foowear. The term entered the English language in late Middle English as a cutting or clip.
the selling of goods to consumers; usually in small quantities and not for resale
sell on the retail market
selling or related to selling direct to the consumer; "retail trade"; "retail business"; "retail price"
at a retail price; "I'll sell it to you retail only"
The sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.
Means the sale of electricity to consumers.
The sale of goods or services directly to the consumer.
Includes shops, shopping centres, Central London retail and retail warehouses
Direct sale to the end consumer.
Sales of electric energy to ultimate customers.
a property type which sells goods to consumers.
Retail credit card processing is also known as "in-person" processing, where the customer and the card are present.
Sales covering electrical energy supplied for residential, commercial, and industrial end-use purposes. Other small classes, such as agriculture and street lighting, also are included in this category.
To sell directly to the consumer, usually in small quantities in comparison with the total level of sales.
The sales of commodities and goods directly to the consumer for personal or household consumption at a mark-up.
to sell directly to a customer through a retail outlet such as a shop
A term usually applied to a shop which re-sells other people's goods. This type of business will require a trading account as well as a profit and loss account.
The business that sells the electricity to the customer. After disaggregation, customers will receive their electricity bills from Synergy.
Sales of the Nutrazon(tm) products to the end users of those products. Retail sales are the foundation of your Nutrazon(tm) business, and the ultimate purpose of all other activities within the business, including enrolling, sponsoring, training, etc.
The business of selling merchandise or services to consumers. SecureNet uses this term to refer to merchants that operate in a storefront or physical location and accept Card Present payments—meaning that payment is physically presented to the merchant, and credit cards are “swiped” into a card reading device. Also called “Brick and Mortar.
The sale of goods to individuals instead of to institutions or other stores. (Compare with wholesale .)
The sale of books at full price directly to the public.
the sale of product in small quantities directly to the consumer
In an electricity system, the sale of energy to residential, small commercial, agricultural and industrial end-use customers, or for niche purposes such as street lighting.
Generally referred to as the prescription or transaction activity taking place in a pharmacy, where patients and consumers purchase goods and have prescriptions filled.
Retail refers to a type of sale that is a non-consumable, physical object, such as a hat, or a pen, etc. Restaurants are not retail outlets because food is consumable, and hotels are not retail outlets because that act of renting a room is what's for sale, not the physical room itself. Restaurants and hotel may have gift shops in them, however, that would sell retail items
the sale of a product to an end customer. In the Art and Craft show industry it can referred to a non-handmade item at a show.
Sold directly to the consumer