A set of openings containing electrical contacts into which an electrical device can be plugged.
receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
activity that releases or expresses creative energy or emotion; "she had no other outlet for her feelings"; "he gave vent to his anger"
Any facility, such as the exit of a tunnel, from which water issues by controlled flow.
typically refers to space where artery, vein, and nerve exit
The output receptacle on the rear panel of UPS.
Any type of electrical box allowing current to be drawn from the electrical system for lighting or appliances.
and Other Devices: Covers Outlets, switches, low voltage controls, fixtures, high bay light fitures, track lighting, fuel dispensing devices (self-contained), fractional horsepower motors (less than 1 hp), heating and cooking devices (less than and equal to 5 kW), signs (self-contained), control transformers (less than 1 KVA), generators and alternators (less than or equal to 5 kW), fire alarms, retrofit lighting, and sentinel lights.
A contact device installed along a circuit for the connection of an attachment plug and flexible cord to supply power to portable equipment and electrical appliances. Also known as receptacles.
1.An electrical receptacle into which appliances may be plugged. 2. A way out; an exit.
1. A receptacle that is connected to a power supply and equipped with a socket for a plug. 2. A point on a wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment.
Any point on a wiring system where current is taken to supply electrical power for a load.
A female connection that supplies access to electricity from a source of power.
Any box for electrical switches (such as light switches) or electrical power supply (wall socket).
The exit or opening. The means by which something escapes.
A source of electricity for heat, light, or power. This can be a lighting location for either wall or ceiling, a receptacle on the wall, a bathroom fan, an electric heater, etc.
An electrical receptacle where appliances are plugged in.
wall socket, mains socket, plug socket, plug [colloq.], power point
1. An electrical receptacle. 2. The discharge end of a drainage or other fluid system.
is where a plug goes. The electricity passes through the outlet into the plug, through the cord to the appliance or light fixture.
Any potential point of use in a circuit, including receptacles, switches, and light fixtures. Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Point at which electrical wire attach to fixtures, receptacles, and switches.