Refers to transmission speed from the CO to the service user.
The stream of information from an ISP or the Internet to a client (user) computer. This term is often referred to in DSL or cable Internet access service. Contrast with upstream.
In the direction of the movement of traffic.
In the direction of the 3' end of a DNA strand.
This refers to the direction the water in a river is flowing. The water is flowing toward the end of the river. Items in the water float downstream.
Data direction that moves away from a central distribution point and toward a user. Faster than upstream (user to network) rate.
All operations taking place after crude oil is produced, such as transportation, refining, and marketing.
away from the source of a stream (i.e., downriver)
The direction the current of a river or stream is moving.
in the direction with the flow of a stream or river; downriver.
Any point in the direction of flow of a liquid or gas from the reference point. Compare UPSTREAM.
(programming) In a stream, the direction from stream head to driver.
Data flowing from the Internet to a computer.
A convention used to describe features of a DNA sequence, gene or mRNA related to the position and direction (5' to 3') of transcription by RNA polymerase or translation by the ribosome. Downstream (or 3' to) is in the direction of transcription (or translation) whereas upstream (5' to) is in the direction from which the polymerase (or ribosome) has come. Conventionally DNA sequences, gene maps and RNA sequences are drawn with transcription (or translation) from left to right and so downstream is towards the right.
In the same direction as the flow of the water.
that part of the industry which refines, distributes and markets oil and gas products; cf. 'upstream'
Water flowing away from a given point of reference.
A direction of data flow going from the Stream head towards a driver. Also called write-side and output side.
The flow of Internet data from the Internet to yourself
The direction of data flow away from the host.
The direction toward which traffic is flowing.
The part of the oil and gas industry that is engaged in processing and refining crude oil and natural gas. In other words, turning raw materials into finished or intermediary products.
Activities which take place between the loading of crude oil at the export terminal and the use of the oil by the end-user, including transport, supply, trading, refining. distributing and marketing.
the direction that the river flows, towards the mouth of the river
in the direction of or nearer to the mouth of a stream Minnehaha: Point-Source Pollution
Data being received by the end-user. For example, when downloading a file from the Internet, data is flowing downstream.
A term used in association with a haplogroup or phylogenetic tree to designate the relationship between two SNPs or two branches or two clades, with downstream being the descriptor for the object that succeeds the first. The downstream item cannot exist without the existence of the upstream item.
in the direction of a stream's current
As opposed to upstream, signals in a cable network that move from the cable company to the home.
The direction data flows from the Internet down to your computer. Some DSL flavors, such as ADSL and G.lite deliver data a lot faster downstream than upstream.
Data flowing on a network traffic path from a service provider to an end user.
Refining, marketing and transportation operations.
Transmission of data from an Internet server to a user's PC. The transmission of data in the opposite direction is referred to as upstream.
In an asymmetrical broadband transmission - the bandwidth/information flow away from the service provider to the customer. ADSL and cable modem/internet services are asymmetrical; where the downstream flow is larger than the upstream flow.
The flow of information towards the consumer.
The direction of data flow on a data communications link, which occurs from the Internet down to the user.
Relates to oil and gas refining, marketing and distribution activities. (see also Upstream.)
Further along, in the direction that a liquid ( in this case wastewater or effluent) is flowing.
The direction of a downstream signal is from the headend to the user’s computer.
Refers to the flow of data reaching the household.
(Petroleum [Integrated] Industry)—the refining and marketing operations of an integrated oil company, as opposed to exploration and production activities (which are referred to as upstream operations).
The data coming down into your connection is known as the downstream data, as it is being downloaded. Upstream, of course, is data uploaded to the network.
in the direction of the flow of a stream
Commercial gas operations which are closer to the market, as opposed to upstream, which is closer to production.
When referring to the oil and gas industry, this term indicates the refining and marketing sectors of the industry. More generically, the term can be used to refer to any step further along in the process.
The downloading of data from the Internet to the PC. ADSL has both upstream and downstream data rates.
(n.) In STREAMS, a direction of data that moves from the Stream head toward a driver. Also called output-side, write-side.
Signals traveling from the headend to subscriber's homes.
This indicates direction towards the 3' end of a DNA strand.
Frequency multiplexed band in a CATV channel that distributes signals from a headend facility to subscribers.
The data flowing from the Cable Modem Termination System to the cable modem.
This term indicates the refining and marketing sectors of the industry when referring to the oil and gas industry.
Data flowing from the Internet to your computer (surfing the net, getting email, downloading a file)
1. adj. In a network, pertaining to the direction to which data flows. 2. adj. In a hierarchical network structure, pertaining to the location of a network entity that is lower in the hierarchy. For example, a client is downstream from a server.
Refers to data flowing from the source, such as an Internet service provider (ISP), to the end user.
This refers to the flow of data (such as web pages) - downstream means from the network to your PC: for most residential users downstream speed is most important as viewing Web pages, checking email and downloading files or applications means sending lots of data to your PC, rather than you sending lots of data elsewhere.
The oil industry term used to refer to all petroleum activities from the processing of refining crude oil into petroleum products to the distribution, marketing, and shipping of the products.
activities in the oil and natural gas industry from a refinery onwards – eg, the distribution and marketing of hydrocarbon products. see also upstream
The direction of pipeline flow.
The portion of the flow stream which has already passed through the system or the portion of the system located after a filter or separator/filter. ( 050)
The refining and marketing sector of the petroleum industry.
Portion of the product stream which has already passed through the system; portion of a system located after a filter, filter separator etc.
Directional flow of water through piping system from the source (water main) to the outlet (faucet).
Any site beyond a reference point (often a valve or regulator) in the direction of fluid flow.
The direction of data flow on a data communications link that occurs from the network down to the user.
In the same direction as the main current of a river.
The direction of data returned from the Central Office back toward the user. Usually used with transmission speed (ie. 1.5Mbps downstream)
The direction of SIP requests (that is from UAC to UAS). See also: UAC, UAS, upstream
Pertaining to the movement of data traffic from a service provider to a subscriber. See also upstream.
A term that refers to process equipment or location that is subsequent, in the normal mode of operation and direction of fluid flow, to a stated place. For example: The 2nd stage separator is downstream of the 1st stage separator.
in the same direction as a stream or other flow, or toward the direction in which the flow is moving
Signals transmitted to a subscriber. Also referred to as Forward Traffic.
Flow of information into your computer.
Region extending in a 3' direction from a gene
From the Internet to your computer. AT&T Yahoo! Internet is currently offering High Speed Internet technology with speeds up to 384K downstream. See also upstream.
The direction of STREAMS messages flowing through a write queue from the user process to the driver.
In a sequence of processes which comprise the production of a good or service, a "downstream" process or work station is one that is later in the sequence; whereas "upstream" indicates an earlier process in the sequence. In an automobile plant, if part of the sequence of processes is Frame assembly, Paint, and Trim… then Trim is downstream from Paint, and Frame is upstream from it.
A kind of transmission by which information or data flows from a server to an end user. See “upstreamâ€.
Direction of data flow on a data communications link, which occurs from the network down to the user. In the case of Internet access, it is the capacity or speed of data flowing from the Internet to the end user's PC or LAN.
Usenet users who get their news from you are "downstream" from the information flow.
An oil industry term referring to commercial petroleum operations beyond the crude production phase, in particular, refining (one step downstram from the wellhead) and marketing.
This refers to the downloading (receiving) of data from the Internet to a client machine. Downstream speeds are typically greater than upstream speeds in high speed consumer Internet connections such as cable modems and ADSL.
Signals travelling from the headend to subscriber's homes.
The refining or process of crude oil into finished fuel products.
or downstream the supply chain. The direction in which materials flow, e.g. a customer will always be downstream from its suppliers. (Illustrated in fig. .)
For a gene, the direction RNA polymerase moves during transcription, which is toward the end of the template DNA strand with a 3 hydroxyl group. By convention, the +1 position of a gene is the first transcribed nucleotide; nucleotides downstream from the +1 position are designated +2, +3, etc. Also, events that occur later in a cascade of steps. See also upstream.
Usenet neighbors that are downstream from you get most of their news from your machine, in contrast to machines that are upstream from you Home WebShed.Com Subscribe
Flow of signals from a cable system's headend through its distribution network to a customer.
In tracing, downstream is the direction along the arcs that is the same as the direction of flow. Direction of flow is determined by a user-defined convention. See also directed network.
Water flowing in the direction of the current.
Flow of signals from the cable system control center through the distribution network to the customer. For communication purposes, associated with transmission (down) to the end-user. Or in cable television, the direction of transmission from the headend to the subscriber.
The direction of transmission flow from the source toward the user.
The downstream oil sector is a term commonly used to refer to the refining of crude oil, and the selling and distribution of products derived from crude. Such products include gas, petrol, diesel and other kinds of fuel.