in a magazine, the margin where two facing pages come together at the binding on the inside of the page; the inner margin of a magazine page, next to the binding.
Space between pages in the printing frame of a book, or inside margin towards the back or binding edge. The blank space or margin between the type page and the binding of a book.
The blank space between the printed text and the binding of a book. In other words, the inner margin of the page.
The blank area or margin between the inner edge of the copy and the fold or spine of a printed piece. This margin is critical for products that will be drilled.
In press media, that part of a printed page which is closest to the spine of a publication, outside the normal area of 'live matter'. Advertisements will sometimes be 'bled into the gutter', meaning that their printed area will extend into the gutter (to ensure the contiguity of two sides of a double page spread, for instance). Beginning| Back to G| Go to I| End
The area that falls outside the project's final trim area, between pages composed on the same press sheet.
The blank space or inner margin where two newspaper pages come together.
The two inside amrgis of facig pages. Allowance should be made for the biding process when determining size of the gutter.
Blank space where two pages meet, or the space between columns of type.
the blank space between columns of type or the inner margin between the print and the binding of a book.
the space between two facing pages in a magazine, newspaper or brochure consisting of the two inside margins.
The space between facing pages of a book. It is usually wider than the outside margins to allow extra space for where the pages are bound.
The inside edge of a page that allows extra space for binding.
The bound side of the page
The space running vertically between columns.
The inside space between pages, that is, the inside margin toward the binding edge of a book or booklet.
Space between columns of type where pages meet at the binding.
The empty space between the printing area and the binding.
The gap between printed sections on a sheet.
An imposition term; internal gap between facing pages
The margin on a sheet which will be bound into a book or the gap between multiple images on a sheet.
The inside margin between facing pages, or the margin at the binding edge.
Margin between spine and text on a page
Seam where two facing pages meet at the binding.
Center crease or margin down the binding of a book or a magazine formed by a pair of facing pages.
The space between pages in facing pages layouts.
The space between the pages or blank space between the page and the book binding or between columns.
The vertical space between pages or columns of type, or between images if there is more than one on a page.
The inner margin between two facing pages.
The junction of two leaves of a text block at the spine edge.
gap between columns of text or around the text area of a page
In typography, the term refers to the space between columns of type, usually determined by the number and width of columns and the overall width of the area to be filled.
The space between stamps to permit perforations Gutter margin A margin dividing a sheet of stamps into (usually) 2 or 4 panes
The blank space or margin, from printing area to trim.
narrow margin of white space in the center area in a magazine, newspaper, or book, where two pages meet
The narrow space between stamps in the sheet permitting perforation.
A gap between two columns of text. The trench in the center of a two-page spread, created by the binding of the book. (see also Gutter Margin)
The junction of two facing pages at the spine.
the inside margins, that is the margin of the bound edge of the page
The blank space between columns or between the printable area and the binding.
The inner margins of two facing pages.
Gutters are spaces left between panes of stamps on a printed sheet, often containing markings to aid in the perforation process. Not all sheets of stamps have a gutter space between the panes. Note that gutters are the spaces between panes and not the outside sheet margins.
Inner margins of two facing pages. Can also refer to the outer indentation that is created by the joining of the boards and spine.
The selvage separating panes on a sheet of stamps. The gutter is usually discarded during processing. The gutter may be unprinted, or bear plate numbers, accounting or control numbers, advertising or other words or markings.
Inner page margins between type and binding.
is the space placed between columns in a design to add breath or white space. Its width is usually two times the margin.
The margin that divides a sheet of stamps.
The space between panes on a sheet of stamps. ( See Sheets & Panes)
The blank space or inner margin between pages on the layout sheet.
The space between two columns of text.
A blank space or margin between components on a printed piece or press sheet.
The inside margins of facing pages.
The white space between columns. A standard gutter width is one pica, or 12 points (0.167").
The binding margin of a book or the spine of a folder which allows for paper to be stored inside.
The blank spaces between images on a printed sheet.
The space between two facing pages (inside margins). The term is sometimes used to refer to the space between two columns ( see alley).
The gutter is the blank space, usually of stamp format, between the panes of a sheet of stamps. A gutter pair consists of two stamps separated by a stamp-sized piece of the gutter.
The white space which is between columns on a page.
The space between panels. Two "Loaf of Bread" shaped balloons, connected by a Join.
the inner margin of the leaves of a bound book; adjacent inner margins of facing pages when book is open.
The fold connecting two facing pages in a magazine.
The blank space or inner margin from printing area to binding. ()
The inside margins or blank space between two facing pages of a magazine or book is called the gutter. The gutter space is allowed due to the space lost during the binding process, especially during perfect binding. In saddled-stitched publications the gutter is adjusted o allow for a process called 'creep', in which the outer pages of a section appear to bunch up and the inner pages protrude more.
The inner margin on a page from the printing area to the binding. BACK TO THE TOP
vertical band of white space separating two or more columns of text
(1) In multi-column composition, the blank space between columns on a page. (2) Short for Gutter Margin. (3) The inner edges of a book page; the edges closest to the bind. to top
The two inner margins of facing pages in a publication.
White space between facing pages.
The inner margin of your printed page. You do not want your text to go too far into the gutter or it may not be legible when opening your book. Hh
The white space formed by the inner margins on two facing pages.
In the book arena, the inside margins toward the back or the binding edges.
Where the inner page adjoins the spine of the book
line or fold at which facing pages meet.
The center margin of a folded page.
The margin between facing pages where the fold lies.
White space between the edge of the binding and the first printed area. It also refers to the white space between columns of text.
the inner margin of a page, from the edge of the printing area to the binding edge.
The blank space between adjacent columns of text or pages.
The blank area between boundaries of pages on an imposition sheet.
The inner margin of a leaf near the spine of a book.
The space between columns of text on a page.
The central blank area between the left and right pages of a document, or between two columns of text
The space between the printed area and the binding. Similar to margins.
Channel and combined marginal space formed by the two inner or back margins of facing pages of a volume. Margin along the spine. ead Top edge of a leaf, board, or bound volume, opposite from the surface on which the volume rests when it is shelved upright. ( LBI Standard, Glossary, p.14)
Blank space on the inside page margins where a publication is bound.
Commonly used to describe the space between columns, although more correctly the margins of the page