Isolating a gene and producing many identical copies of it so that it can be studied in detail.
The formation of a bacterium, carrying foreign genes in a recombinant plasmid, of a clone of identical cells containing the replicated foreign genes.
The production of a lineage of cells all of which contain one kind of DNA fragment of interest derived from a population of many kinds of DNA fragments. Operationally by: inserting (recombining) a population of DNA molecules, known to contain the DNA of interest, into a population of vector DNA molecules in such a way that each vector molecule contains only a single DNA molecule from the original population; transforming a population of host cells with the vector DNA recombinants such that each host cell takes up only one vector; growing single host cells separately (cloning) by plating at low density to form a collection of separate colonies; screening the colonies (clones) formed for the presence of the DNA of interest.
Identifying, isolating and producing many identical copies of a gene.
Insertion of a fragment of DNA, carrying a gene, into a cloning vector, and subsequent propagation of the recombinant DNA molecule in a host organism.
Formation of a clone of bacteria or yeast cells containing a particular foreign gene.
Isolating a gene and then making multiple copies of it by inserting it into a bacterial cell or another organism.
The process of synthesizing multiple copies of a particular DNA sequence using a bacteria cell or another organism as a host.
The technique of making many copies of a gene, isolating the gene and identifying it.
The process of producing identical copies (clones) of a gene.
Making an exact copy (or multiple copies) of a gene.
the process of separating a gene and making identical copies of it.
The isolation of a desired gene from one organism and its incorporation into a suitable vector for the production of large amounts of the gene.