Any food product for sale in a restaurant, listed on the menu.
An element in a menu that represents a choice (for example, Copy on the Edit menu).
1. Generally, any food item or combination of food items that is on the menu. 2. One of three categories - milk, entree, or side dish - contained in a menu planned under the nutrient-standard menu planning method. A menu item may be a single food or combination of foods, as defined by the menu planner for a particular menu.
(1) A choice that operators can select at runtime to specify the next action. (2) A rectangular label containing text or an icon that represents either a command or a submenu.
A choice in a menu. Menu items (text or graphics) are typically commands or other options that a user can select. Menu items are created using the JMenuItem component. See also checkbox menu item, radio button menu item.
In a restaurant, refers to the dishes available to be ordered from a restaurant's menu.In a database, refers to any individual item having it's own record in the menu item file.