A prefix used to denote a lesser degree, an inferior rank, or a lower position.
Prefix meaning under, near to, or about equal to, e.g. sublateral. [drawing
A prefix often used to mean nearly, as in subacute, subsessile, etc.
L.: under] • A prefix often used to designate a structure that lies beneath another or is less than another. For example, subcutaneous, subspecies.
prefix meaning “nearly”, “almost”, as in subcylindrical, subparallel, subquadrate; also meaning “below”, “under”, as in subcuticular
below, under; rather, somewhat, almost, nearly
Latin prefix meaning under; also used commonly to mean somewhat or almost (e.g., subequal is synonymous with almost equal).
a prefix applied to many botanical terms meaning more or less, or somewhat; below.
Prefix signifying under, near, almost, or moderately.
(L. sub, under). Denoting muscles that are beneath or inferior to a named structure, e.g., subclavius.
A prefix meaning somewhat or physically below.
under / below submucosa = tissue below mucus membrane
(prefix) Not quite, nearly.
Latin prefix meaning under, almost, or not quite.
Latin prefix meaning "beneath", but sometimes signifying "almost" (e.g., subglobose means "almost globose").
Sub- is a prefix derived from Latin, meaning "under", "below", or "less than". The analogous Greek prefix is "hypo-". Antonym: supra.