An ancient name of England, still retained in poetry.
Albion is a traditional name for England and also a mythical English giant. In Blake, the giant Albion is the country and its inhabitants but is also identified as the fallen personification of all humankind, the Eternal Man. Jerusalem is his emanation and his Daughters are the women of England.
Archaic form of Great Britain ; used in the Chronicles because it's a damn sight shorter.
Poetic name for Britain or England.
archaic name for England or Great Britain; used poetically
Believed to be derived from the Latin word, albus, meaning “white.” It is an old Greco-Celtic name for Britain, still used today in poetic forms. The Latin word Britannia replaced Albion in common usage.
Albion (in Ptolemy Alouion) is the most ancient name of Great Britain, though sometimes used (incorrectly) to refer the United Kingdom or specifically to England.
In the fictional Gundam universe, Universal Century continuity, Albion (MSC-07) is the seventh Pegasus-class assault carrier, and the first of the Albion subclass. The carrier was first designed by Shoji Kawamori and was eventually refined by Mika Akitaka. Albion's debut came in the 1991—1992 OVA Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, and was featured in the 1992 movie follow-up Last Blitz of Zeon.
In the complex mythology of William Blake, Albion is the primeval man whose fall and division results in the Four Zoas: Urizen, Tharmas, Orc/Luvah, and Los/Urthona. The name derives from the ancient and mythological name of the British Isles (see Albion).
Albion is a fictional world featured in the video game Fable. It is similar to Medieval England, although geographically it better resembles Wales. Albion is a land without a central ruler, being made up of various city-states with lawless stretches of plains and forest in between.
In the fictional world of the Games Workshop's Warhammer, Albion (also the ancient name for Britain) is a little-known island which was the setting for the "Dark Shadows" campaign. New background, rules, models, and scenarios were introduced as a part of the campaign and the final resolution was determined by the results of games played across the world.
Albion is a song by British band Babyshambles, first track on the third single released in relation to the 2005 album Down in Albion. It deals primarily with the concept of Albion, thought of as a mythical England, the landscape and life of which is referred to throughout the song. This idea was central to The Libertines and still is to Babyshambles.
Albion is the name of two fictional characters within the Marvel Comics Universe.