Definitions for "Body Color"
The mixing of opaque white gouache with transparent watercolor; or gouache colors in general.
an opaque water-soluble pigment, also known as gouache. “Watercolor” drawings are usually some combination of transparent pigments (watercolor) and opaque ones. An excellent example of the use of body color is A Woman Seated in Profile, Facing Right, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot. In 1834, the paint manufacturers Winsor and Newton introduced Chinese White, or zinc oxide, which was marketed as a substitute for lead white. Chinese White was used in a layer over the pink paper in Two Peasants, by Camille Pissarro. Renoir used lead white in A Woman Seated by a Lake, though the white has oxidized and is now black.
The color of light transmitted through a gem, as distinguished from key color, the color of refracted light.