Refers to planks placed under a box, crate or piece of machinery to enable the piece to be easily handled by a mechanical lifting device. Battens, or a series of parallel runners, fitted beneath boxes or packages to raise them clear of the floor to permit easy access of forklift blades or other handling equipment.
A wood platform to stack material for shipments and protection (Pallet).
Wooden platform lifted by a fork-lift truck or pallet-jack used to load, stock and transport freight and bulk shipments.
A platform support for a pile of cut sheets.
A portable, horizontal, rigid platform used as a base for assembling, storing, stacking, handling and/or transporting goods as a unit - consisting of a top deck but no bottom deck.
A platform that supports paper.
a low platform mounted on the bottom of equipment for ease of moving, hauling, or storing.
A platform upon which a pile of cut paper sheets is stored and/or shipped.
A pallet or base used to transport and store products.
Shrink rapped palletized cargo.
A low wooden frame used to support heavy objects or groups of materials for easier handling. Usually used as a platform for objects moved by forklift. Also called Pallet.
A wooden contrivance on which ship's boats rest.
A pallet without bottom deckboards or deck.
a pallet of merchandise found in a wholesale warehouse
A wood or plastic pallet on which boxes of printed materials are stacked and secured for shipping.
Wood platform with two runners used for storing or moving material.
A pallet for cut paper stock or folded signatures.
A platform built with a solid wood bottom, for holding stacks of paper not packed in cartons. Paper may be ordered in skids or cartons. When printers are printing a large job, they generally prefer skids to cartons.
(1) A reusable platform support, made of wood, on which sheets of paper are delivered, and on which printed sheets or folded sections are stacked. Also used to ship materials, usually in cartons which have been strapped (banded) to the skid. (2) - A quantity of paper, usually about 3000 lbs., skid-packed.
The employment of 3" x 3-1/2" wooden beams on the under-side of a case to both elevate the case from the ground surface and to provide an ample target for forklift blade beneath the case. Skids are options on any STAR CASE, size permitting.
A pallet used for a pile of cut sheets.
Wooden platform used to support machinery or a collection of objects for easier handling. Also thick wood blocks attached to crates that allow forklift access for easier handling. Also called PALLET
A wooden platform used to stack papers that are not packed in cartons. Fox River and Gilbert papers can be ordered on skids or cartons. For large jobs, printers generally prefer receiving stock on skids.
(1) A wood platform support used to ship materials, usually in cartons which have been stretch wrapped to the skid. (2) A quantity of sheeted paper, weighing about 3000 lbs., skid packed. to top
Shipping and selling unit of approximately 2500 pounds of sheets. Also refers to the wooden platform used as a base for holding and transporting products.
Wooden or plastic platform on which most materials are now shipped. Not usually a full sized pallet, but undersized in height from the ground.
A wooden platform upon which freight is stacked for transportation.
Wooden, reusable platform upon which paper is stored or shipped.
Battens, or a series of parallet runners, fitted beneath boxes or packages to raise them clear of the floor to permit easy access of forklift blades or other handling equipment; often referred to as a "Pallet."
A pallet having no bottom deck
A platform that holds a pile of cut sheets in a printing plant.
Alternate term for pallet.
plank or low platform on which load is supported.