To place in a position for resisting pressure; to hold firmly; as, he braced himself against the crowd.
Diagonal piece timber to add strength and stop the building from racking
Subsidiary timber of a roof, inserted to strengthen the framing. (Wood, Margaret. The English Medieval House, 410)
A rigid device applied outside the body to support or eliminate motion of any of its given segments.
a strengthening piece of metal used to remove weaknesses in the model usually apparent after the first few issues
NOUN: An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.
A splint or supporting structure that is used to support or strengthen an anatomical structure
A slanted support of framing lumber used to stiffen the structure at specific points.
A device that is used to support or hold a particular part of the body in a specific position. It can be used to keep bones rigid during a time of healing, help with movement, correct a deformity or relieve pain.
1) Angled strengthening timber within a flat. 2) Support for scenery (flattage) on stage a. Extendible, hooking into a screw eye on the flat and being weighted to the floor (commonly known as a "Stage Brace") b. French, right-angled non adjustable triangular frame, made from timber, and attached to the flat with pin hinges. Often swung flush to the flat for storage or flying. See also Jack (US for Brace).
A straight piece of wood (metal and other materials are rarely used) that supports a flat.
A device used to support a body part, correct or prevent deformities, or control movement.
An extending rod with attachments to support flats. A French Brace is hinged.
a support that steadies or strengthens something else; "he wore a brace on his knee"
an appliance that corrects dental irregularities
a structural member used to stiffen a framework
support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter's wheel"
a much stronger type of support than a knee guard
a rigid or semi-rigid device that is used for the purpose of supporting a weak or deformed body member or restricting or eliminating motion in a diseased or injured part of the body
A structural support; (v) to strengthen and stiffen a structure to resist loads
A structural member fix at an angle to horizontal or vertical members, e.g. cross-bracing on timber walls.
Angled timber support to strengthen roof structure. If to a rafter, a strut.
A section of a vehicle panel which is usually designed for structural rigidity and safety. Bracing can block or inhibit tool access within a panel; usually doors.
An inclined piece of framing lumber applied to wall or floor to stifled the structure. Often used on walls as temporary bracing until framing has been completed.
A piece of wood or other material used to form a triangle and stiffen, or provide additional support to, some part of a structure.
A piece of framing member or wood subfloor installed at an angle or incline to stiffen the structural members.
a. A leather strap or stay supporting C-springs (q.v.), elbow springs, or standards (q.v.) on a carriage or coach. b. One of a pair of timbers attached to the perch (q.v.) to keep it at right angles to the rear axle in wagons.
Orthodontic appliance used to straighten teeth.
Framing member used to strengthen a part of the structure.
is a piece of wood or other material used to form a triangle and stiffen a part of a structure. It’s often used on walls as a temporary brace until framing has been completed.
Material, such as wood, used to form a triangle which strengthens a part of the structure.
an aid for the support of a joint
(br-ace) Origin[M. E., fr. O. Fr., fr. L. bracchium, arm, fr. G. brachion] An orthopedic appliance that supports or holds in correct position any movable part of the body and that allows motion of the part, in contrast to a splint, which prevents motion of the part. Braces are great devices to set the correct orientation of joints
A rigid connection that holds one scaffold member in a fixed position with respect to another member, or to a building or structure.
A piece of lumber attached to a wall or floor on an angle to help stiffen the structure. Often attached to walls as a temporary support until the framing is complete.
In theater, a brace is a piece of wood or metal used to stabalize a set piece such as a flat. Usually, a brace is painted black to make it less noticeable to the audience. Braces are often used to form a triangle between two perpendicular items (like a vertical flat and a stage.