The lines and wires (rigging) that are used to raise, lower and adjust the sails.
lines which run through pulleys and block and tackle, that are used to adjust the sails and yards and thus steer the ship.
lines which can move, or run, and are used to manage the sails; as opposed to standing rigging, which supports the masts, and does not move in the normal management of a vessel [187.32
All of the lines that are put in motion to sail a vessel.
Lines, blocks, lifting tackle, any part of the rigging that moves and does work.
The adjustable portion of the rigging, used to control sails and equipment.
All lines and gear used to trim and set sails.
Rigging used to manipulate sails, spars, etc. in order to control the movement of the ship. Cf. standing rigging. S-Z
The lines that literally "run" or move about the boat for use in hoisting, lowering, and controlling the sails.
The lines and associated fittings used to adjust and trim the sails, such as halyards, sheets, outhaul, downhaul, cunningham or boom vang.
all movable, adjustable lines that control sails, yards, etc.
Running rigging is the term for the rigging of a sailing vessel that is used for raising, lowering and controlling the sails - as opposed to the standing rigging, which supports the mast and other spars.