Formerly, any small sailing vessel, as a pinnace, fishing smack, etc.; also, a rowing boat; a barge. Now applied poetically to a sailing vessel or boat of any kind.
A three-masted vessel, having her foremast and mainmast square-rigged, and her mizzenmast schooner-rigged.
A sailing ship with at least three masts.
A sailing vessel with at least three masts, with the fore and mainmasts square rigged, and the mizzenmast or aftermast rigged fore-and-aft.
bark i) A sailing ship with the rear mast for-and-aft-rigged and the remaining (usu. two) masts square-rigged, ii) any boat (Middle English from French, probably via Provencal barca from Latin barca ship's boat).
a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts
a sailing vessel with a square-rigged foremast, mainmast and aft-rigged mizzenmast
a small sailing ship or a craft propelled by sails or oars
a three, four or five-masted sailing vessel
a three masted sailing vessel, square rigged on the fore and main masts
a three-masted vessel, squareriecred (n the two foremost masts (the fore and main masts) and fore- and-aft rigged on the mizzen mast
a type of masted sailing ship
a vessel with at least three masts, all of them fully square rigged except for the sternmost one, which is fore-and-aft rigged
Sailing vessel with three or more masts: fore and aft rigged on aftermast, square rigged on all others.
A vessel with three or more masts with square sails on the fore mast and fore and aft sails on the after mast. Generally in the range of 250 - 700 ton capacity.
Model boat used to carry the image of a deity at festival times.
sailing ship with three or more masts and sails; its aftermost mast is rigged in the fore and aft direction, and the other masts are square-rigged
model boat used to carry statues of a deity or mummy at festival times
a sailing ship 14. baron title of nobility
three-masted sailing vessel square rigged on two forward masts
A vessel used by Ancient Egyptians to transfer statues of deities through the Nile in religious ceremonies. Coptic.
A boat in which the gods sailed. The barque of Ra carried a host of deities across the sky each day.
A barque, barc, or bark is a type of sailing vessel.