Originally, a small, sharp-built vessel, with two masts and fore-and-aft rig. Sometimes it carried square topsails on one or both masts and was called a topsail schooner. About 1840, longer vessels with three masts, fore-and-aft rigged, came into use, and since that time vessels with four masts and even with six masts, so rigged, are built. Schooners with more than two masts are designated three-masted schooners, four-masted schooners, etc. See Illustration in Appendix.
a two masted vessel, fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Some schooners had square topsails.
A sailboat with two or more masts in which the mainmast is behind the smaller one or ones
A sailboat whose mainmast is taller than the foremast. (See also: foremast)
A small sea-going fore-and-aft rigged vessel, originally with only two masts, but now often with three or four masts and carrying one or more topsails.
Ship with two or more masts, rigged fore-and-aft.
Naval (1) A sailing vessel normally with two masts, but there have been schooners with up to five masts; it is fore-and-aft rigged on all masts. A Topsail Schooner has a square topsail on the foremast. Of the origin of the name, the old story says that when the first vessel of this type was launched (at Gloucester, Mass., USA, in about 1713) a bystander who was impressed by the way the ship rode the water exclaimed "Oh how she scoons!", to which the builder (Andrew Robinson) replied "A scooner let her be". The word SCON is used in parts of Scotland to mean making flat stones skim and skip along the surface of water, but there is no evidence that this word was in use in America at that time.
skoow-nurr A fore-and-aft rigged ship with two or more masts, the foremast being smaller than the other masts.
A sailing ship with at least two mast typically fore-and-aft rigged.
a 2 masted vessel, fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Some had square topsails on the foremast or on both topmasts.
sailing vessel used in former times
a boat, and the big white canvas cover over the wagon looked liked a sail
a boat with at least two masts
a fast moving sailing ship, and the wagons looked like ships as they moved across the tall prairie grass
a sailboat (someone had to say it)
a sailing ship whose sail-plan has two or more masts with the forward mast being shorter or the same height as the rear masts
a small sea-going fore-and-aft rigged vessel (versus squared rigged ), originally with only two masts, carrying one or more topsails
a type of sailing ship characterized by the use of fore-and-aft sails on two or more mast s
a vessel of two or more masts, all of which are fore and aft rigged
a vessel rigged with fore-and-aft sails on her two or more masts, and originally carried square topsails on the foremast, though later, were changed to the more advanced jib-headed topsails ( Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea )
a vessel rigged with fore-and-aft sails on her two or more masts, and originally carried square topsails on the foremast, though later, with the advance in rig designs, these were changed to jibheaded or jackyard-topsails
A vessel with two or more masts, with fore and aft sails on both masts, normally less than 150 tons, but some of the triple masted schooners built on P.E.I. in the 1880's exceeded 700 tons.
one type of ship with two or more masts and sets of sails
First seen among 19th-century ships. It is multimasted and furls triangular sails. The foremost mast is always shorter than the others.
a sailboat that generally has two masts (through some have had up to seven). The mainmast is aft of a smaller foremast, and the sails are either jub-headed or gaff-headed.
Generally, a ship with two or more fore-and-aft-rigged masts, the mainmast being taller than the foremast.
a sailing ship with two or more masts
A large sailboat with two or more masts where the foremast is shorter than aft mainmast.
a ship with two or more masts, with fore and aft-rigging
Ships , Rigging Secure Rigging , Expressions Ship Ships , Rigging , Expressions Shroud Rigging , Parts
A sailboat with a fully stocked liquor cabinet in the cabin.
sailboat with two or more masts. The aft mast is the same size as or larger than the forward one(s).
A sailing vessel of whatever size fitted with two or more masts carrying fore and aft sails. When fitted with two masts, the forward mast may be shorter than the other.
Ships , Rigging Scrimshaw Life aboard