A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.
high quality grape brandy distilled in the Cognac district of France
Brandy made in the Cognac region of France to certain specifications.
The 'groot krokodil' of all brandies, produced in Congac, to the North of Bordeaux.
Dry spirit distilled from wine and, strictly speaking, produced in the Cognac region of France. Other good-quality dry wine-based brandies may be substituted.
( cone-yack) is brandy distilled from wine in the Cognac region of France. Thus, all cognac is brandy but not all brandy is cognac.
A type of brandy that is produced only in the Cognac region of western France and is universally recognized as the finest and most elegant liqueur in the world. Not a drop of any other wine or brandy is ever allowed to enter a bottle of Cognac. The Cognac region is divided into six districts, with the Cognac of Grand Champagne considered the best. Cognac is coded on the label by the following letters: V (very), S (superior), O (old), P (pale), E (extra or especial), F (fine), X (extra). French law states that Cognac with 3 stars be aged at least 1Â1/2 years old to be rated VS & 4 years to be rated VSOP (althought 7-10 years is pretty common). By french law the words Extra, Napolean, Reserve and Vieille may not appear on the label unless the cognac has been aged at least 5Â1/2 years.
Brandy From the region of Cognac,France distilled from grapes grown in Charente district
the world's best-known and most highly regarded brandy. Distilled from grapes, true Cognac originates only in the Cognac region of west-central France.
High-quality brandy-producing area of France.
The finest of all Brandies aged in oak vats for a minimum of 3 years.
A premium brandy produced only in a 150,000 acre area surrounding the city of Cognac in southwest France.
A fine brandy from the Cognac region of France. Various grades, such as VSOP and XO indicate how long the product as aged.
A type of brandy produced only in the Cognac region of France. Suberb brandy of France, made only from grapes grown in the cognac region of France
A brandy from the specifically delimited region of Cognac in France. Cognac is always blended, double distilled and oak aged. VS is aged a minimum of 3 years; VSOP, VO, and Reserve are aged a minimum of 41/2 years; Vielle Reserve, Extra, and Napolean are aged a minimum of 61/2 years; XO, Antique, and Centaur are a category of old blends with no legal minimum but with an average of over 30 years. Serve cognac in a large-bowled snifter after dinner.
French Brandy that is only produced in the Cognac region of France.
Cognac, named after the town of Cognac in France, is a brandy, which is produced in the region surrounding the town. It must be made from at least 90% Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche, or Colombard grapes. The rest of the cognac can consist of ten selected grapes.